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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You hurt him

You hurt him Çeviri İspanyolca

1,556 parallel translation
But if you hurt him, please give him one of these.
Pero si lo lastima, por favor entréguele esto.
Did you hurt him?
¿ Qué hiciste?
No, you hurt him, Daniel.
- No, le has hecho daño, Daniel.
Don't you hurt him!
No le hagas daño.
I won't let you hurt him.
No voy a dejar que lo lastimes.
If you hurt him, I will kill you.
si le haces daño, te mato!
Dr. P- - did you hurt him?
¿ Dr. P? ¿ Lo lastimaste?
You hurt him!
¡ Dale fuerte, Rocky!
Did you hurt him?
¿ Lo lastimaste?
Did you hurt him?
¿ Usted lo lastimó a él?
You know, Michael may be a lot of things. But he's still my brother. And if you hurt him,
Ya sabes, Michael puede ser un montón de cosas pero sigue siendo mi hermano y si lo lastimas sufrirás todo tipo de calamidades.
I really think you hurt him.
Creo que le has hecho daño de verdad.
He wants you to know that he was so hurt and angry over being adopted, that he took it out on the one person who was always there for him.
Quiere decirle que estaba tan dolido y enojado por ser adoptado que se descargó con la persona que siempre estuvo a su lado.
What if you kill him and discover all she feels is hurt and angry?
¿ Y si lo matas y descubres que ella sólo se siente herida y furiosa?
Till you've got him where he can't hurt me.
Hasta que lo tengan en donde no pueda lastimarme.
But if you find him, don't hurt him because that'd be wrong and violence never solves anything.
Pero si lo encuentra, no lo lastime porque estaría mal y la violencia nunca resuelve nada.
Okay, look, I promise you that I will not hurt him.
Ok, mire, le prometo que no le lastimaré.
Honey, I won't let him hurt you.
Cariño, no dejaré que te lastime.
- You promised us it was over! - Ava wouldn't hurt him... or anyone.
- ¡ Nos prometiste que habían terminado!
Damn, you must really think I might hurt him.
¡ Vaya! , realmente temes que pueda hacerle daño.
And I get it. You don't want to hurt him.
No quieres hacerle daño.
She saw him falling for you, so she hurt him before he could hurt her.
Ella le vio enamorarse de ti, así que le hirió, antes de que él pudiera herirla.
Promise you won't hurt him.
Promete que no lo lastimarás.
You're not even gonna hurt him.
Ni siquiera le vas a hacer daño.
Karen, I know you don't want to hurt him but you're hurting him by lying to him
Se que no quieres lastimarlo, pero lo lastimas más si le mientes.
I promise you we won't let him hurt you, okay?
Le prometo que no dejaremos que le haga daño, ¿ de acuerdo?
I don't think so, but do you think someone like that could hurt him?
No creo, ¿ crees que alguien así le podría hacer daño?
- Did you order him to hurt Myung-Wol?
- ¿ Le ordenó lastimar a Myung-Wol?
Just promise me you won't hurt him.
Pero prométeme que no lo lastimarás.
But it didn't hurt even though you were screwing him.
Pero no sabía que... usted lo estaba arruinando?
What else are we going to do? We can hurt him, ghost or not. Look, you saw how fast he fell when I stuck him back there.
Vamos herirlo, ustedes vieron que rápido cayó cuando lo espigué con esto.
I know you didn't hurt him.
Sé que no lo lastimaste.
Tom, you're gonna hurt him!
- Tom, lo lastimarás.
You know, I don't want him to be hurt or lied to.
No quiero que lo lastimen o que le mientan.
You have to trust me - that I won't let him hurt you.
Tienes que confiar en mí. No permitiré que te haga daño.
Liam says you're trying to hurt him.
Liam dice que tratas de hacerle daño.
You're going to hurt him!
¡ Vas a hacerle daño!
Let go of my dad, you're going to hurt him.
Suelte a mi padre, va a machacarlo.
Do you know why anybody'd want to hurt him?
¿ Sabe por qué alguien querría lastimarlo?
You can't think of anyone who might want to hurt him?
¿ No puede pensar en alguien que quisiera lastimarlo?
You've hurt him.
Le has hecho daño.
So you wanna throw him away because you don't wanna hurt him.
Así que quieres alejarlo porque no quieres herirlo.
- Try to hurt you by hurting him.
Intentará perjudicarlos perjudicándolo a él.
I can't let him hurt you anymore.
No puedo dejar que te haga más daño.
I'll ask my husband to give you all his best assets just don't hurt him, OK?
Le pediré a mi marido entregarte todos su mejores activos. ¿ Solo no lo lastimes, si?
He feels... and if I'm honest, I have to agree with him... the campaign that you've conducted on my behalf has hurt me more than helped me, and that we should make this our last meeting.
El cree... y si soy honesta, debo concordar con él... que la campaña que has conducido en mi nombre me ha perjudicado más de lo que me ayudó, y que deberíamos volver ésta nuestra última reunión.
he told her to trust him. "do what i say. i won't hurt you."
Le diría "haz lo que yo te diga y no te haré daño".
You must really think I'm gonna hurt him.
Realmente debes creer que voy a hacerle daño.
If I take this fight to him and I win I need to know that you're gonna be okay because I don't want you to hurt anymore.
Si lo enfrento en esta pelea y gano necesito saber que tú estarás bien. Porque no quiero que sufras más.
And advise him to hurt you?
¿ Y aconsejarle que juegue en tu contra?
- You won't hurt him?
- ¿ Quiere robarle?

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