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Was there an accident Çeviri Portekizce

402 parallel translation
It would be a pity if there was an accident.
Seria uma pena se tivesse um acidente!
But as you know, there was an accident... so it wasn't necessary to pay Swann after all.
Mas, como sabe, houve um acidente, e não foi preciso pagar ao Swann.
That was an accident. She was there. She'll tell you.
Ela estava presente, pode-te explicar.
Inspector, granted that the cut on the wrist was caused by that knife, is there anything to show whether it was an accident or done deliberately after the murder to account for the bloodstains?
Inspector, presumindo que o corte no pulso tenha sido causado por esta faca, existe algo que demonstre que foi provocado por um acidente... ou feito deliberadamente depois do assassinato para produzir os vestígios?
His door was locked, so there was no question but it was an accident.
A porta estava trancada, Por isso, não havia dúvida alguma de que fora um acidente.
There was an accident.
Houve um acidente.
There was an accident here a little while back about 20 miles back.
Houve um acidente agora há pouco, a 30 km daqui.
There was an accident this morning. A man got killed!
Um homem morreu num acidente.
Rosa, foi um acidente.
- Was there an accident?
- Devemos ir.
So his death was an accident. There must be some simple explanation.
Se a morte foi um acidente deve haver uma explicação simples.
There was an accident on the railroad.
Houve... um acidente na ferrovia.
Yes, there was some kind of an accident.
Parece tratar-se de um acidente.
They're unravelling the tangle now, and there's a penalty against the Mean Machine for roughness, and that pass sure didn't look like it was an accident.
Est = ao a separar-se neste momento, e há uma penalizaç = ao contra os "Autómatos do Mal" por agress = ao. Aquele passe n = ao me pareceu nada acidental.
There was an accident. The moon was blown out of Earth's orbit.
Houve um acidente e a Lua saiu da órbita da Terra.
- There was an accident.
- Houve um acidente.
There was an accident.
Aconteceu um acidente.
I hear there was an accident in one of the shops.
Ouvi dizer que houve um acidente numa das oficinas.
There was an accident... a man died.
Ocorreu um acidente, morreu um homem.
- It was not an accident. I was there.
- Não foi um acidente.
There was an accident about an hour ago.
Houve um acidente.
- There was an accident yesterday,
Houve um acidente, ontem.
Although I was the victim of an accident, there are no allowance for accidents in diplomatic circles.
Quem diria que fora vítima de um incidente? Não há lugar para incidentes nos círculos diplomáticos!
You being there was an accident.
O facto de lá estares foi por acidente.
Apparently there was an accident just south of Mill Creek near the bri... Loomis? Loomis!
Houve um acidente perto da ponte em Mill Creeck...
There was an accident earlier.
Hoje houve um acidente.
Because there was someone of wanting to do an accident to seem a murder?
Porque havia alguém de querer fazer um acidente parecer homicídio?
There was an accident.
Tive um acidente.
There was a an accident, kinda.
Aconteceu... um tipo de acidente.
One day, there was an accident.
Um dia, houve um acidente.
If there was an accident, someone else may be hurt.
Se houve um acidente, podem haver mais feridos.
I think that there was an accident...
Acho que houve um acidente...
There was an accident today at the Magnascopics Laboratory.
Houve um acidente hoje no laboratório da Magnascopics.
An accident, that's all there was to it.
Um acidente de carro, só isso.
- There was an accident.
- Teve um acidente.
- There was an accident?
- Houve um acidente? - Sim.
[Jack Narrating] And then there was Norman the Zombie... who mangled one ofhis legs in a terrible accident as a teenager... when he crashed his T-Bird into an ice cream truck.
E havia o Norman, o zombie... que desfez uma perna num acidente terrível na adolescência... quando espetou o seu T-Bird numa carrinha de gelados.
Boy, if ever there was a time for an accident.
Rapaz! Se alguma vez houve uma altura para um acidente.
I was told there'd been an accident.
- Disseram-me que houve um acidente.
There was an accident today- - the worst one I've ever seen.
Houve um acidente hoje... o pior que já alguma vez vi.
About a month ago, there was an accident, and he was playing basketball, and his friend had a pencil in his back pocket.
Há cerca de um mês, sofreu um acidente. Estava a jogar basquetebol e o amigo tinha um lápis no bolso de trás.
There was some kind of an accident at the laboratory last night.
Houve um acidente ontem à noite no laboratório.
It only matters that there was an accident.
O que importa é que houve um acidente.
There was an accident at a dry-cleaning facility here seven years ago.
Houve um acidente numas instalações de limpeza a seco, há sete anos.
Maybe there is no connection and going back to the memory of the Excelsior was just an accident, a stray thought Tuvok was having because of the similarities between the two nebuIas.
Talvez não haja ligação e retornar à memória da Excelsior tenha sido apenas um acidente pensamento disperso que Tuvok estava tendo por causa das similaridades entre as duas nebulosas.
The fire broke out and I don't know if it was one of my men or just an accident, but there was a strong wind and those flames just swept through that town like a wave of death.
O incêndio começou e não sei se foi um dos meus homens, ou se foi só um acidente, mas havia um vento forte e as chamas espalharam-se por toda a aldeia como uma onda de morte.
Stop. Some other guy's car had hit a tree. There was an accident.
Tinha havido um desastre e um carro tinha batido numa árvore.
There was an accident.
Sofreram um acidente.
There was an accident in Engineering.
Houve um acidente na Engenharia.
There was an accident today.
Houve um acidente hoje.
There was an accident. An Italian navy vessel rammed the Albanian ship that sank.
Tratou-se de um acidente, um barco da marinha italiana abalroou o navio albanês, que se afundou.

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