The deal was Çeviri Fransızca
2,093 parallel translation
I handed 4.5 million to Mr. Yoshida when the deal was canceled.
J'ai donné 4,5 millions à M. Yoshida quand l'affaire a été annulée.
I know what the deal was.
Je sais ce qu'était l'entente.
The deal was you got to congratulate, not participate.
Tu félicites, tu ne participes pas.
They said the deal was final.
Ils ont dit que c'était final.
If I told the cops, the deal was off.
Si j'appelais la police, il annulait.
I'm coming. - No, the deal was, you have to do exactly what we say.
Vous avez accepté de nous obéir.
I just know what the deal was.
Je sais juste que c'était ça.
The deal was made long before I took the job.
Arrête, tout ça a été décidé avant que je ne prenne mes fonctions.
That was the whole deal.
C'était l'entente.
Now, this lady, she sounded like she was in a fair amount of distress... but I didn't really give a shit, because despite looking like a cartoon bricklayer... I was starting to get pretty close to sealing the deal with the peacock lady.
Cette bonne femme avait l'air d'avoir des problèmes... mais je m'en foutais, parce que même déguisé en maçon... j'en étais presque à conclure avec la femme en paon.
But carol lockwood Played the dead husband card, Said she was too busy to deal.
Mais Carol Lockwood a joué la carte du mari décédé, a dit qu'elle était trop occupé pour s'en charger.
The letter just gave us everything we needed to make Brava think that she was the real deal. Heh.
La lettre nous donnait les détails nécessaires pour faire croire à Brava que c'était vraiment elle.
I was just supposed to help him deal the drugs... and then I would get a cut after I got rid of the body.
J'étais censé l'aider à trafiquer la drogue... et j'en aurais une part après m'être débarrassé du corps.
The kid thing was always a deal breaker.
Je sors qu'avec des jeunes.
I know it was probably a big deal for you to get the meeting, and I just wanted to say thanks.
Je sais que ça a dû être compliqué d'obtenir cet entretien, et je voulais te remercier.
The deal was backed by $ 30 billion in emergency guarantees from the Federal Reserve.
En mars 2008, la banque Bear Stearns, à court de liquidités, est rachetée pour 2 $ l'action par JP Morgan Chase. Opération bénéficiant de 30 milliards de $ en aide d'urgence venus de la Fed.
That was the deal.
a devait se faire hier.
The deal was for three million.
Le marché était de trois millions.
So I gave him the scoop on a deal I heard was going down.
Je lui ai donné un scoop sur une affaire.
What was the deal for?
- Quelle sorte d'affaire?
You guys are the best there ever was, maybe the best there ever will be, but you do know this was a one-time deal, right?
Vous êtes les meilleurs que j'ai jamais vu, peut-être les meilleurs qu'on ne rencontrera jamais, mais vous savez ce n'était pas un contrat d'un temps, pas vrai?
The deal was you can stay up until Annie gets here, remember?
Tante Annie est là.
I cannot do anything, I tried to do everything that was possible like in the first steps of it I tried to make a deal with them and tell them what I can do what I can pay and it looks like they weren't listening and say they have to check it out
Je ne peux rien faire, j'ai essayé de faire tout ce qui était possible comme au début j'ai essayé d'arriver à un arrangement avec eux et de leur dire ce que je peux faire, ce que je peux payer
This was not part of the deal!
C'était pas le marché!
That was not the deal, Lucas.
C'est pas ce qui était convenu.
Look, I wish I was crazy, Congressman, but this is the real deal.
Écoutez, je ne suis pas fou, c'est le vrai truc.
Yes. That was the deal we made.
- Oui, c'était notre accord.
That was a one-time deal... a party the night before I got tested.
C'était juste une fois... à une fête la veille du test.
Lieutenant Thorson- - she was the real deal.
Cette place était pour le lieutenant Thorson.
It was the FBI agent who set up the deal between you and Kate.
C'était l'agent du FBI qui s'est occupé de l'histoire entre toi et Kate.
- The deal was... I know what the deal was.
- On avait un marché.
Lilly already had some coping skills, but Jane was too young, and she's only just now facing a lot of the issues that Lilly had a chance to deal with.
Lilly avait déjà des facultés d'adaptation. Mais Jane était trop jeune. et ce n'est que maintenant qu'elle fait face aux nombreux problèmes que Lilly a eus la chance de traiter.
That was the first deal.
C'était le premier marché.
I was going to get you to speak to the lads today about the wall of pornography anyroad, so you can deal out the written warnings then.
Je te charge de parler aux ouvriers à propos du mur du porno, et tu t'occuperas des avertissements.
Listen, the reason I asked you to come down here today was to tell me anything I might need to know about Vector's deal with the feds.
Je vous ai fait venir ici aujourd'hui pour tout me dire du deal de Vector avec les fédéraux.
That was the deal he made with the DA, but the judge does not have to honor it.
C'est l'accord qu'il a passé avec le procureur, mais le juge n'est pas obligé de le respecter.
I was just saying, if there's anything you don't want to see in the papers, tell me now and then I can deal with it.
Je disais juste, que si y a quelque chose que t'as pas envie de voir, dans les journaux, dis le moi maintenant, que je puisse arranger ça.
It was customary in the business when an artist gets a record deal to give away half his publishing, to EMI, Blackwood Music, April-Blackwood Music, whoever it might be.
C'était la coutume quand un artiste signe un contrat avec une maison de disques, d'abandonner la moitié de ses ventes, à EMI, Blackwood Music, April-Blackwood Music, à qui que ce soit.
You know, what we had was important but the real deal is waiting for me back at home.
Nous deux, c'était pas rien, mais le truc qui compte m'attend à la maison.
Well, Vanessa Walters was killed in the middle of celebrating a multimillion dollar deal for her corporate law firm.
Vanessa Walters a été tuée en pleine réception pour un contrat de plusieurs millions de dollars avec son cabinet d'avocats.
He was gonna give the land to Ben, but you had him killed before he could finalize the deal.
Il allait donner le terrain à Ben, mais vous l'avez fait tuer avant que l'accord ne soit conclu.
A dance troupe was staying at the hotel, and I, uh, cut them a deal for helping me with the proposal.
Une troupe de danse séjournait à l'hôtel, et on a passé un accord pour qu'ils m'aident.
Now, I was thinking since both he and Hesse were involved in illegal arms, either they were working on a deal together or Hesse is eliminating his competition to reestablish himself back in the business.
Comme lui et Hesse faisaient du trafic d'armes illégales, ou ils manigançaient quelque chose ensemble, ou Hesse élimine la concurrence pour reprendre sa place dans le milieu.
The money for Chin Ho's life, that was the deal.
On avait dit l'argent contre la vie de Chin Ho.
I thought that was the deal.
Je dois tomber enceinte, c'est bien ce qui est prévu?
Even when he proposed out of the blue. I was shocked initially, but as time went by, it wasn't such a big deal anymore.
Même quand il me l'a proposé à l'improviste. ce n'était plus une grosse affaire non plus.
But say it was an off-the-books deal. How do you hide the transportation of 500 tons of anything, let alone lightly-refined uranium?
Et si la vente a eu lieu, on ne transporte pas une cargaison de 500 tonnes en douce.
Was it about the deal?
C'était pour notre affaire?
Hey, thought that was you guys. So, listen, I sort of have this arrangement with the bouncer, he's a good friend of mine from the gym.
J'ai un deal avec le videur, c'est un pote du sport.
I was living with my dad, but he's the kinda guy who can't really... deal.
Je vivais chez mon père, mais c'est le genre de gars qui trouve certaines choses trop... dures.
You know, personally, I think I'd rather lose my hearing and be deaf than lose my fingers, but the guy was a pianist, so a pretty raw deal either way, right?
Personnellement, je préférerais devenir sourde. Mais pour un pianiste, les deux sont terribles.
the deal is off 49
the deal's off 56
the deal 34
washington 356
wash 146
waste 32
wasabi 19
wasted 66
wassup 84
washing 40
the deal's off 56
the deal 34
washington 356
wash 146
waste 32
wasabi 19
wasted 66
wassup 84
washing 40
washed 38
wasting 28
washington post 22
washington d 17
wasn't 66
wash your face 20
wash your hands 85
wasn't me 102
wash me 17
was it 1813
wasting 28
washington post 22
washington d 17
wasn't 66
wash your face 20
wash your hands 85
wasn't me 102
wash me 17
was it 1813
wasn't it 2231
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
wash up 37
was it fun 48
was that really necessary 35
was it nice 29
was it good 112
wash it 28
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
wash up 37
was it fun 48
was that really necessary 35
was it nice 29
was it good 112
wash it 28