At that point Çeviri Portekizce
2,565 parallel translation
I remember showing it to the gang, who sort of went along with everything I said at that point, they didn't sort of correct anything.
Nesse ponto, de alguma maneira, eles concordavam com tudo que eu fazia,... eles não mudavam nada.
And at that point, I don't know that I'll be able to help you.
Nessa altura, não sei se te poderei ajudar.
At that point, there was no option but to add Mike to the list.
Na altura, não tive outra hipótese senão acrescentar o Mike à lista.
But I think at that point, it almost didn't matter who it was.
Mas eu acho que, nessa altura, quase não importava quem era.
At that point, I opened Face to Face with Talent and looked at Geoff Bowes'picture and thought,
Abri a "Face to Face with Talent", vi a foto do Geoff Bowes e pensei :
My taste or desire to do it at that point really was no longer there.
Na altura, a minha vontade de o fazer já não existia.
It was at that point that I was able to find the corresponding death certificate and get her name.
Foi nesse ponto que fui capaz de encontrar o certificado de óbito correspondente e conseguir o nome dela.
And at that point we realized it wasn't the mother but the grandmother who was the object of his rage.
Naquele momento percebemos que não era a mãe, mas a avó, que era o objecto da sua raiva.
Én the Soviet Union there was a sort of a pincer between the IMF and the World Bank and at that point I think Summers was the head of the world bank, and he says "the laws of economics are like the laws of engineering".
O FMI e o Banco Mundial deixaram a União Soviética entre a espada e a parede. Acho que na, altura, o presidente do Banco Mundial era o Larry Summers e ele disse algo como "as leis da economia são como as leis da engenharia, funcionam em toda a parte."
At that point they'll have 15 minutes to pick up this informant and get her to the extraction point.
Nesse ponto, eles vão ter 15 minutos para recolher a informadora e levá-la até ao local da extracção.
At that point, the killer stashed Anabelle's body in the oracle pod, not knowing that by firing the Thorian blaster, they were leaving behind crucial evidence.
Depois, o assassino escondeu o corpo da Anabelle na cápsula do oráculo, sem saber que, ao usar a pistola, deixou provas cruciais.
God tells me I must slaughter anyone who wants to stop me from being here, it will allow you to justify any horrific act you take at that point.
"os que querem impedir-me de estar aqui.", tal permitiria justificar todos os atos horrendos que se praticassem. Tancredo hesita.
And there was already a sense that it was slipping away from us at that point.
E já havia uma sensação de que se escapava de nós naquela altura.
My point is that whatever side of this you're on, the rhetoric we use to talk about these people who risk their lives to have a shot at picking oranges so their kids have a shot at not being dead
O que quero dizer é que, seja qual for o teu lado nesta questão, a retórica que usamos para falar destas pessoas que arriscam as suas vidas para terem a hipótese de apanhar laranjas para que os filhos tenham a hipótese de não morrerem
I said that after a couple of shots of some kind of varnish remover at a particularly low point in my life. - That was two weeks ago.
Disse isso depois de uns copos de um diluente qualquer num ponto muito baixo na minha vida.
At this point, we see no reason that level will need future escalation.
Nesta altura, não vemos motivos para o nível vir a aumentar.
Just hang on for another five seconds and know that we've all been there at one point or another.
Espera mais cinco segundos e fica sabendo que todos passámos por isso.
- Yeah. - I'm not a fan of this option seeing that he knows way too much about this business at this point.
Sim. 433.911 ) } visto que ele já sabe demasiado sobre esta operação.
I just I didn't expect to meet someone that I liked so much at this point in my life.
Só não esperava encontrar alguém de quem gostasse tanto a esta altura da minha vida.
At some point you realize that you have a problem, that it's an intelligence failure.
E então começas a aperceber-te de que tens um problema, isto é uma falha dos serviços secretos.
At a certain point that my mother couldn't teach me how to be a man,
A minha mãe não podia ensinar-me a ser um homem.
The best place to rescue a prisoner in transit is at a choke point... a place where you can force the action into a narrow zone that you control.
O melhor lugar para resgatar um prisioneiro em movimento é num ponto de enforcamento. Um lugar onde podes forçar a acção. dentro de uma zona estreita que controlas.
I could use that information against you at any point in time.
E ainda que respeite o facto de ouvires "Wicked" a sós, posso usar essa informação contra ti em qualquer altura.
I'm saying that you should be at Quantico running point.
Estou a dizer que devias ter ficado em Quântico.
We locked eyes at one point, and we just kept looking at each other, as if that would keep us safe.
Numa altura, fixámos o olhar um no outro... Como se aquilo fosse manter-nos seguros.
I would point out that there is virtually no bail amount that can guarantee his presence at trial.
Gostaria de salientar que não há nenhum valor de fiança que possa garantir a sua presença em tribunal.
And at that point in my life, I wasn't ready.
E, naquela altura da minha vida, eu estava pronto.
But at what point will she realize she's not going to get to be what she wants to be - when she grows up? - How do you know that?
Em que altura vai ela perceber que não vai ser o que quer ser quando for adulta?
What's the point of covering it at all unless we do it in a way that gets our audience back?
De que adianta fazê-lo, se não for para recuperar as audiências?
So it turns out that Jones paid McMurray 500 bucks to point a finger at Bentley.
O Jones pagou ao McMurray 500 dólares, para ele incriminar o Bentley.
What became clear at a certain point was that you were gonna grow up with Michael Polley and Diane, and there was not only no point, that it would be absolutely a mistake to cast a shadow on that.
A certa altura, ficou claro que irias crescer com o Michael Polley e a Diane e que seria um erro rematado levantar objecções a isso.
Harry must have proposed that they live together at some point, and she must have been torn between us, since I suddenly seemed to be the old Michael that she once loved so much.
"A dada altura, o Harry deve ter-lhe proposto que fossem viver juntos," "e ela deve ter-se sentido dividida," "pois eu subitamente parecia ter voltado a ser o Michael que ela tanto amara."
And you suggested at one point when we met in Toronto that we each write our version of it, and then we would show it to each other at the end and might do something with it, but that was left pretty open-ended.
Tu sugeriste a certa altura, quando nos encontrámos em Toronto, que ambos escrevêssemos a nossa versão, para depois a mostrarmos um ao outro, e talvez pudéssemos fazer algo, mas isso ficou em aberto.
I don't know how long it would take or if it would ever get finished, and I wouldn't even pretend at this point to know how to tell it, beyond beginning to explore it through interviews with everyone involved, so that everyone's point of view, no matter how contradictory, is included.
Não sei quanto tempo levará, nem se será alguma vez terminado, nem tão-pouco sei como contá-la, para além de a explorar através de entrevistas com os envolvidos, para incluir todas as perspectivas, por muito contraditórias que sejam.
Let's make this right because we know at some point you're gonna educate yourselves, you're gonna realize that you've been stolen from and you've been highjacked.
Vamos corrigir isto porque sabemos que nalgum momento vocês vão informar-se, vão perceber que foram roubados e que foram assaltados.
That's the point we are at right now.
É esse o ponto em que estamos agora.
Maybe he's making it look like other people did it, placing false evidence at the crime scenes that point to someone else, like the wrist watch.
Pode estar a fazer parecer que foram outras pessoas, ao colocar provas falsas nas cenas do crime, que apontam para alguém, como o relógio.
Well, for starters, at some point, that face starts talking.
Bem, para começar, em algum momento, essa cara começa a falar.
He'll be with me in the end because this is the only way forward and at some point he's going to see that.
Ele estará comigo no final porque é o único caminho a seguir e nalgum momento ele verá isso.
It was on your advice that we decided to bridge the gorge at this point.
Foi sob o seu concelho que decidimos fazer a ponte do desfiladeiro, até aqui. Sim, senhor.
At this point, we have no evidence to lead us to believe that she is not.
Não temos provas que nos faça acreditar que não está.
Well, all I can say at this point is that he's good, boss.
Só lhe posso dizer até agora, que ele é mesmo bom, chefe.
She came to us with a profound learning disability, one that wasn't addressed at any point.
Ela veio até nós com um dificuldade de aprendizagem profunda, um que nà £ o foi abordado em nenhum ponto.
Anyway, I got to assume at this point, you know, they've made it to the Keys and they're already wheels up, or whatever it is that - -
De qualquer jeito, tenho que assumir que a esta altura já chegaram às Keys e levantaram as rodas, ou qualquer coisa que...
I can get drunk, point at furniture if that means I can spend some quality time with my BFF.
Posso embebedar-me e apontar para móveis, se isso significar passar tempo com a minha melhor amiga.
16 years go by, you waltz into that courtroom and point your finger at me?
Passaram-se 16 anos, entras naquele tribunal e apontas-me o dedo?
I was kind of hoping that you might have stumbled upon this at some point...
Estava com esperança que talvez tivesses tropeçado nisto a dada altura...
At no point ever was he told that he was terminal.
Isso livrou-o do cancro, mas deixou-o fisicamente desfigurado e com dor crónica.
My hope in prosecuting them was to put Final Exit out of business, and at least to make a point to these people that this is illegal and it is not acceptable.
Referiram-se a isto como "dia da destruição", o dia em que desmantelavam a Rede Final Exit.
I think that we should... talk at some point.
Eu acho que deveria... falar algum dia.
I will obey the letter of our agreement. I will check in with you every two hours, at which point you can give me whatever drug tests that you want.
Obedecerei, à letra, o nosso acordo e contactá-la-ei a cada duas horas, e a qualquer momento, poderá fazer as análises que quiser.
at that time 260
at that moment 137
at that 82
at that age 33
point 398
points 477
pointer 34
pointy 21
pointing 28
pointless 39
at that moment 137
at that 82
at that age 33
point 398
points 477
pointer 34
pointy 21
pointing 28
pointless 39
point taken 185
point and shoot 18
point is 259
point made 26
point one 17
point blank 21
point of order 34
point being 36
at the movies 19
at the age of 82
point and shoot 18
point is 259
point made 26
point one 17
point blank 21
point of order 34
point being 36
at the movies 19
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at this stage 63
at the party 41
at the hospital 120
at the 118
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at this stage 63
at the party 41
at the hospital 120
at the 118