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Just before he died Çeviri Portekizce

161 parallel translation
A Kiowa. Huh. Just before he died.
- Um kiowa... pouco antes de morrer.
Mr Wiggs always swore it cured his arthritis just before he died.
O Senhor Wiggs sempre jurou que lhe curou a artrite antes de morrer.
Bernard told me to come here just before he died.
Antes de morrer, o Bernard disse-me para vir cá.
Antes de morrer, ele tentou dizer-nos algo sobre as plantas do Couraçado.
Yes, and he was probably trying to relay it to us just before he died.
Sim, e provavelmente estava a tentar transmitir a descoberta antes de morrer.
Just before he died, he told me everything.
Pouco antes de morrer, confessou-me isso.
The old earl, just before he died, said,
o velho conde, justo antes de morrer, disse,
Just before he died, he said that he really dug you.
Antes de morrer, ele disse que gostava de você.
That time in the room try and remember Father Merrin just before he died.
Esse momento no quarto tente se lembrar do Padre Merrin um pouco antes de ele morrer.
The way he said, "I slipped," just before he died.
A forma como disse "escorreguei" antes de morrer.
Some random notes from the book he was reading just before he died.
Algumas anotações aleatórias do livro que ele estava a ler antes de morrer.
He took a picture just before he died.
Ele tirou uma foto mesmo antes de morrer.
Just before he died, i came to him for confession.
Antes dele morrer, vim confessar-me.
My grandfather gave this to me just before he died.
O meu avô deu-me isto mesmo antes dele morrer.
Just before he died... Dad taught me a trick.
Antes de morrer... o pai ensinou-me um truque.
'Cause Father Jim asked me to. Just before he died.
Porque o Padre Jim pediu-me, pouco antes de morrer.
He brought it back one night just before he died and said :
Trouxe-o uma noite pouco antes de morrer e disse :
Why would Drake call for the correct time just before he died?
Porque haveria de quer saber as horas antes de morrer?
This is the recording the COS made of the phone call Drake received just before he died.
Isto é a gravação que o SOC fez da chamada que o Drake recebeu antes de morrer.
You know, just before he died he promised that when the comet came back he'd be riding on it.
Antes de morrer ele prometeu que quando o cometa voltasse ele vinha montado nele.
Paul mentioned the word "samples" to me just before he died.
O Paul mencionou a palavra "amostra" para mim, antes de morrer.
Do you know what the last Xon said just before he died?
Sabe o que o ultimo Xon disse mesmo antes de morrer?
You told A.J.'s dad just before he died that you would take care of the boy.
Prometeste ao pai do A.J. que ias tomar conta dele.
Mr. Takayama placed a phone call to Asakawa Reiko just before he died.
O Sr. Takayama fez uma ligação para Asakawa Reiko momentos antes de morrer.
The Kimo gave me this just before he died.
O Kimo deu-me isto mesmo antes de morrer.
The next day, just before he died the Captain ordered me to take command of the Valiant.
No dia seguinte, antes de morrer, o Capitão ordenou-me que assumisse o comando da Valiant.
Strange, Fuller would amend his will just before he died.
Estranho que o Fuller emendasse o testamento logo antes de morrer.
He experienced a severe trauma just before he died.
Ele foi alvo de um grande trauma antes de morrer.
He made a new will just before he died, naming... Widow Winship?
Ele fez um novo testamento antes de morrer, em nome da... viúva Winship?
The images we are about to show you are of Apophis just before he died and his body was sent to Sokar.
As imagens que temos para lhe mostrar são de Apófis mesmo antes de morrer e o seu corpo foi enviado para Sokar.
I worry that Very Special Agent Detective Skinner will go ahead and take Eloise'cause Eloise was with Izzy just before he died, but...
Preocupa-me é aquele especial... muito especial Agente Detective Skinner poder prender a Eloise, porque ela esteve com o Izzy mesmo antes de... ele morrer, mas...
I must have been speaking to him just before he died.
Devo ter falado com ele momentos antes de ter morrido.
A syncording contains everything in a person's memory and this is what Drucker saw and heard just before he died.
Uma "sincrogravação" contém tudo na memória de uma pessoa, e isto foi o que o Drucker viu e ouviu antes de morrer.
I made it for him just before he died.
Fiz-lha mesmo antes de morrer.
These are the things we found on your brother's body and a letter he wrote just before he died in the battle.
Toma as coisas que encontrámos no corpo do teu irmão e a carta que ele escreveu mesmo antes de morrer.
Well, Braun was a heroin addict using heavy just before he died which means he was probably meek as a lamb.
O Braun era um viciado. Se consumiu heroína, devia estar muito dócil.
Darren had sex just before he died.
O Darren fez sexo antes de morrer.
We have forensic proof that Darren Powell had sex with a woman just before he died.
Temos provas que o Darren Pyle fez sexo com uma mulher antes de morrer.
And so, just before he died, Oscar created this.
Pouco antes de morrer, o Oscar criou isto.
Quase posso ver o senhor Wilson dormindo nos fundos
No, it was promise he made to my mother, just before she died.
Não, era uma promessa que fêz à minha mãe, antes dela morrer.
Just before Gazzman died, he scrawled the initials of his killer on this slip of paper.
Pouco antes de Gazzman morrer,.. ... gravou as iniciais do seu assassino neste papel.
He was a financier, died just before the war?
Era um financiador. Morreu antes da guerra.
He just died, before the vet even got here.
Morreu antes do veterinário chegar.
All I know is he died suddenly. Just before the Warren Report came out.
Só sei que morreu de repente, antes do Relatório ser publicado.
And then he told us that a short time earlier, just before sunrise, the baby had died. Nothing could be done.
Então disse-nos que, pouco antes mesmo antes do nascer do sol, a bebé havia morrido.
Just before he died, the Minbari assassin looked at me and said :
Muito bem. Vão.
This is just the way your father looked before he died.
É a mesma expressão que o teu pai tinha antes de morrer.
If we could just find the one that served that exact meal the night before he died then...
Se pudesse encontrar aquele que serviu essa refeição exacta... na noite antes dele morrer..
There was blood, but she said the guy just bit his tongue before he died.
Houve sangue, mas ela disse que o tipo mordeu a língua antes de morrer.
He died just before the trial.
Morreu pouco antes do julgamento.

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