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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ P ] / Put him down

Put him down Çeviri İspanyolca

1,513 parallel translation
Oh, that's really sweet, but we just put him down for a nap.
Ah, eres muy amable, pero lo hemos puesto a dormir.
He didn't sleep well last night so you might wanna put him down early for his morning nap.
Esta noche no ha dormido demasiado bien quizá deberías acostarle dentro de un rato.
I had to protect her, had to... .. put him down.
Tuve que protegerla, tenía que... sacarlo de ahí...
If he killed somebody, we're going to have to put him down.
Si él mató a alguien, tenemos que sacrificarlo.
- You're going to put him down?
- ¿ Van a sacrificarlo?
That it would cost to put him down. And then the burial fees and handling,
¿ Hay alguien dentro de ese freezer?
And I had to- - I had to put him down.
Cuando un cuerpo viene a la morgue, esta completamente cubierto por mantas excepto por sus pies.
I'm gonna put him down for you, sir.
No, no, no, no, no. Yo estaba ahí dentro.
Put him down!
- ¡ Estoy bailando!
Can you put him down please?
¿ Puede bajarlo, por favor?
Put him down.
Put him down!
- ¡ Noquéalo!
Put him down. Down, down.
Recuéstenlo, recuéstenlo, recuéstenlo.
Put him down there.
Pónganlo ahí.
The chem the junk must've been cut with put him down.
Los químicos que le pusieron le provocaron el coma.
Healed just enough to walk around for a few more years before I finally put him down.
Sanó lo suficiente para que caminara unos años antes de que lo durmiera.
After five days, if no one's claimed the dog, then we have to put him down.
lo tenemos que sacrificar.
You can put him down.
Puedes ponerlo en el suelo.
C'mon, Paddy, put him down!
¡ Vamos, irlandés, noquéalo!
Put him down!
- ¡ Bájalo! - ¡ Claro!
Put him down up here.
Túmbalo ahí.
- Time to put him down!
- ¡ Hora de sacrificarlo!
- Put him down, goddamn it!
- ¡ Déjelo, maldita sea!
Put him down Aiden, he's trying to help you.
Déjalo en el suelo, Aiden, está intentando ayudarte.
Salt and burn the bones, and put him down.
Encontremos la tumba del tipo salar y prender fuego sus huesos y enterrarlo.
They had to put him down.
Lo tuvieron que sacrificar.
Unfortunately, I know from experience the only way we're going to get him to calm down is to put a Swanson frozen dinner on his lap.
Desafortunadamente, sé por experiencia propia que el único modo en que lograremos que se calme es poniéndole una cena congelada en la falda.
You think he was put on Earth to hear you run him down?
¿ Crees que vino a la tierra para oír tus insultos?
Bundle him up, put some of Leon's remedy down him and take him to the hills.
Envuélvelo bien, dale un poco del remedio de Leon y llévalo a las colinas.
Let's put Styrofoam peanuts down his pants and kick him!
¡ Pongamos bolitas de poliestireno en sus pantalones y pateémoslo!
They knocked down our door, arrested him, interrogated him and then put him in a nuthouse.
Ellos derribaron nuestra puerta, lo arrestaron, lo interrogaron y luego lo metieron en un manicomio.
Vic's trying to get him to put the gun down and come out.
Vic está tratando de que suelte el arma.
Put me down and sat on me, I was like a mosquito to him, it was humiliating!
Me bajo y se sento sobre mi era como un mosquito para el ¡ Fue humillante!
Okay, eric, I talked to my boss down at the radio station, and I told him we were staying in town, and I said that if he wanted to keep me, he would have to put me on the air full-time,
Okay, eric, Hablé con mi jefe en la estacion de radio, y yo le dije que me quedaria en la ciudad, y yo le dije que si quería que me mantuviera, tendría que ponerme en el aire a tiempo completo,
Put him down.
- ¡ Bájalo!
If in a year, Will is still alone, we'll have him put down?
Si Will sigue solo en un año, ¿ Lo podemos invitar?
Mr. Shawn, if you have to hold him down and put the phone on his ear... I need to speak to him.
Sr. Shawn, aunque tenga que sujetarlo y ponerle el teléfono en la oreja... necesito hablar con él.
They wanted to put him on some kind of an antidepressant or something to keep his mood,'cause his moods were so up and down.
Quería que él tomase antidepresivos o algo así... para equilibrar su temperamento porque variaba mucho.
Shut your mouth, bitch! I'll put you down there with him.
Voy a hacer que te pongas ahí con él.
I'm gonna put him down early.
¿ Cómo está Wyatt?
Should we go ahead and put a good fucking hit of dope down him, Doc?
¿ Lo dopamos bien dopado, doc?
Put him down!
¡ Suéltalo! ¡ Darrel!
Bill put him in a headlock till he calmed down. And then he just took off.
Bill le hizo una llave de cabeza hasta que se calmó y luego simplemente se fue.
Now, tell him to put the box down and walk away.
Ahora dígale que suelte la caja y se aleje.
Now, tell him to put it down and walk away.
Ahora dígale que la suelte y alejense.
I gave him enough sedative to put down a rhino.
Le di suficiente sedante como para dormir a un rinoceronte.
- Tell him to put the gun down, this is stupid.
Dile que baje el arma, esto es una estupidez.
You took him down a quiet alley... put two rounds of buckshot in his privates.
Lo llevaste a un callejón tranquilo... y le disparaste en sus partes íntimas.
I was up all night with the crying machine and every time I put him down, he starts up again.
Cada vez que lo suelto, llora.
Wanna put more distance between you turning him down and Baker accepting.
Querrá dejar un tiempo entre su negativa y el sí de Baker.
You might want to just... put him down.
Lo que podrías hacer es... ponerlo a dormir

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