Whoever she was Çeviri İspanyolca
205 parallel translation
Well, whoever she was, she could not have been half as beautiful as you are right now.
Bueno, quienquiera que fuera, ella no podría haber sido la mitad de lo hermosa que estás en este momento.
Well, I'm hardly Mrs. Leslie Carter, whoever she was.
No soy Leslie Carter fuera quien fuese.
I had to help her, whoever she was.
Tengo que ayudarla, sea quien sea.
Are you trying to make me believe that whoever she was blackmailing brought the money, killed her and then, hearing the lodger come in, left in panic?
¿ Trata de hacerme creer que fuera quien fuera la víctima de su chantaje llevó el dinero, la mató y luego, al oír al huésped, salió corriendo?
Whoever she was, now she is a shadow.
Quienquiera que fuese, ahora es una sombra.
Waiting for a reaction. If whoever she was talking to had took the bait, she'd find the murderer.
Si alguien mordió el anzuelo, se topó con el asesino.
Whoever she was, I must've scared the living daylights out of her.
Sea quien sea, debí haberle dado un susto tremendo.
So that means whoever she was, she got rid of Miss Hunter's body between the alley and the airport.
Eso quiere decir que, quien quiera que sea, se libro del cadáver de la Sra. Hunter entre el callejón y el aeropuerto
Whoever she was, she died for no reason.
Fuese quien fuese, ha muerto sin motivo.
I'm not her, whoever she was.
Ya no soy aquella persona.
Whoever she was is fine with me
Fuera quien fuera, me parece bien.
Whoever she was before the First Slayer.
Quien quiera que fuera antes de ser la primera Cazadora.
Whoever she was, she had to be a witch.
Sea quien fuese, tenía que ser una bruja.
I don't care whoever she was. Who said I was with any girl?
No me importa quien es ella.
So, he kills her and whoever she was with, and then he hops a plane?
Entonces, él la mató a ella y a quien estaba con ella, y luego saltó a un avión?
The time, 12 : 40, when she was gonna meet whoever she was meeting.
12 : 40 es la hora en que ella se iba a encontrar con alguien.
Whoever she was, she tracked me there somehow.
Fuera quien fuera, me siguió hasta allí
Maybe whoever she was shooting up with.
Quizá alguien que se drogaba con ella.
What difference does it make? She, they, whoever it was.
Y qué más da si fue ellos, ella o quien fuese.
She was obviously forced to write this, and whoever did it had no idea that I was being brought down here.
Era evidente que visto obligado a escribir esto, y el que hizo esto había ni idea de que me trajeron aquí.
Because whoever killed her was somebody she trusted very much.
Porque quienquiera que la matase fue alguien en quien ella confiaba mucho.
I wish to God she had blown whoever was driving the car's head off... because I wouldn't have been here.
Ojalá ella le hubiera volado la cabeza al conductor... porque yo no habría estado aquí.
Well, whoever she is, she was here last night.
Bueno, quienquiera que sea, estuvo aquí anoche.
Our prime suspect has to be whoever lived here when she was buried.
Nuestro principal sospechoso debe ser quien vivía aquí, cuando fue enterrada.
Whoever it was, she looked exactly like Elois.
Fuera quien fuera, se veía exactamente como Elois.
There was no sign of a struggle, so... whoever it was, she knew him.
No había señales de una pelea, así que quienquiera que fuera, ella lo conocía.
She was a wonderful young woman. Whoever's responsible for her death- - find them, and see that they're brought to justice.
Era una joven maravillosa, quienquiera que sea responsable por su muerte, encuéntrelos, y que sean llevados ante la justicia.
She's one, shooter's two, Tyler's three, the drunk who shouted the signal's four, and whoever was on the other end of that radio is five.
Ella es una. El tirador es dos. Tyler es tres.
She was accusing him ofloving whoever the woman was, and he was denying it.
Lo acusaba de amar a quienquiera que fuera la mujer, y él lo negaba.
She was running right there beside me... whoever she is.
Ella corría a mi lado... quienquiera que sea.
Whoever she is, last day on earth was not pleasant.
Quien quiera que sea, su último día en la tierra no fue placentero.
Well, just suppose she was killed. Perhaps whoever did it thought he was killing me.
Quizás quien lo hizo pensó que estaba matándome.
Which must've been tampered with by whoever it was she saw.
Que debe haber sido manipulada por quienquiera que ella haya visto.
She said she was going to kill whoever tried to harm her crew.
Dijo que mataría a quienquiera que tratara de dañar a su tripulación.
Whoever guessed she was pregnant, guessed right.
Acertó quien dijo que estaba embarazada.
Assuming she did let someone in, she turned her back on them, which suggests she trusted whoever it was.
Asumiendo que ella dejó entrar a alguien, se dio vuelta de espaldas, lo que sugiere que confiaba en la persona.
Whoever paid that girl to say she was Kate Jones is the same person who gave her the pin and sent the tape.
El que la pagó por decir que era Kate Jones le dio el broche y te envió la cinta.
Okay, I was thinking, she's sick so whoever took her might take her to a pharmacy to get some Infant Tylenol.
Está enferma quizá quien se la haya llevado vaya a una farmacia a por analgésicos.
That she was dropped here by someone and whoever it was cared about her enough not to kill her.
Que fue dejada aquí por alguien y quienquiera que fuera se interesaba en ella lo suficiente como para no matarla.
If whoever did this finds out she was the only witness,... they may finish the job.
Si la persona que ha hecho esto sabe que hay un testigo puede intentar terminar el trabajo.
She overdosed and whoever was with her didn't do shit... but roll her up and throw her away.
Tomó una sobredosis y quien la acompañaba no hizo nada... más que envolverla y tirarla.
She was on her way to whoever was gonna help her leave.
Se iba con quienquiera que fuera a ayudarla a irse.
- Yeah, I think she was flushed out by whoever's after Excalibur.
- Sí, creo que alguien que buscaba a Excalibur la ha hecho salir.
I don't know what Lucy said to you aboυt me, but I Want you to know... ... that Whoever that was she was talking aboυt... ... wasn't me.
No sé que fue lo que te dijo Lucy de mi, pero quiero que sepas... que de quienquiera que ella hablaba... no era de mi.
The moment she died. She didn't just drown. She was murdered by whoever was on that phone.
Ella no solo se ahogó, sino que... fue asesinada por la persona que estaba en ese teléfono.
Athena's Tomb, whoever... whatever she really was, is probably up there.
La Tumba de Atenea, sea quien sea o lo que sea o realmente fuera estará probablemente allá arriba.
When she was discovered, she was completely encased. Whoever buried her sure had access to a lot of tar.
Quien quiera que la enterró tenía acceso a mucho alquitrán.
Well, whoever it was, she called me the night before and was like, "be here by 8 : 00, you know,'cause I have this big lunch and I'll be all ready for you,"
Ella me llamó la noche anterior. Y me dijo : "Ven aquí a las 8 : 00, tengo este gran almuerzo" y te estaré esperando ".
You know something, I'm not sure how I was gonna tell Deb... about his little arrangement with Jules, Emily, whoever the hell she was.
Sabes algo, no sé cómo decirle a Deb lo del acuerdo con Jules, Emily, sea quién sea ella.
Well, whoever it was who sent her, if she's trying to kill us, she'll show up again soon enough.
Sea como sea, vendrá a buscarnos. Esa mujer puede ver un instante antes.
Now, see, that's funny,'cause I thought this was, like, a free country where a girl could talk to whoever she wants.
¡ Qué curioso! Yo creía que este era un país libre... donde las muchachas hablaban con quien les diera la gana.
whoever she is 91
she was pretty 42
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was pretty 42
she was 1639
she wasn't 185
she was raped 45
she was a nurse 16
she was beautiful 115
she was here 194
she was right 162
she was scared 61
she was sick 48
she was gone 144
she was a 51
she was alive 27
she was great 60
she was my best friend 53
she was crying 60
she was pregnant 85
she was there 166
she was murdered 156
she was gone 144
she was a 51
she was alive 27
she was great 60
she was my best friend 53
she was crying 60
she was pregnant 85
she was there 166
she was murdered 156