According to reddington Çeviri Fransızca
27 parallel translation
According to Reddington, all were murdered by a man named Wujing.
Selon Reddington, ils ont tous été abattus par un homme nommé Wujing.
According to Reddington, the Courier kills anyone who tries to double-cross him.
Selon Reddington le Courrier tue quiconque essaye de le doubler.
According to Reddington, her real name is Gina Zanetakos.
Selon Reddington, son vrai nom est Gina Zanetakos.
According to Reddington, they're not.
D'après Reddington, ils ne le sont pas.
But according to Reddington, these are assassination by suicide.
Mais d'après Reddington, ce sont des meurtres par suicides.
According to Reddington, they're legendary for laundering the money of the criminal elite without any traceable accounting.
Malgré ça, selon Reddington, ils sont connus pour blanchir l'argent de l'élite criminelle sans aucune comptabilité traçable.
According to Reddington, three recent incidents prove the U.S. government is still conducting mind-control experiments.
D'après Reddington, 3 récents incidents prouvent que le gouvernement dirige toujours des expériences de contrôle des esprits.
Now, no one's taken credit yet, but according to Reddington, the Mombasa Cartel is working to corner the illegal-wildlife trade.
Personne n'y prête attention, mais d'après Reddington, le Cartel Mombasa essaie de s'approprier le trafic illégal d'animaux.
According to Reddington, these gangs are just small fish in a very big pond.
Selon Reddington, ces gangs sont juste de petits poissons dans une grande mare.
According to Reddington Kenyon has dozens of shipping containers buried on his property.
Selon Reddington, Kenyon possède des douzaines de containers enterrés sur sa propriété.
According to Reddington, Kenyon has fallen off the radar.
D'après Reddington, Ken'yon a disparu des radars.
According to Reddington, they supplement their fortune with profits from their illegal auctions.
Selon Reddington, ils complètent leur fortune familiale avec les bénéfices de leurs ventes aux enchères illégales.
And before you decide whether or not to discuss what we know in open court you should know that, according to Reddington the Fulcrum is proof of the existence of a clandestine organization and if its activities were made public a number of very powerful people would go to prison...
Et avant que vous décidiez si oui ou non vous parlerez de ce que nous savons devant une audience publique, vous devriez savoir que selon Reddington le Fulcrum est la preuve de l'existence d'une organisation clandestine, et si ces activités sont rendues public, un nombre de personnes très puissante irait en prison ou serait exécuté.
According to Reddington, they're innocent...
Selon Reddington, Ce sont des innocents...
According to Reddington, he's preparing travel for one of the attendees.
Selon Reddington, il prépare le voyage d'un des participants.
According to Reddington, this photo started circulating two hours before Randy Brenner's body was discovered.
Selon Reddington, cette photo a commencé à circuler deux heures avant le corps de Randy Brenner a été découvert.
According to Reddington, the recording of Pritchard and Addison Wen is just one secret of thousands.
Liz : Selon Reddington, l'enregistrement de Pritchard et Addison Wen est juste un secret de milliers.
According to Reddington, one of the pneumatic tube lines leads to the basement of The Caretaker's house.
Selon la Reddington, l'une des lignes de tubes pneumatiques conduit au sous-sol de la maison du gardien.
According to Reddington's source, the trucks make regular runs to Kirk's refineries.
- Comment? - D'après sa source, les camions passent par les raffineries de Bâton-Rouge.
According to Reddington, these people were murdered, their ideas suppressed, and their research never found.
Selon Reddington, ces gens sont tués, leurs idées supprimées, et leurs recherches disparaissent.
According to Reddington, The Coroner runs a witness protection program for criminals.
Selon Reddington, Le Coroner gère un programme de protection des témoins pour les criminels.
But according to Reddington, he's, what, dead?
Mais selon Reddington, il est, quoi, mort?
Now according to Reddington's sources, one of the victims had a brother Ryuu Fujimoto, who engaged Isabella Stone to orchestrate Bannon's downfall.
Maintenant, d'après les sources de Reddington, Une des victimes avait un frère Ryuu Fujimoto, qui a engagé Isabella Stone pour orchestrer la chute de Bannon.
According to dembe, before fitch died, He told reddington to find caul. That he would have information about the fulcrum, the cabal.
Selon Dembé, avant que Fitch meure, il a dit à Reddington de trouver Caul, et qu'il aurait des informations sur le Fulcrum, la cabale.
According to agent keen, reddington is in surgery.
Selon l'agent Keen, Reddington est en chirurgie.
According to Mr. Reddington, these are not random acts of perverse cruelty.
Selon M. Reddington, ce ne sont pas des actes aléatoires de la cruauté perverse.
According to Kirk, he was just doing whatever it took to get his daughter away from Reddington.
Selon lui, Kirk faisait tout ce qu'il fallait pour éloigner sa fille de Reddington.
according to her 66
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to our records 22
according to 41
according to legend 40
according to you 115
according to my research 22
according to the police 21
according to my sources 16
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to our records 22
according to 41
according to legend 40
according to you 115
according to my research 22
according to the police 21
according to my sources 16