Poor bastard Çeviri Fransızca
495 parallel translation
all the scenes, and the black guy, and Buffalo Bill, and the script, and I have to furl the flag because I'm a poor bastard with no money I just need a small amount
Abandonner parce que je suis un pauvre diable... alors qu'il faut si peu...
Poor bastard.
Pauvre vieux!
Sleeping till 4 p.m. Climbing over the poor bastard trying to break the bathroom door to wash him in the tub when he's 16.
Dormant jusqu'à 4 h de l'après-midi... essayant d'enfoncer la porte de la salle de bains pour le laver, à 16 ans!
There's another one dead in Surrey, and for all I know, there's one in every bloody Home County and you're the poor bastard that knows what this Blondie looks like.
Il y a un autre mort dans le Surrey, et peut-être aussi dans tous les autres comtés de Londres. Et le pauvre bougre qui sait à quoi ressemble Blondie, c'est vous.
Poor bastard.
Pauvre type.
I knew that poor bastard was a psychotic.
Je savais que Tesla était psychotique.
Poor bastard.
Le sale bâtard.
I've been giving it some considerable thought ever since Ben Rumson, my pardner here, poor bastard...
J'y ai réfléchi longuement, depuis que Ben Rumson, mon part naire, pauvre type...
If we go there, that Remy will give us a baptize just like he's done to that poor bastard.
Si on y va, ce Remy nous baptisera comme il va le faire pour ce pauvre gars.
The poor bastard didn't even know if the kid was his!
Le pauvre type ne savait même pas si la gamine était de lui!
You're just a poor bastard.
Il va te charcuter.
Do you hear they found some poor bastard crucified?
Y a eu un couillon torturé à mort, tu savais? Non.
Poor bastard.
Le pauvre salaud.
- Poor bastard.
Pauvre vieux!
Poor bastard!
Pauvre con!
The poor bastard.
Le pauvre con.
It's the end of the line for SIade, poor bastard.
C'est terminé pour Slade, le pauvre.
Well, if I'm going to get my sleep I'll have to take this poor bastard with me.
Si je veux dormir, va falloir que j'emmène ce pauvre mec avec moi.
Poor bastard's gonna swing in the morning and this brain wants to ask if he played with himself when he was five. Pair of bullets.
Le pauvre va se balancer au bout d'une corde et ce gros malin va lui demander s'il se masturbait à l'âge de cinq ans.
Poor bastard.
Pauvre bougre.
- And the poor bastard drowns.
- et le pauvre type se noie.
I feel sorry for the poor bastard, trying to keep his eyes on her.
Je le plains, lui, à essayer de la surveiller.
Poor bastard.
Pauvre bougre!
It was that poor bastard in the plane.
C'était ce pauvre pilote!
Poor bastard!
Pauvre gars.
- Poor bastard!
- Sale bâtard!
The short circuit reached a poor bastard in the corridor, he was the referee who whistled the penalty in the football World Cup's final.
Le court-circuit atteignit un pauvre malheureux dans le couloir. C'était lui l'arbitre qui avait sifflé le penalty lors de la finale de la Coupe du Monde.
Poor bastard
Pauvre homme.
Poor bastard.
Pauvre gars.
Poor bastard missed a connection in Atlanta... been traveling all day long... and he checks into this place around 9 : 00 at night.
Il est ici pour affaires. Il rate son avion et il prend une chambre à 21 heures.
- Poor bastard!
- Le pauvre!
I guess the poor bastard thought it was his lucky bank.
Il devait penser que c'était son jour de chance.
I mean, that poor bastard is laying upstairs with his throat torn open,... and they've got you running around down here trying to figure out where you came from.
Je veux dire, ce pauvre gars est là-haut avec la gorge ouverte... et ils te font courir ici en bas... à essayer de découvrir qui tu es.
Poor bastard.
Pauvre diable.
In my opinion, the death of the poor bastard was caused by a massive hemorrhage... due to a huge laceration of the jugular.
À mon avis, la mort a été causée par une hémorragie due à... une lacération de la jugulaire.
Well, the poor bastard got his punishment.
On l'a surnommée
Poor little bastard.
Pauvre gars...
You're going to shoot that poor little bastard simply because he went for a walk.
Les faits... les faits... On va le fusiller pour être parti se promener.
You poor little bastard!
Pauvre petit con!
And this is for poor Perkins. His twins were only born yesterday. You rotten bastard!
Et ça pour Perkins qui venait d'avoir deux fils!
The bastard's already got over $ 1,200 in Markers from all us poor people.
Ce salaud a déjá plus de 1 200 dollars avec nos reconnaissances de dette.
And I asked him to be my friend. Poor bastard.
Je lui ai demandé d'être mon ami.
He won it... by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
Il l'a gagnée... en faisant mourir un autre connard pour sa patrie.
The poor, weak bastard.
Quel pauvre faiblard que ce salaud.
You poor, pathetic bastard!
Pauvre pitoyable salaud!
( voice-over ) I wondered who he was, the poor dead bastard.
Je me demandais qui était ce pauvre bougre.
Poor starving beggar, scoundrel, bastard.
Crêve-la-dalle, fripouille, salopard.
Bastard! Poor!
Vous avez même pas de père!
That bastard drives around in his T een Post truck... like he's giving away free f ood to the poor.
Cet enfoiré passe dans le coin avec sa camionnette du Comptoir pour Jeunes... à faire croire qu'il donne de la bouffe gratuite pour les pauvres.
This poor young man, this bastard is completely impotent.
Ce pauvre jeune garçon, Cet imbécile, est complètement impuissant.
- Poor bastard. [Laughing]
- Pauvre mec.
bastard 1435
bastards 471
poor things 42
poor me 46
poor baby 151
poor girl 198
poor little thing 54
poor you 95
poor guy 284
poor little guy 27
bastards 471
poor things 42
poor me 46
poor baby 151
poor girl 198
poor little thing 54
poor you 95
poor guy 284
poor little guy 27
poor thing 558
poor little girl 16
poor love 17
poor fool 28
poor darling 44
poor man 126
poor chap 37
poor soul 53
poor creature 19
poor child 59
poor little girl 16
poor love 17
poor fool 28
poor darling 44
poor man 126
poor chap 37
poor soul 53
poor creature 19
poor child 59
poor people 29
poor souls 24
poor kid 169
poor boy 107
poor dear 42
poor lady 18
poor woman 82
poor devil 19
poor sod 25
poor lad 22
poor souls 24
poor kid 169
poor boy 107
poor dear 42
poor lady 18
poor woman 82
poor devil 19
poor sod 25
poor lad 22