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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / The wedding's off

The wedding's off Çeviri İspanyolca

217 parallel translation
Do you think it's still okay to be hanging that up now that the wedding is off?
¿ Deberíamos usarlo aunque no haya habido boda?
I think I'll speak to her young man about it, tell him it's time to dust off the wedding bells.
Creo que hablaré de ello con su joven, le diré que es hora de desempolvar las campanas de boda.
The engagement's off, the wedding's off!
¡ Ya no hay compromiso ni boda!
The wedding's off.
La boda no se celebrará.
Well, Ruby, it looks like the wedding's been called off, for a while anyway.
Ruby, parece que la boda se ha cancelado, por un rato.
Maybe it's from the same person the reporters mentioned who pulled off that wedding cake stunt.
EI hombre del que hablaban Ios periodistas ¿ es eI mismo que envió el pastel?
If you waste your money on that experiment, the wedding's off!
¡ Si desperdicias tu dinero en ese experimento, la boda se cancela!
Only that the wedding's off.
- La boda no se celebrará.
He's coughing because he ate the shaving cream off the phoney wedding cake.
- No. Está tosiendo por comer crema de afeitar.
I just came from... - What happened? - The wedding's off.
Vengo de- ¿ Qué ha pasado?
The wedding's off.
La boda se suspende.
Jane, the wedding's off.
Jane, la boda se cancela.
Wait, wait! W-What do you mean, the wedding's off?
Espera. ¿ Cómo que la boda se cancela?
I kept thinking you were going to say the wedding's off.
No dejaba de pensar que ibas a decir la boda es off.
The wedding's off.
La boda es off.
I kept thinking you were going to say the wedding's off.
No dejaba de pensar que ibas que decir de la boda.
That's great, man, except... the wedding's been called off.
Eso está muy bien, hombre, salvo... de la boda sido cancelado.
Your wife's friend, Mrs. Rhoades, the one we call "The Tentacle," she lost her wedding ring down my pants during the show last night, and I'm just dropping it off to her.
A la amiga de su mujer, la señora Rhoades, apodada "La Tentáculos" se le cayó la alianza en mis pantalones anoche y he venido a traérsela.
In that case, the wedding's off.
- Sí. Bueno, pues no hay boda.
We need a live rooster to take the curse off Jose's glove... and nobody seems to know what to get Millie or Jimmy... for their wedding present.
Un gallo vivo para quitarle la maldición al guante de José... y nadie sabe qué darle a Jimmy y a Millie de regalo de bodas.
the wedding's off, val!
La boda se cancela, Val.
Elliot's gone off to Buenos Aires to his niece's impromptu, spur-of-the-moment wedding.
Elliot se ha ido a Buenos Aires para la boda de última hora de su sobrina.
The wedding's off!
¡ No habrá boda!
The wedding should be intimate, so that he's not scared off.
La boda debería ser íntima, así no estaría espantado.
The wedding's off.
Se canceló la boda.
I guess the wedding's off.
La boda se cancela.
When a chick wears a wedding ring, it's like a keep off the grass sign or something.
Lo que pasa es que cuando una chica lleva una alianza, es como un cartel de "No pisen la hierba".
Margot's wedding, a symbol of peace and reconciliation, will be used to set off the greatest massacre in the history of France.
- The wedding's off.
- La boda se acabó.
- The Drake's wedding. That's off.
Los Drake cancelaron la boda.
What? The wedding's off?
¿ Cómo que ya no hay boda?
Call me old-fashioned, but I'd say the wedding's off.
Llámenme anticuada, pero diría que la boda se cancela.
He's sort of wondering why you haven't told your parents that the wedding's off.
Se está preguntando por qué no le dijiste a tus padres que se canceló la boda.
Thank God he's takin'off for the wedding.
Gracias a Dios que tomará tiempo libre para su boda.
The wedding's off.
La boda se cancela.
- The wedding's off.
- La boda se ha cancelado.
- The wedding's off.
- Se ha cancelado la boda.
The wedding's off, so why don't you all go home?
La boda está suspendida, ¿ Por qué no os vais a casa?
She said she's thinking about okaying the wedding... if I could keep off the stuff.
Exactamente lo necesario, de principio a fin. ¡ No!
And if it gets out why he's doing this, my fiance, he might... call off the wedding altogether and...
- Si se entera mi novio podría suspender la boda.
The wedding's off.
Se suspende la boda.
You told me that Billie's mother left her fiancé... a few days before the wedding and ran off with Marvin.
Me dijiste que la madre de Billie dejó a su prometido unos días antes de la boda y huyó con Marvin. - Así es.
I don't know how to tell you this... but the wedding's off.
No sé como decirte esto. Pero la boda se canceló.
Lucky for them the wedding's off?
Por suerte para ellos la boda se ha cancelado.
The wedding's off. Grace. - Oh.
Candelo la boda, Grace.
Tomorrow we're off, the day after, we strike, and then it's the wedding day.
Pasado mañana, huelga. - Luego nuestra boda.
I'm his wife, and a married woman will never take off her wedding necklace... till her husband is alive. This is the mark of the woman's faith in her man
Yo soy su esposa, una mujer casada y nunca me desprendería del collar de boda... mientras el marido esta vivo.
Rui, let me guess : the wedding's off.
¡ Rui, ya sé, desististe de casarte.
The wedding's off, sloppy and immature.
Se suspende la boda, inmaduro.
- The wedding's off.
- Se canceló la boda.
- The wedding's off?
- ¿ Se canceló la boda?

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