Really close Çeviri İspanyolca
1,731 parallel translation
I don't know.He's playing it really close to the vest.
No lo sé. Creo que está jugando al despiste.
I liked this other girl that she was with and she and Sam were really close.
Y era cercana a Sam.
I mean, I have a couple of really close girlfriends.
Tengo un par de amigas cercanas.
Looks like you're really close to your hyung.
Parece que eres realmente cercano a tu Hyung.
They were really close.
Estaban muy cerca.
I need you to step in and really close the deal on him.
Necesito que hables con él, y cierres el trato.
We are really close.
Somos muy cercanas.
You all seem really close.
Ustedes parecen muy cercanos.
They sounded really close during the night.
Sonaban muy cerca durante la noche.
If you look really, really close, if it was,
Si observas muy muy cerca, y si lo fuera...
It's pretty scary being out here when they're really close.
Asusta bastante estar ahí fuera cuando están tan cerca.
I feel really close to him.
Me siento muy cerca de él.
But grace and i are really close.
Pero Grace y yo somos muy íntimos.
We were really close.
nosotros estabamos realmente unidos.
This is gonna be really close.
Va a estar muy reñido.
I can't bear eating really close to strangers, especially if I am on a date with a colonic therapist.
No puedo estar comiendo muy cerca de extraños especialmente si estoy en una cita con mi terapeuta del colon.
There's two marks, actually, and they're really close together.
Hay dos marcas, la verdad es que están bastante cerca.
It must have been pretty hard for her to have to keep all those secrets from her friends, her really close friends...
Debe ser díficil, esconder algo a los amigos Para amigos muy próximos
Willem was getting really close to this big job at NASA, but he was up against this other astronaut, this guy Joey.
Willem estaba muy cerca de conseguir este gran trabajo en la NASA, pero competía contra este otro astronauta, este chico Joey.
Getting really, really close. - Why are you doing this? - Because that's- -
... que competirá hacia la línea de meta por un millón de dólares.
We're really close to Harry now.
Estamos muy cerca de Harry.
Dad, you're really close to ruining gay for me.
Papá, estás muy cerca de arruinarme el ser gay.
We used to be really close, and you used to call me a lot.
Solíamos ser tan cercanos, y ustedes me llamaban a cada rato.
Hey, you guys were really close to signing Derek McDaniel, right?
Oye, estuvieron a punto de contratar a Derek McDaniel, ¿ no es así?
We've gone really low, and really close.
Hemos acabado muy abajo y muy cerca.
They're really close, aren't they?
Están muy unidas, ¿ verdad?
Just always stay calm and if one of them walks by really close... - Yeah. just ignore them.
así que siempre permanezcan, mantengan la calma y si uno de ellos pasa muy cerca, sólo ignórenlos.
It sounds like it's getting really close.
Suena como si estuviera acercándose mucho.
We were really close, but an interruption occurred...
abamos tan cerca, pero hubo una interrupcion...
It wasn't until the day we went to Vice Director's house for dinner, after Hyun Joon had joined that we got really close. That day... It's because that day we had our first kiss.
No fue hasta el día que fui a cenar a la casa del Vicepresidente... después que Hyun Joon se nos uniera, que nos volvimos realmente cercanos.
It wasn't until the day we went to Vice Director's house for dinner after Hyun Joon had joined that we got really close. That day... It's because that day we had our first kiss.
No fue hasta el día que fui a cenar a la casa del Vicepresidente... después que Hyun Joon se nos uniera, que nos volvimos realmente cercanos.
Someone really close to me.
alguien muy cercano a mi :
You have to get really close to see it, though.
Te tienes que acercar más para que lo puedas ver.
Well, it's almost like you showed this model to somebody and they built a copy of it, but it's like they did it by memory, because it's... it's almost right until you look really close.
Es casi como si le hubieran mostrado este modelo a alguien y construyeron una copia, pero lo hicieron de memoria, porque está... está casi correcto hasta que lo examinas de cerca.
Well, I was just thinking we don't really want the ice to close up while we're underneath it.
Bueno, justo estaba pensando que realmente no quisiera que el hielo se cerrara mientras estamos debajo.
What really matters is you're close to him.
Lo que realmente tiene importancia Es usted está próximo a él.
It can really make you crazy when you doubt whether the people close to you really care about you.
Puede enloquecerte al dudar si las personas a tu alrededor realmente se preocupan por ti.
You may want to wait for my door to close. ( door closes ) We're not really gonna go to the North Pole with him, are we?
Pueden esperar a que cierre mi puerta. ¿ No iremos realmente al Polo Norte con él, o sí?
You just look really weird up close.
Disculpa. Es que eres muy extraña ¡ de verdad! ok, ok.
- Up close, you're really tall.
De cerca, eres muy alto. Sí.
That, uh... that when a Peridax gets scared, it releases a spray like a skunk, just... uh, really toxic in close quarters, you know?
Que, uh... Que cuando un peridax se asusta, libera un spray como un zorrillo, sólo que... Uh, es realmente tóxico estando cerca de él, ¿ sabes?
Amy and I just were never really that close. And Ashley, I hardly even know Ashley.
Amy y yo nunca fuimos muy cercanos y Ashley, yo... apenas la conozco a la Ashley.
I really... Just being in your house and this close to you is, like...
El solo echo de estar en su casa tan cerca de ti, es como,
but they're the kind of stories that people who really make decisions know how to look for- - and then how to connect them, how to place the dots close enough together so that they can be connected.
Aprendes a conectarlas a unir los puntos lo suficiente para que puedan conectarse.
That was really close.
Estuvo realmente cerca.
I knew you guys were close, But I didn't realize how close you really were.
Sabía que erais íntimos, pero no sabía cómo de íntimos.
Yeah, well, you know, I wasn't very close to him and I didn't really know him that well.
- Sí, sabes, no éramos muy cercanos, y realmente no lo conocí bien.
this is my chance to really get in good with Surfefla and really get close to the family and then I'll really be a Skwigelfyou know making love to Surfetta.
Está es mi oportunidad de que las cosas mejoren con Surfetta y acercarme a la familia y así ser finalmente un Skwigelf... Hacer el amor con Surfetta.
And not until you get, till they come really in close and when they're by the camera, then you tend to question your faith in our friends with the sticks.
Y no es hasta que se acercan bastante y cuando están por la cámara que cuestionas tu fe en nuestros amigos de las varas.
These whales can weigh up to 40 tons and things are moving surprisingly quickly, so as well as getting the camera in position to get the shots, which they have to be fairly close, we have to be really careful that they don't get bumped or hit.
Estas ballenas pueden pesar hasta 40 ton y están nadando sorprendentemente rápido, así que además de poner la cámara en posición para realizar las tomas, para lo cual tienen que estar bastante cerca, tenemos que tener mucho cuidado de que no los choquen o los golpeen.
When what you really wanted was to get close to Gates.
Cuando lo que realmente querías era acercarte a Gates.
closet 47
close 700
closed 242
closer 395
closes 126
closets 45
closely 21
close the window 34
close your mouth 50
close your eyes 1096
close 700
closed 242
closer 395
closes 126
closets 45
closely 21
close the window 34
close your mouth 50
close your eyes 1096
close one 17
close enough 217
close the door behind you 29
close the gate 44
close range 54
close the door 763
close friends 22
close the gates 31
close it 165
close the doors 37
close enough 217
close the door behind you 29
close the gate 44
close range 54
close the door 763
close friends 22
close the gates 31
close it 165
close the doors 37