Close friend Çeviri İspanyolca
1,130 parallel translation
Pleased, yet saddened too. You've lost a close friend in Mr Dubaye while we've lost an irreplaceable companion.
Siento que haya perdido a un gran amigo y compañero.
Yes, a close friend of the late general.
Sí, el amigo primerísimo del difunto general.
It's just that I was a very close friend of Dominique's, But our wives didn't get along. It happens.
Sólo que yo era muy amigo de Dominique, pero nuestras mujeres no simpatizaron.
A close friend of Lady Tunova, a scientist, a philanthropist?
¿ Un amigo íntimo de la Sra. Tunova, un científico, un filantropista?
I'm a close friend of old man Sternwood.
Soy muy amigo del viejo Sternwood.
- I'm sorry. Was he a close friend?
- Lo lamento. ¿ Era un buen amigo?
[Dr. Hughes] Well, Mr. Erskine, a patient of mine is a close friend of yours, and you have something to tell me concerning her condition?
Bien, Sr. Erskine, una paciente mia es una amiga cercana suya, y Ud. tiene algo que decirme acerca de su condicion?
We have a very close friend, Connie.
Tenemos una amiga íntima, Connie.
General Del Marco,... participant in the campaign to Rome,... close friend of Duce,... hero of Ethiopia,... hero from 3 wars...
General Del Marco, que participó en la marcha sobre Roma, íntimo amigo del Duce, héroe en Etiopía, héroe en tres guerras,
See, Muybridge was an english immigrant, photographer, and close friend of the governor of California, who in 1872 asked him if he'd use his camera to settle a bet he had.
Verán, Muybridge era un inmigrante inglés, fotógrafo, y amigo cercano del gobernador de California, que en 1872 le preguntó si podía usar su cámara para resolver una apuesta.
This attitude by Romualdo, young and attractive, has unleashed the the jealousy of Patricia, sister of Esteban, close friend of Romualdos,... the youngest son of the Vidal del Cerro clan, which was related to the lzaguirres, yes, the ones who used to own land in Baradero.
Esta actitud de Romualdo, joven y atractivo, ha desencadenado los celos de Patricia, hermana de Esteban, íntimo amigo de Romualdo, el menor de los Vidal del Cerro, que estaban emparentados con los lzaguirre, sí, que supieron tener campos en Baradero.
Then you will tell the tribunal what your very close friend said after Ortega left for his dressing quarters.
Entonces le dirá al tribunal lo que su amigo muy íntimo le dijo luego de que Ortega se fuera hacia su vestuario.
Ambassador Warwick is a close friend of yours, is he not?
El embajador Warwick es amigo íntimo suyo, ¿ no?
He's a close friend and advisor of Benjamin Rand.
Es amigo íntimo y asesor de Benjamin Rand.
You've become quite a close friend of Eve's, haven't you Chance?
Te has hecho muy amigo de Eve, ¿ verdad, Chance?
Our sadly lamented crewmen and your close friend.
A tristeza lamentó tripulantes y su amigo cercano.
More than one of them was a close friend of mine.
Muchos de ellos eran mis amigos.
He seemed like a real nice guy, but he wasn't a close friend.
Parecía un buen tipo, pero no éramos amigos.
Christiaan was the son of Constantin Huygens. The elder Huygens distinguished himself as a master diplomat of the age, a man of letters a close friend and translator of the English poet, John Donne.
Era hijo de Constantin Huygens quien a su vez, se distinguía como experto diplomático, literato y amigo y traductor del poeta inglés John Donne.
- You're talking about a close friend!
- ¡ Estás hablando de robo!
I am a General Commander in Rome, a close friend of Napoleon's and I'll put you in jail for resistance to an officer of the Pope.
Y yo soy el General Comandante francés de la ciudad de Roma. Amigo íntimo de Napoleón... que te detiene por resistencia a la patrulla pontificia.
At one time he'd been a very close friend of mine... as well as my most valued colleague in the theater.
Había sido un buen amigo... y mi compañero de tablas más admirado.
Close friend.
Amigo íntimo.
You need a close friend.
Necesitas un amigo íntimo.
Well, I have a close friend who is a clinical psychologist.
Bueno, tengo un amigo cercano quien es un psicólogo clínico.
By all accounts George was a close friend, a trusted colleague... and a vital part of Ratooi.
A decir de todos, George era un buen amigo un colega leal y una parte vital de Ratooi.
Have you ever been separated from a close friend in a crowded room?
Estando separados de un amigo íntimo...
I am a close friend of your grandmother.
Soy muy amigo de tu abuela.
Being a very close friend, I'm surprised you don't know that every Wednesday at this time, Mr. CasseII has his hair cut, and he never sees anyone including his very close friends.
Siendo un amigo íntimo, me sorprende que no sepa que todos los miércoles... a esta hora, el Sr. Cassell va a cortarse el pelo y nunca ve a nadie, incluyendo a sus amigos íntimos.
Are you a close friend of Danton's?
¿ Es amigo íntimo de Georges Danton?
However the certain party who is stealing the guns was once a close friend of mine.
Sin embargo, el individuo involucrado en los hechos... solía ser un buen amigo mío.
Is he a close friend of yours?
Son muy amigos?
No. He's not a close friend, no.
No mucho.
I think I should... I think I should warn you, the mayor is a very close friend of mine.
Creo que debería... creo que debo advertirte, el alcalde es un amigo muy cercano de la mía.
my close friend... "
Mi mejor amigo por allá...
Era un amigo íntimo de su hermano.
I'm a close friend of Mike's.
Soy amigo de Mike.
And he always talks of you as his very close friend.
Siempre habla de usted como su mejor amigo.
Kelly is a client and a very close friend.
Kelly es una clienta y muy buena amiga.
[Claude] Giuseppe, I have a friend, a very close friend, who has this problem.
Giuseppe, tengo un amigo, un amigo muy cercano que tiene este problema...
Madeline LaMotte, a close friend of the family.
Madeline LaMotte, una buena amiga de la familia. Qué extraño.
Was he a close friend?
¿ Era un amigo íntimo?
My friend is close to death, and we need to get him in the water.
Mi amigo está agonizando y tenemos que meterle en el agua.
I understand she's a close personal friend.
Entiendo que ella es una amiga Muy cercana.
He wasn't just a campaign manager, he was a--a very close personal friend!
No era sólo un jefe de campaña, él era ¡ mi amigo personal!
I'm sort of a close personal friend of Robin Masters, you know.
Soy un amigo íntimo de Robin Masters.
As his agent, his bailiff, his notary his one-time friend, the close though not close enough confidant of his wife. I would have thought you would be the best person to answer that.
En calidad de administrador, intendente, notario, antiguo amigo, confidente cercano - y diría más - de su mujer parecéis vos el más cualificado para responder.
And you are a close personal friend of mine. Yeah.
Y eres una amiga personal íntima mía.
Sam's a very close personal friend.
Sam es un amigo personal muy cercano.
Duchess of blah, blah, blah, close friend of Bastiano Chevalo.
¡ Amiga íntima de Juan Bastiano!
The gentleman I was dining with is a close family friend.
El hombre que me acompañaba es un amigo de la familia.
close friends 22
friends 2160
friend 1938
friendly 281
friendship 155
friends with benefits 24
friends forever 21
friends and family 37
friendly fire 24
friends of yours 55
friends 2160
friend 1938
friendly 281
friendship 155
friends with benefits 24
friends forever 21
friends and family 37
friendly fire 24
friends of yours 55
friends of mine 20
friend or foe 27
friend of a friend 19
friend of mine 37
friend of yours 87
closet 47
close 700
closed 242
closer 395
closes 126
friend or foe 27
friend of a friend 19
friend of mine 37
friend of yours 87
closet 47
close 700
closed 242
closer 395
closes 126
closets 45
closely 21
close the window 34
close your mouth 50
close your eyes 1096
close one 17
close enough 217
close the gate 44
close the door behind you 29
close range 54
closely 21
close the window 34
close your mouth 50
close your eyes 1096
close one 17
close enough 217
close the gate 44
close the door behind you 29
close range 54