Then who was it Çeviri İspanyolca
771 parallel translation
then who was it?
Si no fuiste tú, ¿ entonces quién fue?
Well, then who was it?
- Entonces, ¿ quién?
- If it wasn't you, then who was it?
- Si no fuiste tú, ¿ quién ha sido?
- Then who was it?
- ¿ Y quién fue?
Then who was it?
¿ Quién es, pues?
Then who was it?
Entonces, ¿ quién?
An officer who was protecting you was shot down in front of your house. And you ain't allowing to go into court and be a witness against the murderer.. Then it ain't your country.
¡ Si a un policía que te protege lo tirotean ante tu casa, y te impiden testificar ante un tribunal, este no es tu país, sino el de los criminales y no eres más que un cobarde!
Then there was someone in with you. Who was it?
Ibas a medias con otro. ¿ Quién era?
Peter Blood, was it you, then, who took this ship and turned defeat into victory?
Peter Blood, ¿ fuiste tu quien tomo el barco y transformo esto en una victoria?
The man who want to get more out of life than he puts into it the hoodlum he's the same today as he was then.
El hombre que quiere sacarle a la vida más de lo que pone el matón hoy es igual que ayer.
- Then it was you who -
- ¿ Has sido tú?
Then I'm sure it was Mrs Cooper who made the 50 years go so swiftly.
Seguro que ha sido la Sra. Cooper la que ha hecho que los años pasasen tan rápido.
No, he doesn't. And then he might think it was me who got him hired and he probably wouldn't accept.
No, podría creer que he sido yo quien le he hecho contratar y a lo mejor no acepta.
He was a man who got everything he wanted, and then lost it.
Era un hombre que tenía todo lo que quería, y que luego lo perdió.
- Then who was it?
- ¿ Quién entonces?
Then you're certain it was Parry who was in the accident?
¿ Entonces estás segura de que fue Parry el del accidente?
Then it was Dr. Haggard who shot at me.
Entonces fue el Dr. Haggard quien me disparó.
All right then, answer me this, who was it allowed you to sublet half of her apartment against her better judgment?
Entonces dígame : ¿ Quién podía alquilar la mitad de su apartamento de la forma en que mejor le pareciera? - Usted.
Then suddenly I had the feeling that someone was listening that I was singing for someone who enjoyed it.
E de repente eu tinha a impressão que alguém me escutaria... Que eu cantava para alguém que pudesse ficar feliz com minha canção.
- Then it was Cora who crowned Nick.
- Entonces fue Cora quien golpeó a Nick.
Then who did you think it was?
¿ Y quién creía que era?
Then that's who it was. lt must've been.
Entonces era él. Seguro.
He asked who it was. And I told him. Then he told me to go away.
Preguntó quién era, se Io dije y entonces me dijo que me fuera.
It was Mr. Grandison's secretary who was found hanging from it. And then the police evinced great interest when they cut her down.
La secretaria del Sr. Grandison fue hallada colgando de ella, y la policía mostró gran interés cuando la descolgaron.
And this morning when I read in the papers about Count Vronsky's accident... I felt so little about it... that I realized then it was... you who I had always loved.
Y esta mañana, cuando leí en los periódicos sobre el accidente del conde Vronsky, me afectó tan poco que vi entonces que... era a usted a quien siempre he amado.
Then, who pray, was it?
- ¿ No, entonces quien era?
He gave me the acid test to see whether i loved him enough to give up all rights to his money, and then i realized it was you who provided the acid.
Y él habló conmigo. Me puso a prueba. ¿ Estaba yo dispuesta a renunciar a su dinero?
It was Stephen then who was first suspicious?
Oh, ¿ así que Stephen fue el primero en sospechar?
Then you're under the impression that it was Emily Gaunt who took these things?
¿ Cree que fue Emily Gaunt quien cogió esas cosas?
But, even then there was always someone, some foolish man who stood up and walked into it.
Aún en aquel entonces, hubo un tonto que les hizo frente.
Once it was because he put his hands on you.. Another one, the boss was a pervert.. Then that kid who wanted a date, like a date's the end of the world..
Primero uno que te puso la mano encima, otro que el jefe era un cerdo, otro chico que quería una cita contigo, como si una cita fuese el fin del mundo...
Even then, it was I who comforted him, not you.
incluso entonces fui yo quien Io consoIó, no usted.
- Who was it, then?
- ¿ Quién fue, entonces?
Then it was anybody who had anything we wanted.
Luego a por quien tuviera algo que deseáramos.
Then it was I who had too little faith.
Veo que la incrédula era yo.
Then it was you who decoyed those warships here.
Vosotros los avisasteis.
I was not thinking then... that it was I who was acting the little soldier.
Yo no pensaba que fuese yo quien jugara al soldadito.
First you said it was yours, then that it wasn't yours, then you told me it was your dad's, who died and left it to you. - Yes.
Primero me dijiste que era tuyo, después, que no era tuyo, luego me dijiste que era de tu padre, que te lo había dejado, porque había muerto.
I was lucky enough then to meet these friends who'd been all through it themselves.
Tuve suerte entonces de encontrar a estos amigos que ya habían pasado por esto.
Then you tell her It was her old man who got between you and her.
Pues dígale que fue su padre quien se interpuso entre ustedes.
Then it was you who...
¡ Entonces fuiste tú quien...!
Yes, because if it's true that it was the old chap who stole then you all are right about my lover being guilty as well.
- ¿ Cómo? Sí, porque si ha sido el viejo quien ha robado... entonces, teníais razón vosotras al decir que mi novio era culpable.
Then, it's either you or the other dirty slob, the phony crazy who was scared to come in.
Entonces, o ha sido ud., o ese cerdo, el loco que tenía miedo de entrar.
Then it was you who brought the men out?
¿ Ha convocado usted la huelga, no?
So who was it, then?
¿ Y quién me ha tocado entonces?
Was it him then who...
- ¿ Entonces fue él quien...?
- Then it was you who shot at me.
- Ah, usted fue quien me disparó.
Who knows if it was then when you got the.. the... nuisance.
Quién sabe si fue entonces que te agarraste la... la... enfermedad.
And then the doctor came in, who was supposed to do the... and he said he thought it was awful.
Y entonces entró el médico que tenía que hacerlo y dijo que pensaba que todo aquello era horrible.
Who knows, maybe there was a country where he would be accepted for his heart, and where he would had been able to forget everything he had learned... and then learn it again without embarrassment or offense, in as sweet and natural a way as it should have happened.
Quién sabe, quizás existiera un país donde fuese aceptado de corazón, y donde le hubiera sido posible olvidar todo lo que había aprendido para después re-aprenderlo sin vergüenza ni ofensa, de la manera dulce y natural como debería haber ocurrido.
It was due to his father, who had by then become something of a legend in the district.
Se lo debía a su padre, quien para entonces ya era toda una leyenda en el barrio.
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