They have to be Çeviri İspanyolca
4,849 parallel translation
They have to be able to make more.
Deben poder hacer más.
They have to be.
Tienen que ser.
They have to be sent back to hell!
¡ Tienes que ir de vuelta al infierno!
Yes! But I know that right now they have to be changed often.
Sí, pero en momentos como este es hora de cambiarlos.
They have to be able to get grades.
Tienen que ser capaces de obtener grados.
And they have to be laid in water or at the very least, in moist conditions.
Y tienen que ser puestos en agua o, por lo menos, en condiciones húmedas.
That's why they have to be separated.
Es por eso que hay que separarlos.
Schooler : Another possibility is it kind of pulls the rug out from underneath them, that they have this experience of will normally, but when you tell them they have no such thing as free will, they just don't have the oomph to be able to prevent themselves
Otra posibilidad es que se tire la alfombra que está por debajo de ellos, que normalmente tienen esta experiencia de elección, pero cuando les dices que no hay tal cosa de la libre elección, simplemente no tienen el coraje de ser capaces de prevenirse a sí mismos
They... they didn't have to be on four legs.
No necesitaban ir en cuatro patas.
Yep, and once the smoke clears, They have a very grisly angle on what remains to be seen.
Y una vez que el humo se despeje, tendrán una espeluznante vista de lo que quedó.
The people you work for arranged to have my meeting cancelled, so I'd be home and then Fiona would come over and visit like she usually does on Thursdays and they could come and pick her up right here!
¡ La gente para la que trabajas dispuso que mi reunión fuera cancelada, de modo que yo estuviera en casa y luego Fiona viniera a visitarme como suele hacerlo los jueves y ellos pudieran venir a recogerla aquí!
Well, they'd have to be pretty dumb to do so.
Tendrían que ser bastante tontos para hacerlo.
If they have people outside, they wouldn't be able to talk to each other.
Si tienen gente fuera no podrían comunicarse entre ellos.
I mean, it would be possible to put the turbo engine in this car, they could have made it ludicrously powerful, but they haven't.
Quiero decir, sería posible poner el motor turbo en este coche, podrían haber hecho ridículamente poderoso, pero no es así.
To be brutally honest, from that, which is impressive, we don't get much of an idea of what the car looks like so we've got a still of it so we can have a look. Are they sandals?
Para ser brutalmente honesto, de eso, que es impresionante, no obtenemos mucha idea de lo que el coche parece por lo que hemos conseguido un alambique de ella para que podamos echar un vistazo. ¿ Son las sandalias?
I pull them out of the oven, and I can see that they're not as done as I want them to be, and I still have to cool down my choux pastry.
Me pongo a del horno, y puedo ver que no son como se hace como yo quiero que sean, y todavía tengo para enfriar mi pasta choux.
Colton was really hoping to have Me with him to kind of be that Provider they am for him.
Allí le acompañaron, pero... de apoyo para incentivar
As noble as their intentions may be, they don't have the stomach to do what needs to be done.
Por muy nobles que sean sus intenciones, no tienen las agallas para hacer lo que hay que hacer.
As they come through the very bottom of their swing, there's a little plectrum that sticks out and it plucks an instrument on the end. It's a big circular harp and they have a big cylinder with the strings coming down the outside. And the harp can be turned to play different notes.
En la parte baja del columpio se encuentra una pequeña púa que sobresale y toca las cuerdas del péndulo es como un arpa grande y circular, como un cilíndro con las cuerdas en su superficie, y el arpa puede girar para tocar difrentes notas.
I knew the Connelly's had a little yapping puppy but... could be they have another dog the quiet one that keeps to himself.
Sabía que los Connelly tenian un perrito que ladra, pero... podrían tener otro perro callado que se guarda todo.
And for cells to live, they have to grow and divide, and during that process, that DNA has to be copied identically so that you maintain that genetic information from one cell to the next.
Y para que las células vivan, tienen que crecer y dividirse, y durante ese proceso ese ADN tiene que ser copiado en forma idéntica de modo que se pueda mantener esa información genética de una célula a la siguiente.
I totally have a plan of attack, and I am gonna make a devastating strategic blow to these peeps, and they're gonna be like, "Wow, we just got hit with a Krissi missile."
Estoy totalmente de un plan de ataque, y estoy a hacer un golpe estratégico devastadora para estos píos, y ellos van a ser como, "Wow, nos dieron éxito con un Krissi misiles".
They suited my new curtains beautifully. Ahh. Have you considered the theft might be linked to the Johnsons'sudden departure?
Hacen un maravilloso juego con mis cortinas nuevas. ¿ Ha considerado que el robo podría estar ligado a la repentina salida de los Johnson?
It would have to be a low dose for the victim to lose their hair, otherwise they just die.
Tendría que ser una dosis muy baja para que las víctimas pierdan el pelo. Si no, simplemente mueren.
This kind of people, you have to be good to them, so they won't hurt you.
Debemos ser amables con alguien como él para que no nos lastime.
They have to taste what they're cooking and be quick.
Tienen que probar lo que son cocinar y ser rápido.
If they didn't have easy access they'd be bummed out but it's not our responsibility to give them what they want, is it?
Si no hacen fácil acceso estarían desanimados. Pero no es nuestra responsabilidad darles lo que quieren, ¿ verdad?
Well, because if you didn't steal that bean, they wouldn't have had a chance to take Henry, we wouldn't be on this island, and I wouldn't be dying of dreamshade.
Bueno, porque si no hubieses robado la alubia, no hubiesen tenido oportunidad de llevarse a Henry, no estaríamos en esta isla, y no estaría muriendo a causa de la sombra de los sueños.
Now, they don't have to be smart, their breasts don't need to be prizewinners, but we should know they're there, and their asses should...
No tienen que ser listas, sus pechos no tienen que ser para darles un premio, pero deberíamos saber que están ahí, y sus traseros deberían...
Now, if that plane stays on its current path, they're going to be so far out over the ocean by the time they realize something's wrong, they're not going to have enough fuel to land.
Ahora, si el avión se mantiene en su rumbo actual, van a estar muy lejos sobre el océano cuando se den cuenta de que algo va mal, y no van a tener suficiente combustible para volver a tierra.
For the third time, I'm telling you you have to be polite or they ignore you.
Por tercera vez, te estoy diciendo que tienes que ser educado o te ignorarán.
They can be entertaining, you have to give them that.
Pueden ser entretenidos, hay que concederlo.
We will be celebrating Challoweenukah without the Weavers because they have callously rejected our invitation to join us for Challoweenukah.
Vamos a celebrar Jhalloweenuka sin los Weavers porque ellos han rechazado cruelmente nuestra invitación de unirse a nosotros en Jhalloweenuka.
They'd have to be on the run for a lifetime.
Tendrían que estar huyendo toda la vida.
The drone has to be physically taken out, and we have no way of knowing which one they'll even attempt to access.
El zumbido tiene que ser tomado físicamente, y no tenemos ninguna manera de saber que se van a siquiera intentan acceder.
The barracuda is not only native to the Pacific, they can be found in tropical and subtropical oceans and have even been known to visit the Mediterranean area.
La barracuda no es solo oriunda del Pacífico, también se encuentran en océanos tropicales y subtropicales y se han visto ejemplares en la zona del Mediterráneo.
♪ That place you want to be. ♪ They gonna have a party.
♪ Es donde quiero estar ♪ 21H 09 27 DE DICIEMBRE DE 1980
They would be lucky to have you.
Tendrán suerte de tenerte.
They get cooked faster than carrots. So when you fry them together, carrots have to be smaller. That way they are both well done.
Se cocinan más rápido que las zanahorias... así que al freírlas juntas, las zanahorias tienen que ser más pequeñas... de esa forma ambas se cocinan bien.
And the idea that we have to sit across from them pretending to be happy and normal as they coo at each other like a pair of fundamentalist lovebirds.
Tenemos que estar con ellos, fingir que somos felices mientras ellos se arrullan, como unos tortolitos.
I don't think they could possibly have known quite how good it was going to turn out to be, because it's astonishing.
No creo que hayan podido saber lo bueno que resultaría siendo... Porque es sorprendente
But they're saying that I have to stay here so I can be observed.
Pero ellos dicen que me tengo que quedar aquí así me pueden observar.
I know that there will be a lot of applicants and that all the kids have had tutors since they could walk to get into IVY League schools but I'm just curious.
Sé que tiene un montón de aplicantes. Sé que los chicos aquí se preparan para la Liga Ivy con tutores.
They didn't have to be.
No tenían porqué serlo.
It has to be something they don't have insurance for.
Tiene que haber algo que no tengan asegurado.
Okay, they have to pretend to be women and get on a train to leave town'cause they didn't pay their rent.
Bien, tienen que fingir que son mujeres y luego subirse a un tren para salir del pueblo, porque no pagaron la renta.
And why would I be nervous? We have great weather, the coffee is to my liking, and they've already found the culprit.
Y ¿ por qué tendría que estar nerviosa, si hace un tiempo estupendo, el café está de mi agrado, y ya han encontrado al culpable?
Miyamoto's creations have endured largely because the games they appear in tend to be very well made.
Las creaciones de Miyamoto han perdurado durante años debido a que los juegos en los que aparece tienden a estar muy bien hechos.
That sex tape I released should be everywhere by now, and then they'll have to kick me out of the school.
Este vídeo porno que he subido ya debería estar en todos lados, y tendrán que echarme del instituto.
I sacrificed my very soul to reach this palace and they'll have to take me out dead, and you... will be here with me until the end.
- Me he partido el alma para llegar hasta este palacio y me tendrán que sacar con los pies por delante y tú... estarás aquí conmigo, hasta el final.
La iglesia se desarrolla gradualmente y, de nuevo, crece en Ia iglesia poco a poco Ia idea de que alguien muere con sus obras de penitencia incompletas probablemente tendrán que pagarlas en algún lugar de sufrimiento post-mórtem, depurados de sus pecados
they have 241
they haven't 69
they have no idea 25
they have her 17
they have guns 38
they have to 65
they have it 19
they have nothing 20
to be continued 170
to be honest 1950
they haven't 69
they have no idea 25
they have her 17
they have guns 38
they have to 65
they have it 19
they have nothing 20
to be continued 170
to be honest 1950
to be on the safe side 18
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be happy 39
to be blunt 18
to be with you 30
to better days 18
to be loved 19
to bed 99
to be more precise 22
to be quite honest 33
to be or not to be 51
to be happy 39
to be blunt 18
to be with you 30
to be honest with you 224
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to begin with 126
to be fair 354
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be sure 151
to be precise 156
to be completely honest 27
to be free 36
to begin with 126
to be fair 354
to be perfectly honest 76
to begin 33
to be frank 90
to be sure 151
to be precise 156
to be clear 133
to be 126
to be safe 60
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21
to be 126
to be safe 60
to be specific 31
to be alone 26
to be married 16
to be exact 289
to be truthful 21