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Some other day Çeviri Portekizce

249 parallel translation
Some other day.
Um outro dia.
Some other day, maybe. Not right now.
Talvez noutro dia, mas não agora.
They will give him leave some other day.
Talvez ficou lá mais um dia...
Some other day.
Outro dia.
Come thee again some other day
Venham outra vez num outro dia
Lady, you and Whittaker Walt, you have nice conversation some other day, yes?
Senhora, a senhora e Whittaker Walt, podem ter conversa simpática noutro dia, sim?
Well.. some other day you'll introduce him to me and we will be three,'cause I want to be your friend too Sylvia.
Bem... algum outro dia você me apresentára a ele e nós seremos 3, porque eu quero ser sua amiga também, Sylvia.
If you want money, call me some other day!
We can return to Shanghai some other day, in happier times.
Nós podemos voltar para Shanghai algum outro dia, Em tempos mais felizes.
We'll go some other day.
Vamos noutro dia.
I had 16 different nationalities with me, some of whom couldn't eat this and couldn't eat that, and some that didn't want to fight on Fridays or some other day of the week, and the British, with their infantry weapons
E nós... eu tinha comigo 16 nacionalidades diferentes, alguns não podiam comer isto, outros não comiam aquilo, e alguns não combatiam às sextas outros, noutro dia da semana.
Perhaps some other day.
Talvez num outro dia.
- Some other day.
- Noutro dia.
Let's eat again some other day.
Comemos noutro dia.
We'll celebrate some other day.
Mas... Irmão.
I'll look for them, and give them to you some other day.
Olha, amanhã procuro com calma e dou-tas noutro dia.
Some other day?
- Outro dia?
Some other day.
Outro dia falo dele.
We'll call you to meet some other day.
Telefono-te para sairmos outro dia.
I'll play overnight with you ladies some other day.
Outro dia, jogarei com vocês.
I found this in my coat when you left the other day - buy yourself some bread with it, Mr Helius -!
Encontrei isto, no meu casaco, depois de ter saído... Compre algum pão, com ele, senhor Helius!
As the devil would have it, I was in town one day with nothing to do... and joined some fool committee or other that was investigating... labor conditions in a cigarette factory.
Por ironia do destino um dia estava na cidade sem nada para fazer e juntei-me a uma comissão que investigava as condições de trabalho numa fábrica de cigarros.
Maybe some day you will kill me or I will kill you but we will not spit on each other.
Talvez algum dia tu vais matar-me ou eu vou matar-te mas não cuspiremos um no outro.
The other day, they needed to get some rice through customs.
Ainda noutro dia, foi preciso sacar um arroz da alfândega.
I... It's some trick. I'm sure it's the same car that followed us the other day.
Parece-me o mesmo que nos seguiu no outro dia.
As the regiment of Aquitaine struck camp, at Vertelune the King held a Council of War, with Marshal d'Estrées, and some other great commanders of the day.
Enquanto prepara a partida o regimento da Aquitânia... no castelo de Vertelune o Rei reunia um Conselho de Guerra, com o Marechal d'Estrées, e alguns outros grandes capitães de então.
♪ Each day is Mother's Day ♪ ♪ The next is some other's day ♪
Todos os dias são Dia da Mãe O próximo é dia de outrem
If I go on this way, some day or other, there may be a crisis.
Se continuo assim, mais cedo ou mais tarde, posso ter uma crise.
The other day when it was so cold, a friend of mine went to buy some long underwear.
Aquele dia que fazia muito frio um amigo meu foi comprar uma calça mais quente.
I saw some of those very nice boys waiting for the bus the other day.
Vi alguns desses rapazes simpáticos à espera do autocarro, no outro dia.
Maybe we'll run into each other again some day.
Talvez nos voltemos a encontrar algum dia.
What is worse is that the other day, some dumb cop beat up the whole Girace family - to make'em talk.
O pior é que no outro dia... um polícia agrediu a família toda para os fazer falar.
The other day, an old boy plowing the field there found some old coins.
No outro dia, um rapaz a arar o campo encontrou umas moedas de ouro.
You see... the other day you made some allusions, both of you.
Reparem... no outro dia, vocês os dois fizeram alusões.
I was watching some kids play hockey the other day, five - and six-year-olds, little mites.
Estava a ver uns miúdos a jogarem hóquei no outro dia, de cinco ou seis anos, uns pingentes.
Corene found this while she was goin through some old boxes the other day.
A Corene achou isto quando andava a ver umas caixas velhas no outro dia.
Although, I tell you, I had some the other day.
Se bem que, digo-lhe, experimentei no outro dia.
Look, I gave you some money the other day. Help me.
- Ajudem-me!
She said "I know you'll find another girl some day, Gene but you'll never forget me because we'll always be each other's first love."
Ela disse-me... "Encontrarás outra mulher, mas nunca me esquecerás porque seremos sempre o nosso primeiro amor".
I heard you working on some Brahms the other day.
Ouvi-o a tocar Brahms há dias.
Field Marshal Haig's wife, all Field Marshal Haig's wife's friends, their families, their families'servants, their families'servants'tennis partners, and some chap I bumped into in the mess the other day called Bernard.
Esposa do Marechal Haig, todas as amigas da esposa do Marechal Haig, as suas famílias, os empregados das suas famílias, os parceiros de ténis dos empregados das suas famílias, e um camarada que derrubei na messe no outro dia chamado Bernard.
I had some pizza down here the other day.
Pedi pizza noutro dia.
When we had that car accident the other day in your parking lot, I felt some scratches on the car door.
Quando tivemos o acidente de carro, no outro dia, em seu estacionamento, eu vi alguns arranhões na porta do seu carro.
I think I actually ordered some just the other day.
Parece-me que os encomendei há dias.
I was restoring some stones up here the other day when I found this
Outro dia estava a restaurar aqui umas pedras, quando encontrei isto.
Well, I'm a little embarrassed to bring this up... but I was taking some home movies the other day... and I came up with almost exactly the same concept.
Bom, é algo embaraçoso falar disto, mas peguei nuns vídeos caseiros um dia destes e tive quase exatamente o mesmo conceito.
Oh, Charlie came home from school the other day in tears, because some big kid told him there was no such thing as Santa.
O Charlie veio da escola no outro dia lavado em lágrimas, porque um miúdo mais velho lhe disse que não havia Pai Natal.
The other day after work, some girlfriends and I went to a bar for some drinks, and there was this crazy mishap and I wound up meeting someone as a result.
No outro dia, depois do trabalho, fui com umas amigas beber um copo. Deu-se um incidente louco, e acabei por conhecer uma pessoa.
You sold my girlfriend some shit the other day.
Vendeste uma merda à minha namorada que quase a matou.
Next day she's off and by evening... she starts again in some other town.
- Vai-se a manhã e a noite começa noutro povo.
I know... that we'll see each other again, some day.
Sei que nos voltaremos a ver, um dia.

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