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So were we Çeviri İspanyolca

8,713 parallel translation
So we all agreed, when you were gone, we were all terrified.
Entonces estamos todos de acuerdo, cuando te vayas, estaremos todos acojonados.
So we were told you know something about a break-up Emma had before she died?
¿ Nos dijeron que sabías algo sobre una ruptura que tuvo Emma antes de morir?
We were on a big, beautiful cruise ship, and, uh... so, um...
Estuvimos en un crucero precioso y enorme y... entonces...
Victoria, Melanie and I were talking, and since your father has so little time left, we think you should spend it together.
Victoria, Melanie y yo estuvimos hablando, y ya que tu padre tiene poco tiempo, creemos que deberían pasarlo juntos.
I mean, you were so depressed, and we want to party with you, man.
Estabas tan deprimido, y queríamos ir de fiesta contigo, tío.
We were under the gun, so...
Estábamos con el agua al cuello.
That's why I felt so much stronger when we were together.
Por eso me siento mucho más fuerte cuando estamos juntas.
So, um, uh, it's been a while since we were all in my restaurant with all those bikers.
Ha pasado un tiempo desde que estuvimos todos en mi restaurante - con todos esos motoristas.
We're going horseback riding? You said when you were little, you wish you'd lived on a farm, so... ( Both laughing ) Yes, Ma'am.
Sí, señora.
We've got another three hours or so before they finish repairs on the ship and some of us were thinking of heading into the station to catch a movie.
Aún nos quedan más o menos tres horas antes de... que terminen las reparaciones de la nave barco... y algunos de nosotros estábamos pensando... ir a la estación a ver una película.
These, uh, these were a little bit trickier so we'll probably have to break into them at some point.
Esas son un poco grandes así que probablemente las tengamos que abrir en algun momento.
That's why we were so happy when she met Chad, you know?
Por eso estábamos tan felices cuando conoció a Chad, ¿ sabéis?
If you're gonna be a pain about it, I guess we could open it up to presidents who were almost assassinated, so you can either be Betty Ford- - which means you'll have to get wasted and stay wasted all night- - or you can be alleged Hollywood mattress Nancy Reagan.
Si vas a quejarte de esto, supongo que podríamos estar abiertas a los presidentes que casi fueron asesinados, así puedes ser Betty Ford... lo que significa que tendrás que emborracharte y estar borracha toda la noche... o puedes ser
So instead of strutting across campus in a beautiful diamond formation, we were forced to strut across campus in a triad formation, like a bunch of hobos, because Number Two didn't think she should have to walk behind me.
Así que en vez de lucir palmito por el campus formando cual diamante precioso, teníamos que ir como si fuéramos una triada, como un par de vagabundos, porque Número Dos no creía que tuviera que caminar detrás de mí.
Grace, we-we were so young.
Grace, nosotros... Éramos tan jóvenes.
So you're saying if he knew about the tunnel, then he could've snuck into the house the night we were all locked in.
Así que estás diciendo que si sabía lo del túnel, pudo haberse metido en la casa la noche en la que nos encerraron.
So, Agent McGee and I were searching your apartment, and we found your makeshift drug lab, along with hundreds of vials of morphine and fentanyl, just... like this.
El agente McGee y yo registramos tu apartamento... encontramos tu laboratorio de fabricación de drogas... junto con cientos de viales de morfina y fentanil... como... estos.
We really were so happy for you.
Realmente nos alegrábamos por ustedes.
Last night, my friend Andy and I, we went to go get Cronuts, and I said that they were so amazing, I wanted to marry one, so I posted it on Facebook as a joke.
Anoche, mi amigo Andy y yo fuimos a comprar unos pastelitos y dije que estaban tan buenos que me quería casar con uno, así que lo puse en Facebook en plan broma.
I thought we were here to discuss the destruction of the city that you claim to love so well and the massacre of your people.
Creí que estábamos aquí para discutir la destrucción de la ciudad que afirmas amar tanto y la masacre de tu pueblo.
Well, we were hoping that you'd be so into her that you'd just let it go.
Bueno, esperábamos que te gustara tanto que lo dejarías ir.
# We were so turned on... #
# Estábamos tan encandilados... #
So we were just creating more enemies for ourselves.
Así que estábamos creando más enemigos para nosotros mismos.
So what you're saying is that the... what we thought were the Taliban was actually an allergic reaction to us turning up into the middle of a complex civil war?
Entonces, lo que está diciendo es que... ¿ que lo que pensábamos era que los talibanes eran en realidad una reacción alérgica para nosotros apareciendo en medio de una compleja guerra civil?
My dad took off when we were kids, so...
Mi padre se largó cuando éramos niños, así que...
I thought we were being so careful.
Pensé que éramos cuidadosos.
What if we were once a team of villains so strong, the Squadron tried to wipe us from reality?
¿ Y si alguna vez fuimos un equipo de villanos tan fuerte, que el Escuadrón trató borrarnos de la realidad?
What took you so long to answer the door? I thought we were going to freeze out there.
Hace mucho frío. ¿ Qué estabas haciendo en lugar de abrir la puerta?
- When we were back in high school... why did you want to go on that quiz show so badly?
¿ Por qué deseabas tanto ir al programa de concurso en la preparatoria?
So it's agreed, we won't tell the police that you were the shooter, and you will keep your mouth closed about Elka and the mayor's relationship.
Está decidido, no le diremos a la policía que tú eras la que disparó, y mantendrás tu boca cerrada sobre la relación de Elka y el alcalde.
So we could find out if you were named beneficiaries.
Para poder saber si fuisteis nombradas como beneficiarias.
So, we were off to the robotics exhibit. Operation infiltration was on.
La operación infiltración estaba en marcha.
We said we were going to be open and honest and do things differently, so I have to trust that you would tell me if it meant something.
Dijimos que íbamos a ser abiertos y honestos y hacer las cosas de manera diferente, así que tengo que confiar que usted me dirá si eso significa algo.
So, what do we know about the NSA tip that they were following up on?
¿ Qué sabemos de la pista de la NSA que estaban siguiendo?
So, when we said that we... liked them, we actually meant... we were...
Bueno, cuando te dijimos que... nos gustaban, en realidad... queríamos decir que...
So we went to the White House, and we were able to get our hands on many of the Presidential files and directives.
Entonces fuimos a la Casa Blanca, y pudimos tener en nuestras manos... muchos de los archivos presidenciales y directivas.
Yeah, we were gonna do Neverending Story, but then we couldn't decide on who's gonna be Atreyu or who's gonna Bastian, so we went with Princess Bride.
Sí, íbamos a hacer La historia interminable, pero no nos poníamos de acuerdo en quien iba a ser Atreyu y quien Bastian, así que nos decantamos por La princesa prometida.
So, yeah, he was paid $ 7,000, and he told me that we were paid $ 700, and he wrote me a check for $ 350.
Sí, a él le pagaron 7000 dólares, y él me dijo que nos pagaron 700, y me giró un cheque por 350.
I mean, we were all part of what happened to Juliette, so...
Quiero decir, todos formamos parte de lo que le ocurrió a Juliette, así es que...
- So, here's what's going on... we were doing some weapons familiarization.
- Lo que ha pasado es que estábamos familiarizándonos con las armas.
And you're not on fire, so we were both expecting something different.
Y no estás en llamas, así que ambos esperábamos algo distinto.
Full James May spec - brown, brown interior, brown carpet, brown dashboard - so that if there's a trouser accident with the patient you don't see it, and the whole point is, we were told to get a fast ambulance,
Completa de especificaciones James May - marrón, marrón interior, alfombra marrón, salpicadero marrón - de modo que si hay un pantalón accidente con el paciente usted no lo ve, y el punto es, estábamos dijo a conseguir una ambulancia de rápido,
So what we were wondering is, how fast do you actually have to be going before you need 315 feet to stop?
Entonces, ¿ qué nos preguntábamos es decir, la rapidez es lo que realmente tienen que ir antes necesita 315 pies para detenerse?
So at the end, we were a group of 15, 13 people never went on a construction site in their life...
De los 15 que éramos en el grupo... 13 nunca habían trabajado en obras.
So I pulled my sidearm, and before I knew it, we were exchanging shots.
Saqué mi arma, y de la nada, balas iban y venían.
And so we grabbed the other boxes from that room and we were gone in no time flat.
Asi que agarramos las cajas de ese cuarto y nos fuimos tan rapido como pudimos.
We do. So, what kind of cut were you thinking?
Sí. ¿ Qué tipo de corte estaban pensando?
Yes. Now, we've got to get onto cars because you grew up on a farm in Australia, so you, presumably, have been driving since you were naught because it's such a vast area.
Ahora, tenemos que hablar de coches porque tú te criaste en una granja en Australia, así que, seguramente, has estado conduciendo desde que naciste por ser un territorio tan grande.
So we find out why the professor and the mascot were targeted.
Debemos descubrir por qué fueron marcados el profesor y la mascota.
So menacing if we were in medieval Ireland, and I was a simple-minded sod farmer.
Tan amenazador si estuviéramos en la Irlanda medieval, y yo fuera un ingenuo labrador y granjero.
Back then, i was directing a NGO and i had never seen a so scary study But still, we were only a few thousand people to manifest in the street
Yo dirigía una asociación cuando nos conocimos, y nunca había leído un informe tan aterrador.

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