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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / Was there anything else

Was there anything else Çeviri Portekizce

169 parallel translation
- Was there anything else, madame?
- Mais alguma coisa?
Was there anything else, Mrs. Anderson?
Mais alguma coisa, Sra. Anderson?
Was there anything else?
Havia lá mais alguma coisa?
- Was there anything else?
- Havia mais alguma coisa?
Was there anything else?
Mais alguma coisa?
- Was there anything else?
- Nada mais a ver?
Tommy, come on now, was there anything else?
Tommy, vá lá. Lembras-te de mais alguma coisa?
Was there anything else?
Mais algum assunto?
Was there anything else?
Havia mais alguma coisa?
Was there anything else I can do for you?
Não há nada mais que possa oferecer?
Was there anything else in the room?
Havia algo mais na habitação?
Was there anything else you wanted to add to that hello?
Querias acrescentar algo ao olá?
Was there anything else, or can I sit here now?
Mais alguma coisa, ou já posso ficar para aqui sentado?
- Was there anything else?
- Mais alguma coisa?
So, Jimmy outside of the look Katie gave you, was there anything else?
Áparte o olhar que a Katie te deitou, houve mais alguma coisa?
Was there anything else?
Algo mais?
Well, was there anything else that we needed to cover?
Ainda há alguma coisa para cobrir?
Was there anything else?
Havia alguma outra coisa?
So before it not working out, before the annulment, was there anything else?
- Ok. Antes de não resultar, antes da anulação, houve mais alguma coisa?
[laughter ] [ Dave] Was there anything else that was genetically odd?
E viu mais alguma coisa genéticamente estranha?
Er... was there anything else?
Tens algo mais?
Was there anything else?
Queres algo mais?
Was there anything else?
Não havia mais nada?
Was there anything else in that station?
Havia mais alguma coisa na estação?
Was there anything else, ma'am?
Há mais alguma coisa, minha senhora?
Was there anything else you wanna control in my life?
Mais alguma coisa que queiram controlar na minha vida?
Was there anything else near this?
Havia mais alguma coisa perto deste gira-discos?
Was there anything else going on?
Passava-se mais alguma coisa?
Was there anything else of note about this downstairs bathroom?
Mais alguma coisa que tenha notado no w.c. do piso térreo?
Do you remember, in Room 342... when you took my mother's hat, and asked if there was anything else- -
Lembra-se no 342 quando pegou no chapéu da minha mãe e perguntou...
I got the job at Kendall's, but it was... Well, it wasn't a very exacting position, and there didn't seem much immediate chance for anything else at Kendall's.
Consegui o emprego na Kendall's, mas não era um lugar muito exigente e não parecia haver hipótese de melhorar na Kendall's.
If there was anything else, we'd be receiving it.
Se houvesse mais alguma coisa, detectávamos aqui.
Was there anything else?
Há mais alguma coisa?
And by that time it was way past curfew, and Tower insisted that we spend the night... and there wasn't anything else we could do.
Nessa altura estávamos no toque de recolher e Tower insistiu que ficássemos... e não havia nada que pudéssemos fazer.
Ifyou think there was anything else, you're crazy.
Se achas que se passou mais alguma coisa, és louco.
If there was anything else we could do we would have.
Desculpe, major. Se houvesse algo mais que pudéssemos fazer, fazíamos.
Manny Rosenberg was an activist involved in inciting a riot in 1971. - Is there anything else? - I'm looking, I'm looking.
Manny Rosenberg foi um ativista envolvido num motim em 1971.
I didn't know there was anything else.
- Não sabia que havia algo mais.
Was there anything else?
- Sim. Pensa.
There was no way anybody or anything else could have escaped... and that's the story of Hal Carver.
A base estava em alerta máximo. Não havia hipóteses de alguém escapar... e essa é a história de Hal Carver.
I'd never admit this to anyone else, but there was a time when I would have given anything to be flesh and blood, but I've come to realize that being a hologram is far superior.
Nunca diria isto outra pessoa... mas houve um tempo em que daria qualquer coisa para ser de "carne e osso". Mas está mais do que claro, um holograma é infinitamente superior.
If there was anything else that paid this much, I would do it in a heartbeat.
Se me pagassem o mesmo para fazer outra coisa, aceitava já.
I was gonna wait, but standing here today looking at this... I can't see how I can do anything else but put it out there right now.
Perante este panorama, vou anunciar já a minha candidatura.
I told him I didn't think there was anything else I could do.
E eu disse-lhe Que pensara não haver algo mais que pudesse fazer.
So, lower standard of care, you really couldn't be expected to notice there was anything else wrong.
- Prestou os cuidados mínimos. Não se poderia esperar que visse que algo estava mal.
All it said was "Jennifer" Like there wasn't anything else he could say.
Só dizia "Jenifer", como se não houvesse mais nada que ele pudesse dizer.
And I think that it was really unfair of us to assume that there was anything else going on.
E acho que não foi justo da nossa parte presumir que se passava alguma coisa.
So what happened was, I lost my keys and I need to get in there so I can get my TV and VCR and anything else expensive I happen to see.
Então o que aconteceu foi que eu perdi as minhas chaves e preciso de entrar ali dentro para ir buscar a minha TV e Vídeo e qualquer outra coisa cara que aparecer.
After the Chapter 22, there was not anything else haul of the question :
Depois do Capítulo 22, não havia mais nada além da pergunta :
I didn't know there was anything else.
Eu não sabia que havia mais alguma coisa.
If you thought there was a chance I was gonna let you do anything else, I don't know what world you're living in.
Se você achou que eu ia te deixar fazer alguma coisa diferente, não sei em que mundo estava vivendo.

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