Those eyes Çeviri İspanyolca
2,629 parallel translation
Those eyes looking right through you.
Esos ojos que miraban a través de ti.
Always keep those eyes open, even right before the scary drop.
Siempre mantén los ojos abiertos, incluso justo antes de la caída terrorífica.
You feel all those eyes on you?
¿ Sientes todos esos ojos sobre ti?
♪ And she's watching him with those eyes ♪
* And she's watching him with those eyes * * Y ella lo esta mirando con esos ojos *
Those eyes are looking good.
Me gusta esa mirada.
Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold. Thou hast no speculation in those eyes which thou dost glare with!
No tienes médula en los huesos, está fría tu sangre, tus ojos no despiden ya fuego con que puedas deslumbrar...
Just those eyes, those vacant eyes.
Sólo los ojos, esos ojos ausentes.
Don't see it through those eyes!
¡ No lo veas con esos ojos!
Take care of those eyes.
Ten cuidado de esos ojos
My neighbours are curious about me... but when you look up at my window, what I see in those eyes is a challenge.
Mis vecinos son curiosos con respecto a mí pero cuando usted alza la vista hacia mi ventana, lo que veo en sus ojos es un desafío.
Go on, Laura, you know you want to. I see it in those eyes of yours.
Vamos, Laura, sé que quieres hacerlo, lo he visto en esos ojos tuyos.
Look at those eyes.
Mira esos ojos.
Take a good deep breath of that. just keep those eyes open for a bit, And I'll put away the smelling salts.
Respire profundamente mantenga esos ojos abiertos un rato y guardaré las sales aromáticas.
I mean, look at those eyes.
Quiero decir, mira esos ojos.
And those eyes.
Y esos ojos.
But I do not like the way those eyes are drifting.
Pero no me gusta la forma que se mueven los ojos.
I would have recognized those eyes anywhere.
Hubiera reconocido esos ojos en cualquier sitio.
Those eyes, british accent...
Esos ojos, acento británico...
The one thing that I can't get out of my head... those eyes.
Lo que no puedo quitarme de la cabeza... son esos ojos.
As soon as I thought of those two scoundrels.. .. their images flashed before my eyes.
Tan pronto como pensé en esos dos sinvergüenzas su imagen apareció ante mis ojos.
With those gentle eyes of yours, you must have made many men do what you want by saying "Will you?"
Con esos ojitos suyos, debió traerlos de calle, y diciéndoles : "¿ Quiere?"
You never enjoyed killing those humans, writhing naked in their blood, making love to me as the light died in their eyes.
Nunca disfrutaste matando aquellos humanos, retorciendote desnudo en su sangre, haciedome el amor mientras moria la luz en sus ojos.
He was wearing one of those balaclavas, where you only see the eyes.
Usaba uno de esos pasamontañas. Donde sólo puede ver los ojos.
Something about those beady little eyes.
Era algo en sus ojitos de cuenta.
Those capricious eyes make my heart restless.
esos ojos caprichosos ponen mi corazon inquieto
In the eyes of those who come to see our shows...
En los ojos de aquellos que vienen a ver nuestros shows...
Sitting back in the dark and watching everyone wiping their eyes and you know that the scene works you know that God's speaking to the hearts of those who need to hear this message.
Te sientas en la oscuridad y ves a la gente secarse los ojos y sabes que la escena funciona sabes que Dios está hablando a los corazones de quienes necesitan oír este mensaje.
These are my hands, those are my eyes, amplified 20 times.
Esas son mis manos, esos son mis ojos, amplificadas 20 veces.
You could get lost in those icy blue eyes.
Podrias perderte en esos gélidos ojos azules.
I'm entranced by those... mud-colored eyes, set back in that skin. And her laugh. Her walk.
Estoy embelesado por aquellos ojos color lodo, con esa piel de fondo, y su risa, su forma de caminar, ese...
And when I don't get sleep, I get bags under my eyes. - And those bags are gonna be documented on film forever.
Y cuando no duermo tengo bolsas en mis ojos y esas bolsas quedaran en el film para siempre.
You know I'm a sucker for those puppy dog eyes.
Sabes que no puedo resistirme a esos ojos de cachorrito.
Of course, when they find you, you might have those Illeana Douglas eyes.
Por supuesto, cuando te encontraran, tendrías esos ojos a lo Ileana Douglas.
There was a time... when I could stare into those big brown eyes of yours... and believe anything you told me.
Hubo un tiempo en el que podía mirar fijamente a esos grandes ojos marrones tuyos y creerme cualquier cosa que me dijeras.
Did you guys widen those elevators, Or did that stupid doctor pull my eyes too tight?
¿ Chicos habéis ensanchado los ascensores, o ese estúpido médico me ha puesto los ojos muy juntos?
How about you put those pretty brown eyes of yours to good use?
¿ Qué tal si das a esos bonitos ojos marrones un buen uso?
You happen to notice those bags under her eyes?
¿ Has notado esas bolsas debajo de sus ojos?
Those are shrek-green eyes.
Que ojos verdes de Shrek.
When you saw those maggots squirming out of its eyes you almost fainted.
Cuando viste los gusanos que se le retorcían en los ojos casi te desmayas.
I have been coaching college soccer for years and i have never had one of those women bat their eyes at me and change their playing time.
Esas cosas no funcionan conmigo. He entrenado equipos femeninos de fútbol para colegios por 13 años, y nunca he tenido a una de niñas moviendo sus ojos hacia mí y logrando una diferencia de su tiempo de juego.
Tom just shook Frank Calvert by the hand, looked into his eyes and he just knows, this is the guy that's killed those six gay men.
Tom chocó la mano con Frank Calvert, miró sus ojos y lo sabe, es el tío que mató a aquellos seis hombres homosexuales.
It's those doe eyes.
Son esos ojitos de cierva.
Are those tears of joy in your eyes?
¿ Esas son lágrimas de felicidad?
I-I think it's just those beady little eyes.
Creo que son esos ojitos pequeños y brillantes.
I can't help you behind that desk, but I can be an extra pair of eyes out in those hallways.
No puedo ayudarte detrás de este escritorio, pero puedo ser un par de ojos suplementarios en estos pasillos.
"Even though these children live in horrific situations, they have the most life-filled, gorgeous eyes. And it's my calling to show what lies behind those smiles."
"Aunque esos niños viven situaciones espantosas... tienen los ojos más preciosos, llenos de vida y y es mi trabajo mostrar... qué se esconde tras esas sonrisas."
Look at me with those beautiful brown eyes and tell me that.
Mírame con esos preciosos ojos marrones y dímelo.
It's... it's kind of like when that first time I came And you put those evil fucking blurry drops in my eyes?
Es... como cuando vine la primera vez y pusiste esas gotitas en mis ojos.
Those big brown eyes blinking at you.
Esos grandes ojos marrones parpadeando frente a ti.
Then they showed pictures of those three handsome young men who were smiling, and whose eyes were shining.
Luego mostraron imágenes de los tres hombres jóvenes y guapos que estaban sonriendo, y cuyos ojos brillaban.
It's really you raping those girls through his eyes.
De hecho eres tú violando a esas niñas a través de sus ojos.
eyes 364
eyes on the prize 41
eyes on me 42
eyes up 51
eyes on the road 42
eyes up here 21
eyes open 53
eyes down 32
eyes forward 43
eyes front 76
eyes on the prize 41
eyes on me 42
eyes up 51
eyes on the road 42
eyes up here 21
eyes open 53
eyes down 32
eyes forward 43
eyes front 76
eyes here 16
eyes on 29
eyes closed 32
those 395
those were good times 17
those are beautiful 26
those are 90
those are nice 21
those were the days 74
those lips 16
eyes on 29
eyes closed 32
those 395
those were good times 17
those are beautiful 26
those are 90
those are nice 21
those were the days 74
those lips 16
those guys 111
those days are gone 24
those two 110
those are mine 77
those girls 42
those days are over 45
those aren't mine 30
those people 102
those are my friends 16
those men 39
those days are gone 24
those two 110
those are mine 77
those girls 42
those days are over 45
those aren't mine 30
those people 102
those are my friends 16
those men 39