You need to understand Çeviri İspanyolca
1,866 parallel translation
And you need to understand something.
Y necesitas entender algo.
You need to understand how Japanese feel to write manga that will sell!
¡ Tienes que comprender... el sentimiento Japonés para crear mangas que vendan bien!
But you need to understand that Michael's done this before.
Pero tienes que entender que Michael ya hizo esto antes.
And if you make the cut, you need to understand the strike force is the most elite law-enforcement team in Texas, and we do not, under any circumstances... Cover each other in oil.
Y si estas a la altura, tienes que entender que la unidad de ataque es la elite de las fuerzas policiales en Texas, y bajo ninguna circunstancia... nos untamos entre nosotros aceites.
But you need to understand you're our only witness in this investigation.
Pero necesitas entender que eres el único testigo en esta invetigación.
No, what you need to understand is that everything I do is in service to Division.
No, lo que necesitas entender es que todo lo que hago es para servir a la División.
In any case, you need to understand that you're here in place of your son.
En cualquier caso, necesita entender que está aquí en lugar de su hijo.
You need to understand these grammar rules...
Necesitan entender estas reglas de gramática.
You need to understand what I'm telling you right now.
Creo que necesitas entender lo que te estoy diciendo.
And he smiled and he put his hand on my shoulder in a kind of fatherly way. And he said, " Ron, here's what you need to understand.
Sonrió, me puso la mano en el hombro de modo paternal, y me dijo : " Ron, esto es lo que tienes que entender.
To understand all of this mess, you need to understand one term. It's a big financial term that is real simple to understand.
Para entender este lío, se debe entender un término un término importante financiero muy fácil de entender :
See, you need to understand how this is going to play out, Ronny.
Vea, usted necesita entender cómo esto va a jugar fuera, Ronny.
Then here's what you need to understand.
Bueno. Entonces aquí está lo que Ud. necesita entender.
You need to understand I'm doing everything I can to help you, Trey, but you have to cooperate.
Necesitas entender que estoy haciendo todo lo que puedo por ayudarte, Trey, pero tienes que cooperar.
Leslie, you need to understand, we are heading for the most special place on earth.
Leslie, tenés que entender nos dirigimos al lugar más especial de la tierra.
What you need to understand is the importance of letting a professional be alone when he practices his art.
Lo que necesita entender es la importancia de dejar a un profesional a solas cuando practica su arte.
Maybe you need to understand the importance of the meaning of the word "boss."
Quizá Ud. necesita entender la importancia del significado de la palabra "jefa".
You don't understand how much I need these people to suffer for what they did to me.
No comprendes cuánto necesito hacerlos sufrir por lo que me hicieron.
No, that's okay, I understand. I mean, what, we've been apart for years. It would be silly for me to think that you hadn't met somebody else in all this time, but what I don't understand is why you felt the need to flaunt it in front of me.
No nos hemos visto en años, fue tonto por mi parte pensar que no habias conocido a otra persona.
You need to try to understand her despair.
Necesitas tratar de entender su desesperanza.
Well, I don't understand this need to let everyone know what you believe in.
No entiendo la necesidad de que todos sepan tus creencias.
That's what you need to do to understand each other. If you have a misunderstanding and quit thinking about him, your feelings will never reach him.
Eso es lo que necesitan hacer para entenderse. tus sentimientos nunca lo alcanzarán.
I understand your emotional investment in everything that's happened, but you need to watch it!
Comprendo tu implicación emocional en todo lo que ha ocurrido, ¡ pero necesitas perspectiva!
What you need understand is that... I dont want a bunch of crazy talking vehicles... Following me around trying to get me kill!
¡ Lo que tú necesitas entender es que... no quiero que un grupo de vehículos locos parlantes... me estén siguiendo e intentando matarme!
I need you to understand something, Mr. ambassador, and I want to communicate this very clearly to your President.
Necesito que entienda algo, Sr. Embajador, y quiero comunicarle esto de forma muy clara a su presidente.
Do you need me to spell it out for you before you can understand?
¿ Necesitas que te lo deletreé para que puedas entender?
Nathaniel I need you to understand something,
Nathaniel necesito que entiendas algo,
Now... There is something I need you to understand if I'm going to let you go.
Ahora necesito que entiendas algo si quieres que te suelte.
Look, I need you to understand this has never been done before.
Necesito que entiendas que esto jamás se había hecho.
Who do I need to speak to to get you guys to understand that I can help, that I can contribute?
¿ A quién tengo que hablar con para conseguir que los chicos de entender que me puede ayudar, que puedo contribuir?
I just need you to sign this document Which states that you understand All the colonoscopy's risks, Which include heavy bleeding, uh, Infection, perforation, rupture.
Solo necesito que firmes este documento donde establece que tu entiendes todo sobre los riesgos de la colonoscopia, que incluye un pesado sangrado, uh infección, perforación, ruptura.
You don't need to apologize, I just... I need you to understand why it's not okay.
No necesitas disculparte, Solo... necesito que entiendas porque no esta bien.
If anything ever happens to me, I need you to do something for me, do you understand?
Si algo llega a pasarme, necesito que haga algo por mí, ¿ entiende?
Yeah, well, I thought you would be so grateful for your new sneakers, that you'd understand if I need to make one little stop for myself.
Sí, bueno, creía que estarías tan agradecido por tus nuevas zapatillas, que entenderías que necesitaba hacer una pequeña parada para mí.
I need you to let me in, because I have to understand you.
Necesito que me dejes entrar, porque tengo que entenderte.
Because I spell woman Z-I-Z-E-S, and I need to be wooed, you understand me?
Porque pronuncio mujer Z-I-Z-E-S y necesito que alguien me corteje, ¿ me entiendes?
I just want you to understand that I... I need to do this on my own.
Sólo quiero que entiendas que yo necesito hacer esto yo solo.
But I need you to understand that you're safe.
Pero quiero que sepas que estas a salvo.
I need you to understand why I'm doing this.
Necesito que comprendas por qué hago esto. ¿ Por qué?
Nicki, I understand you want a special day, but we need to think of everyone.
Nicki, entiendo que quieras un día especial pero tenemos que pensar en todos.
- Why? I need to get over there. What don't you understand about fire?
Tengo que ir. ¿ Qué es lo que no entiendes de fuego?
Without Barry, we'll each get a bigger taste, but I understand if you need to think it over.
Sin Barry, vamos a pillar una parte más grande del pastel, pero entiendo que necesites pensártelo.
You need to walk away,'cause they're gonna fucking slaughter you Bobby, do you understand that?
Debes irte, porque te descuartizarán, Bobby, ¿ entiendes eso?
You got an ax to grind here and I understand that. But I'm gonna need your help with this one.
Tienes un interés personal, y eso lo entiendo pero no necesito tu ayuda para esto.
And from what I understand, you really need the, uh, hi-def right there to appreciate this particular game system.
Y por lo que entiendo, de verdad necesitas de, eh, de alta definición allí para apreciar esta consola de juegos en particular.
I need you to help me understand.
Quiero que me ayudes a entender una cosa
I finally understand you need to be frank to others before they will be frank to you.
Finalmente entendí que... debes ser sincero con los demás para que sean sinceros contigo.
No, I'm just saying that, though I really do- - I understand the temptation to restart the business, maybe the universe is telling you that you need to pay what you owe.
No, solo digo que, creo que de verdad... entiendo la tentación de arrancar de nuevo el negocio, pero quizá el universo te está diciendo que tienes que pagar lo que debes.
I need you to understand that you are safe.
Necesito que entiendas que estáis a salvo.
I do not understand how this is relevant to what you need to know.
No comprendo por qué esto es relevante para lo que necesita saber.
But I need you to understand that I won't do anything to risk the team.
Pero necesito que entiendas que no haré nada que ponga en peligro al equipo.
you need to understand something 17
you need something 126
you need to rest 177
you need some help 125
you need anything else 61
you need to know 57
you need me 391
you need my help 75
you need a ride 61
you need to sleep 33
you need something 126
you need to rest 177
you need some help 125
you need anything else 61
you need to know 57
you need me 391
you need my help 75
you need a ride 61
you need to sleep 33
you need anything 203
you need to calm down 202
you need to relax 122
you needn't worry 60
you need a hand 67
you need help 387
you need to go home 72
you need to see this 158
you need to eat 62
you need medical attention 19
you need to calm down 202
you need to relax 122
you needn't worry 60
you need a hand 67
you need help 387
you need to go home 72
you need to see this 158
you need to eat 62
you need medical attention 19