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Çeviri Portekizce

21 parallel translation
Make her believe it too.
Fà-la acreditar.
Make them stop.
Fà-los parar.
But a few daring men specialists, led by you could do it in one bold, swift stroke.
Mas um punhado de homens ousados... especialistas, liderados por si... fà-lo-iam num único ataque audaz.
Makes them sweat.
Fà-lo suar.
Makes him look so trustworthy.
Fà-lo parecer de confiança.
He'll do it gladly.
Fà-lo-à de bom grado.
I don't care how you do it, you just do it.
Isso pouco me importa, fà-lo.
- Do it, but don't tell me about it.
- Fà-lo, mas näo me digas nada.
Make them happy.
Fà-los felizes.
And he said, " Jim... make it good.
E disse, " Jim,... Fà-Io bem feito.
Make it good!
Fà-Io bem feito!
If I don't give the'all clear'signal they'll explode it!
Se eu nâo der o sinal de "tudo em marcha" fà-Io explodir!
I will.
No, I have not spoken to the President yet, but I'm sure I will very soon.
Nâo, ainda nâo falei com o Presidente, mas fà-Io-ei rapidamente.
Mommy always makes it too weak.
A mamã fà-lo sempre demasiado fraco.
Do it!
You see, arresting CJ, that'll get Waters another stripe.
Prender o CJ fà-Io-à ganar mais um galäo.
Do it!
I play a good game, but not as good as you
Eu faço o meu jogo Mas tu fà-Io melhor
If not for Goken-sensei or yourself then do it for me.
Se não fores pelo Sensei Goken ou por ti... então, fà-lo por mim.
father 10424
fancy 283
face 1222
faith 416
favor 44
fart 120
facebook 123
fabio 51
fate 174
family 1231
fatigue 77
fairy 82
familiar 66
fail 162
faster 1890
faces 62
fall 136
fact 190
fake 188
fashion 71
farm 46

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