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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ P ] / Put those away

Put those away Çeviri İspanyolca

255 parallel translation
Put those away.
Guárdalos, ponte a trabajar.
You can put those away now, Lestrade.
Puede olvidarse de ellos, Lestrade.
You better put those away in my chequebook drawer behind the box.
Guarda los guantes en el escritorio detrás de la caja de metal.
- Guarda eso. - Sí, señor.
Put those away.
Put those away.
Guarda eso.
Put those away. We don't need them now.
Estiben esas tallas, ya no hacen falta.
So put those away.
Así que guarde eso.
Put those things away, will you?
Saca esas cosas, ¿ quieres?
Did you wash those teacups and put them away carefully?
¿ Lavaste las tazas de té y las guardaste con cuidado?
Put those toys away.
Guarda esos juguetes.
I say you'd better put away those guns and come with me.
Digo que harías bien en envainar y acompañarme.
Put those toys away, children, and lead me to the king.
Alejad esos juguetes, niños, y llevadme ante el rey.
Here, straighten up this counter. Put those things away.
Arregle el mostrador.
Will you put those things away?
¿ Puedes guardar esas cosas?
Put those tools away until they're needed.
Ponga las herramientas lejos hasta que sean requeridas.
Put those things away.
Guarden esas cosas.
Put those guns away.
Bajad las armas.
Put away those popguns and take me to the king.
Aparte a esos tirabalas y llévame ante el rey.
- Put those guns away.
- Guarda esas armas.
Honey, you remember those cigars I got put away?
Cariño, ¿ recuerdas esos cigarros que guardé?
Those I have, I've put away.
Esos me los tengo guardados.
Now put those guns away, and let's get down to business.
Deja esas armas y hablemos de negocios.
Well, then put those accusing eyes away somewhere.
Pues entonces vuelve tus ojos acusadores a otro lado.
Put those papers away before I tear them up.
Aparta esos papeles antes de que los rompa.
Put those suitcases away.
¡ Usted, suba las maletas!
Cover those remains and put them away.
Tapa ese despojo y llévatelo.
Oh, Robert, really. Do put those things away.
Robert, guarda estas cosas.
- Put those chemicals away and go to bed.
- Guarda esas cosas y vete a la cama.
When you've quite finished, please don't forget to put away those things.
Cuando termine, no se olvide de guardar esas cosas, por favor.
Put those cards away. young woman.
Aparte esas cartas, señora.
I suggest you put those in the hotel safe right away.
Sugiero que las ponga en la caja fuerte del hotel ahora mismo.
Put those leeches away!
¡ Quitadle esas sanguijuelas!
Now we'll have a chat, but first, put away those toys. Come on, quick!
Vamos a charlar un rato, pero primero tengo que aligerarte de peso.
Now look, if you've got any sense, you'll throw away those sticks, put your hooks away and walk out of here.
Miren, si tienen algo de cordura, arrojarán esos palos, dejarán sus herramientas de lado y caminarán fuera de aquí.
- Put away those sunflower seeds!
- EI general estuvo aquí.
They'll put those bums away for 50 years.
Quitarán de en medio a esos canallas durante 50 años.
Put away those rubber bands, please.
Guardad esas gomas, por favor.
Those two know enough about us now to put us away for life, we let them talk.
Esos dos saben suficiente para encerrarnos de por vida, si los dejamos hablar.
All right. All right. But please, please, put those guns away.
Sí, sí, pero por favor, por favor, bajen esas armas...
I put those pictures away.
Siempre las guardo aparte.
How many times I got to tell you to put those damn bikes away?
¿ Cuantas veces te he dicho que dejes esas bicicletas?
He's got a transmitter. Damn it, put those guns away.
- ¡ Bajad las armas!
So just put those books away.
Guarda los libros.
Put away those flowers!
¡ Aparta esas flores!
Put those things away.
Quítate eso. - ¿ Por qué?
Can you put those dishes away?
¿ Puede retirar esos platos?
I want those motherfuckers put away for ever.
Quiero a esos cabrones en Ia cárcel para siempre.
Termina esta ficha y guarda aquellas cajas nuevas ;
Those guys are lookin'for any excuse to put us away.
Esos tíos buscan cualquier excusa para encerrarnos.
I'll put those sweets away.
Guardaré los dulces.

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