Put those on Çeviri İspanyolca
1,170 parallel translation
Okay, Han, you put those on.
Está bien. Han, hazlo tú.
Would you put those on my bill, please?
- ¿ Me lo apuntas en la cuenta?
- Here, put those on.
- Toma, ponte esto.
Would you put those on?
¿ Te pondrías estos?
So what you do is you exercise... and put those deltoids on.
Lo que uno hace es ponerse a entrenar... para hacer crecer los deltoides.
Boomer, I got an idea. We could make a fortune if we put those girls on the star circuit.
Podríamos hacer una fortuna si pusiéramos a esas chicas en el circuito estelar.
Ever since those boys were put on probation... they've been thumbing their nose at the Iaw.
Pues, desde que esos chicos están en libertad condicional... se han estado burlando de la ley. O sea, de mi autoridad.
Put the flashlight on the floor and those hands on the wheel where I can see them.
La linterna en el suelo y las manos en el volante.
To put on the stage only those who live above the law.
Poner en el banquillo a quienes viven por sobre la ley.
So, what's say we button up the problem forthwith... and put some attention on those overpasses.
¿ Qué les parece si solucionamos el problema de inmediato... y vigilamos los puentes?
But while we're on the subject of manipulation... those 12 citizens downstairs would never have dreamed of forming a vigilante group... unless somebody put the idea into their heads.
Pero ya que hablamos de manipulación... esos 12 ciudadanos que esperan abajo... jamás habrían pensado en formar ese grupo... a menos que alguien les diera la idea.
So let's put some extra attention on those check-cashing businesses.
Prestémosle más atención a los negocios que compran cheques.
They put those things on tape.
Es sólo una grabación.
'You know girls, those Japanese wrestlers'really put on a great show.'
Sabéis, esas luchadoras Japonesas dieron una gran show.
The Grand Dukes told me he's put a curse on the Romanov house. Lies and intrigue! Those snakes around the Dowager Empress...
Los continuos escándalos, las peleas, las mujeres...
Those who want to go in the pool can put on a swimsuit in the changing room.
Los que quieran ir a la pileta... pueden cambiarse en los vestuarios.
I ain't kiddin'ya. I'd go down there and... hold my nose and put a double rubber on my dick... and fuck all those dockside whores down there.
Iría allí, me taparía la nariz, me pondría un par de condones y me follaría a todas esas putas que viven allí.
Put those shelves back on the wall.
Vuelve a poner las estanterías en la pared.
It also took low slip Boxers and he / she had this irritation, for that reason it is for what walked this way, and he / she also stuttered and the strabismus, with those teeth... and he / she always had to put on that cream... it excuses.
También llevaba slip bajo los Boxers y tenía esta irritación, por eso es por lo que andaba así, y además tartamudeaba y el estrabismo, con esos dientes... y siempre tenía que ponerme esa crema... disculpa.
Put those torches on the floor and back off.
Tiren esos lanzallamas al suelo y retrocedan.
Jane, dear, take those and put them on the master's bed.
Jane, querida, toma éstos y ponlos sobre la cama del amo.
Then I would Iike to put on his left hand as many italian images as I can so that if tomorrow he takes a picture of a field or something anonymous this will contain those beauties.
Asi si mañana toma una foto de algun campo o algo anonimo Esto contendrá estas bellezas.
Call Mike, have him recondition the ones we've got now... and we'll put those three new ones on the street tonight.
Llama a Mike, que arregle los que tenemos ahora y pondremos los tres nuevos en la calle esta noche.
You think you could put those together with a... maybe a pipe from the hydraulic system on the brakes... and get us some firepower?
¿ Crees que podrías combinarlas con un tubo del sistema hidráulico de los frenos y hacernos un arma?
Hey, kid. Take those home and put'em on your boots.
Niño, llévate esto a casa y ponlo en tus botas.
Listen... I want those jokers found and put on ice permanently.
Escucha quiero que busques a esos sujetos y los borres del mapa.
If you put a surveillance on every casual suspect, you'd soon run out of those black unmarked cars, wouldn't you, Lieutenant?
Si vigilara a cada sospechoso fortuito se quedaría sin autos negros no identificados, ¿ verdad, teniente?
And then I'm going to put something on you... to keep those horrible flies off you.
despues te voy a poner algo... para sacarte esas moscas de encima.
When you leave, I put on those beautiful clothes you bought me.
Cuando te vas, me pongo esas hermosas ropas que me compraste. Las que me pican.
Come on, take those clothes off and put your robe on.
Venga. Quítese todo y póngase la bata, que va a coger una pulmonía.
It was a hot Minnesota summer... and he had put up one of those little stands on the sidewalk.
Era un verano cálido en Minnesota. Y él habia instalado un puesto en la acera.
We put a hundred-dollar deposit on those clothes.
Dejamos 100 dólares de depósito por esa ropa.
Might want to put those parachutes on.
Será mejor que se pongan los paracaídas.
All those years ago when we'd put him on a horse to lynch him.
Tantos años antes, cuando lo subimos a un caballo para lincharlo. Sí.
And if we get as far as Connecticut, and we like one of those farms maybe we could put a down payment on one.
Y si vamos hasta Connecticut, y nos gusta una de esas granjas quizá podamos dar un pago inicial.
No, I will go to the end which is the furthest end, I'll put my hand on those sacred emeralds.
Nada, iré hasta el fin que está en el extremo, quiero meter mi mano en esas esmeraldas sagradas.
Put out an a.P.B. On a gray road runner and those two kids. concentrate a patrol on the west end.
Alerta a todas las unidades sobre dos chicos en un "Correcaminos" gris hacia el oeste.
I must put some skin lotion on those spots. Yes.
Hay que ponerse un poco de crema en las manchas.
They made me put those things up on every telephone pole and tree for years,
Me obligaron a pegar esas cosas en los postes telefonicos y árboles durante años.
No, you don't put those things on me.
A mí no me pongas esas cosas.
My own mistake was to put some of those ideas on paper.
El error que cometí fue poner por escrito esas ideas.
Don't put those tables together. Come on.
No juntes esas mesas.
They were put with their arms up, like this, so's they had to stand on their toes or those cuffs would cut into their wrists.
Y luego les tuvieron con los brazos en alto, así. Y eso les obligaba a estar de puntillas, si no, las esposas se clavaban en la carne.
And we draw those pictures to put on our clubhouse walls.
Hacemos esos dibujos para Ias paredes.
- You get reef rash if you don't put something on those cuts.
Te saldrá una erupción si no te pones algo. - ¿ Erupción?
Closing down those centres... will put a strain on this company's cash position. In the long run, those cuts are going to hurt this company's innate value.
Cerrar esos centros fatigará la liquidez de esta compañía... y a largo plazo, lastimarán el valor innato de la compañía.
Put a couple hundred thou... on one of those bow-wow stocks you mentioned.
Pon 200 mil en alguna de esas acciones malas que me diste.
WOMAN : Why do you put Those scarves on your microphone stand?
¿ Por qué pones bufandas en el pie de micro?
So let's get into the locker room... put on those gym outfits... and show them that special education... is nothing to laugh about.
Asi que introdúzcanse en los vestuarios... ponganse los uniformes de gimnasia... y demuestrenles que Educacion Especial no es nada para tomar a risa.
You, put those pillows back on the couch where you found'em.
Acomoda los cojines en el sofá.
Knowin'you, you'll make me wanna put those back on you.
Conociéndote, harás que quiera volver a esposarte.
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put those away 25
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put those away 25
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