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When we got married Çeviri İspanyolca

395 parallel translation
I was still almost a child when we got married only later I realized... he was a gambler
Yo era casi una niña cuando nos casamos... sólo me di cuenta más tarde... Jugaba.
When we got married, you promised to be a gentleman.
Prometiste ser un caballero.
When we got married, I wouldn't buy anything unless Jake came along.
Al principio de mi matrimonio, no compraba nada sin Jake. Pero ahora,
The nice pillowcases when we got married.
Las fundas de cuando nos casamos.
That year when we got married, I forced myself to like him.
Ese año, cuando nos casamos, me forcé a mi misma a que me gustara.
It was the same when we got married.
Nosotros también nos casamos en su día.
When we got married he said :
Cuando nos casamos, me dijo :
That's what the priest said 30 years ago when we got married.
Ya lo dijo el cura hace 30 años, cuando nos casamos.
When we got married things went well for us.
Cuando nos casamos nos iban muy bien las cosas.
When you told me, come to Rome to make pictures, when we got married, when you obliged me to make this film
Cuando me dijiste de venir a Roma a hacer cine, cuando nos casamos, cuando me obligaste a hacer esta película
I also used this cloth when we got married.
Además, esta tela la usé cuando me casé contigo.
We were still in school when we got married.
Aún estábamos en la escuela cuando nos casamos.
Look, I wore no halo when we got married.
¡ No era un santo cuando nos casamos!
Alfio gave me this when we got married.
Esto me lo regaló Alfio cuando nos casamos.
No, I gave up golf when we got married.
No, renuncié al golf cuando nos casamos.
When we got married.
Cuando nos casamos.
If I think about it, Kohei has the same age my husband had when we got married.
Si lo piensas bien, Kohei tiene la misma edad que tenía mi marido cuando nos casamos.
When we got married, you promised for better or worse that you'd never make good.
Cuando nos casamos, me prometiste para bien o para mal que nunca te iría bien.
When we got married, your mother was twenty three. And she had kept herself for me.
cuando nos casamos tu madre tenía 23, y me había esperado.
My husband was 50 when we got married.
Mi marido tenía 50 años cuando nos casamos.
When we got married, Monique and I Delvaux had just started competition and I began testing cars.
Cuando nos casamos, Monique y yo Delvaux acababa de empezar a competir y yo empecé a probar autos.
Well, when we got married you promised me equal rights and freedom.
Cuando nos casamos me prometiste que tendríamos los mismo derechos y libertades.
When we got married, he did spiritual exercises to purify himself, and forced me to do the same.
Cuando nos casamos se fue a hacer ejercicios espirituales para purificarse, y me obligó a mí a hacer lo mismo.
But when we got married, he soon settled down.
Cuando nos casamos ya lo creo que cambió.
You promised you wouldn't. When we got married.
Tú me prometiste no hacerlo cuando nos casáramos.
When we got married, you promised to love, honour and no witchcraft.
Cuando nos casamos, me prometiste amarme, respetarme y no hacer brujerías.
We wasn't exactly married... but if ever a guy got a wife that was too good for him... that's what happened to me when I hooked up with Jessie.
No estábamos casados... pero si alguien ha tenido una gran mujer... ése soy yo, con Jessie.
He was a swell kid when we first got married.
Era un buen chico cuando nos casamos.
You know, when we first got married, I asked you to take all the blame for the divorce.
Cuando nos casamos, te pedí que asumieras toda la culpa en el divorcio.
Especially Stefano, who sent me to prison when we had only got married.
Especialmente con Stefano, que me mandó a la cárcel cuando acabábamos de casarnos.
We had barely got married, and I had just arrived here, and that's when Nanni got caught and sent to jail.
Apenas nos casamos y yo acababa de llegar aquí, a Nanni lo detuvieron y lo mandaron a la cárcel.
Well, when we were married, we didn't think about a war and... and I got all the furniture on the hire purchase.
Cuando nos casamos, ni pensamos en la guerra. Compramos los muebles a plazos.
Figure's not like it used to be when we first got married.
No, ya no está como cuando nos casamos.
I wish I could have got you the rest of that set when we was married.
Me hubiera gustado haberte comprado cuando nos casamos.
Look when we first married, we didn't think we'd have any, then... we got a little....
Mira cuando nos casamos primero, no pensabamos que tendriamos ninguno, entonces... tuvimos un pequeño...
I told you that we'd be married when you got back.
Te estaría esperando. - Que nos casaríamos a tu regreso.
How'd I know when to take a bath before we got married?
Cuando estaba soltero, me bañaba cuando quería.
When a young girl, me and count Sartori, yes, Fabrizio Sartori, we were in love and you were born before..... I got married, you're his daughter.
Yo era una niña y él, el conde Sertori. Sí, Fabrizio Sertori. Nos amamos.
When I got leave, we went to London and got married.
Cuando me dieron permiso, fuimos a Londres y nos casamos.
We should have got married when we were younger.
Porque debimos casarnos antes, más jóvenes.
We couldn't do anything for you when you got married.
No pudimos hacer nada por ti cuando te casaste.
Edwina, you've got to tell me when we're to be married.
Quiero que pongamos fecha a la boda.
We got married. When I got out of the service I brought her here.
Nos casamos y ni bien salí del servicio la traje a Inglaterra.
We all thought when so we got married.
Todos creemos eso cuando nos casamos.
And, when we got out, janey reardon had gotten married and moved away.
Y cuando saliste Jennie se había casado y vivía lejos.
Well, for one thing, toby and i sailed on her when we got married.
53, de hecho.
He and I were going to get married when we got back to the Earth.
Él y yo íbamos a casarnos cuando regresáramos a la Tierra.
Last time we danced was 3 years ago when you got married.
La última vez que bailé con Ud. Fue hace 3 años, cuando se casó.
I didn't say anything when we first got married because I wasn't sure how she would take it.
Cuando nos casamos, no dije nada porque no sabía cómo reaccionaría.
It was love at first sight. We married when I got out.
Enseguida nos gustamos, y me casé con ella.
You said when we decided we'd live here after we got married that I could redecorate this place my way.
Cuando decidimos vivir aquí dijiste que podía redecorarlo a mi manera.

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