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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ P ] / Put him here

Put him here Çeviri İspanyolca

506 parallel translation
Something's happened to Tommy, Doctor. Put him here.
- Le ha ocurrido algo a Tommy.
After all, it was the Bishop himself did put him here.
Después de todo, fue el propio obispo quien le puso ahí.
Put him here!
¡ Dejadlo aquí!
I've put him here so he won't run away.
Lo he sentado aquí para que no huya.
- We put him here to isolate.
- Lo pusimos aquí para aislarlo.
- Let's put him here.
- Pongámoslo aquí.
That would have put him here before dark.
Estaría aquí antes de anochecer.
Put him here! Yes!
Ponlo aquí.
Put him over here.
Póngalo aquí.
- Put him over here on the -
- Póngale aquí en...
I put this here, dear, so that you'd see I was willing to hand him over to you.
Puse esto aquí, querida, para que vieras que estaba dispuesta a entregártelo.
That's his room in there but we put him in here because it's warmer.
Esa es su habitación,... pero le pusimos aquí porque es más cálido.
I want to bring up him to go back Hello Put the child here
Ohumi, está muy enfermo.
Put him in the room till Frank Buck gets here.
Que espere en la habitación hasta que Ilegue Frank.
Why not? You've got something here would put him out of business.
Usted tiene algo que le haría quebrar.
Put him down here on the trunk.
Vamos a sentarlo en el baúl.
Here, put him in my pitch.
Toma. Ponlo en mi lugar.
I put it to you, Mr Fenwick, that you were determined to do anything you could to revenge yourself upon him and that's why you're here today.
Seré directo, Sr. Fenwick : Ud. estaba determinado a hacer lo que fuera para vengarse, y por eso es que está Ud. aquí hoy.
What put him in here this time?
¿ Quién le ha puesto aquí esta vez?
The French authorities may find a reason to put him in concentration camp here.
Las autoridades lo podrían encarcelar aquí.
When Sloss gets here, put him in my office and see that nobody gets to him.
- ¿ Sí? Cuando Sloss llegue le metes en mi despacho y que nadie le vea.
Put him down here, boys.
Tumbadle ahí, muchachos.
Mr. Sloan, Judge Crothers is here. I put him in the den.
Señor, el Juez Crothers llegó, lo hice pasar al despacho.
Where can we put him? Here, ah? !
Métete ahí.
Honestly, I think we should get him out of here and put him away.
Honestamente, creo que deberíamos llevárnoslo y sacrificarlo.
Then I'd bring him in here, make some small talk to put him at his ease, probably offer him a drink,
Después, lo traería hasta aquí, charlaría un poco con él para que se relajara y probablemente le ofrecería una copa.
Put him right here
Ponedlo aquí.
Don't you realize you'd never be safe Not until we know who is, not until we find him Not until we put him right here in your place, on this bunk, in this cell
Solo estarás a salvo cuando demos con el asesino y lo metamos aquí en esta misma celda.
Stand here. Miss Smith, give him the dime. You put the fare in the box for her.
Ahora déle la moneda, y métala usted en la caja.
How come the put him in here with us generals?
¿ Por qué te han puesto con los generales?
No no no. Don't say a word to him or a put a hand on him till starts back here.
No lo atrapes hasta que Murchison se dirija hacia acá.
Last night, you put on Paine's coat and hat and carried his bag out of here at 1 : 10, after you'd killed him and stuck his body away somewhere.
Anoche se puso el sombrero y la gabardina de Paine y sacó su maleta a las 01 : 10. Después de matarle y esconder su cuerpo en alguna parte.
I put it here if I see him again I'll sort him out!
Lo dejo aquí. ¡ Si se pone a tiro, va a ver!
We put you out here to keep an eye on him.
Te encargamos que le vigilaras.
Put him down here.
Bájalo ahí.
Put him right over here.
Pónganle aquí encima.
His master brought him here and said, "Put him to sleep."
Su dueño lo trajo y dijo "Póngalo a dormir".
Surely you're not serious in wishing to put him up here?
Señor Pitt, no creo que se os ocurra en serio introducirlo aquí.
We'll put him over here.
Lo pondremos aquí.
Whoever he was, and for whatever reasons he came here, hearing the real love of these people, they put their faith in him just as I did and he didn't fail them.
Quienquiera que fuera y los motivos que tuvo para venir se ganó el amor de esta gente. Pusieron su fe en él, tal y como yo hice, y no les falló.
You take any one of them, say even Frank Thurlowe Pulver here put him into a B-29 over in Japan and do you know what you'd have?
Toma a cualquiera de ellos, incluso a Frank Thurlowe Pulver ponlo en un B-29 sobre Japón y ¿ sabes lo que obtienes?
Put him in the car, you wait for me, I'm not done here yet.
Al coche, y usted espéreme, no he terminado. Venga.
My father put me in this house when I first came here, and when he left me, he said to your husband, "make a man out of him".
Mi padre me trajo a esta casa y al marcharse le dijo a su marido, "procura hacerle un hombre".
If I can't put up with him, I'll come back here.
Si no puedo aguantarlo, volveré aquí.
I can't put my finger on it, but if one came in here right now I'd know him in a minute.
No sé por qué, pero si entrara uno ahora, lo reconocería al minuto.
Put him down here.
Póngalo aquí.
Da un alerta sobre él y yo lo buscaré desde aquí.
Slowly, put him down here.
Es culpa tuya. Despacio. ¡ Échese aquí!
I don't suppose that Mr. Carter even knows the name of the man who sent him here to put an end to Phastkleaners for the good of Nucleaners.
Supongo que ni el Sr. Carter sabe el nombre del hombre... que le envió para acabar... con Phastkleaners en favor de Nucleaners. ¿ Qué ocurre?
If you stay here, you can put him out to stud.
Si te quedas aquí, lo puedes tener como semental.
Put him out, and never let him come in here again!
Sácalo fuera de la villa y nunca más lo dejes entrar.

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