There were two Çeviri Rusça
1,198 parallel translation
there were two corpses in front of me.
Два трупа уже лежали передо мной.
And there were two people in the classroom!
А в классе было всего два человека!
No, there were two.
Нет, их было двое.
That's why there were two MALPs in the gate room.
Поэтому, когда мы вернулись, в зале врат было два зонда.
There were two guys fighting and they shot my boss.
Тут было два парня, они дрались, а потом застрелили моего босса.
In other words, there were times when there were two cameras on this.
Т. е., периодически на съёмочной площадке работало две камеры.
You say "we." There were two of you?
Мы... Это означает, что вас было двое?
There were two. A couple of lowlifes in baseball caps.
И, в конце концов, он допустит ошибку.
There were two empty phials of diamorphine and a wrapper from a hypodermic I found on the bed.
Там на кровати были 2 пустых пузырька от диаморфина и упаковка от шприцов.
- How'd you know there were two of us?
- А как вы поняли, что нас двое?
On the monitor, there were two heartbeats and I told the nurse that it was just a mechanical error.
На мониторе было два сердцебиения и я сказала сестре, что монитор просто неисправен.
But there were two Hobbits.
Но там болжны были быть два хоббита.
Now, there were two other guys we always worked with.
С нами "работали" ещё двое ребят.
In each egg there were two hundred birdies.
Каждое по двести птенчиков.
Mr. Shinohara deduces there were two culprits.
Господин Шинобара считает, было два преступника.
Right, we know there were two cars involved, possibly, er... a near-miss collision.
Так, нам известно, что было две машины, возможно... аварийная ситуация.
- There were two of you here when he left?
- Вас было двое, когда он ушёл?
This is exactly how I pictured losing my virginity... except it was on a bed of flowers... and there were two of you.
Именно так я и мечтал потерять девственность... за исключением того, что в мечтах была кровать в цветах... и тебя там было две.
There were two follow cars several blocks distant.
За ними следовали две машины, на удалении нескольких кварталов.
And then there were two.
И значит, они были вдвоём.
You said there were two things.
Вы сказали, мы должны сделать две вещи.
There were two Judases.
Было два Иуды...
There were two roads out of Ashton : A new one which was paved and an older one that wasn't.
Из Эштона вели две дороги - новая, вымощенная, и старая, не мощёная.
He says there were two of them. They broke the lock and emptied the whole apartment.
Он говорит, их было двое, сломали замок, вынесли все из квартиры.
How did he know there were two of them?
Откуда он знает, что были двое?
There were two children. A boy, a girl.
- Жили-были двое детей, мальчик и девочка,
There were two, I picked the bigger one.
Там было два. Я выбрала побольше.
Two weeks ago there were enough turkeys to spit and have dinner for 50.
Пару недель назад здесь было столько индеек, что всегда хватало на обед.
No, at first there were only two, then the Christ came.
Нет, сначала их бьiло двое, а потом появился Христос.
There were two types of DNA on the stones.
- Что?
You know, from Sicily. My birth parents were killed there in the big earthquake when I was two, and the League brought me here.
Мои настоящие родители погибли там во время землетрясения, и Лига привезла меня сюда.
Don't tell me you have no idea... there's a movie being made... of the comic you two were the basis for.
Тoлькo нe гoвoритe... чтo вы пoнятия нe имeeтe oб этoм фильмe... прo двух чудакoв, прoтoтипами кoтoрых были вы.
There were actually 30 Germans, but since they could go out on leave, they split into two groups and, in general, at the time we'd chosen to revolt there were 16 Germans in the camp.
Фактически, было 30 немцев но, так как они могли взять отпуск и выйти за пределы лагеря они были разделены на две части, и в целом когда мы приняли решение о восстании присутствовало 16 немцев.
I mean, clearly there were a lot of interesting applications on Linux at, at the time, this being maybe two or three years ago, when the root thing really started to take off but there wasn't a driving, you know,
Я имею ввиду то, что было много интересных приложений для Linux в это время, это было примерно два или три года назад, когда такая поддержка начала серьёзно ослабевать но не было движения, вы знаете, вы могли даже рассказать случай в бизнесе
There were just no end to the strange ways of the two legged.
Нет конца странным выходкам этих двуногих существ.
One we lost in Moria two were my kin a Dwarf there was also.
Одного мы потеряли В Мории... Двое были из нашей породы. А еще - гном, эльф и два человека...
I wish it were that easy, but a note won't reach your father for two weeks, and then there's the endless debates about whether we killed you already.
Если бы все было так просто. Письмо дойдет до твоего отца только через две недели, и потом все эти нескончаемые споры насчет того, живой ли ты еще.
There are two kinds of people who live in Alaska. The ones who were born here and the ones who come here to escape something else.
На Аляске живут два рода людей - те, кто здесь родился, и те, кто сюда приехал, чтобы забыть прошлое.
There were intruders, at least two of them.
Здесь были взломщики, по крайней мере, двое.
I remember one time there were these two huge African men who managed to squeezed themselves into this tiny box.
Уважаю. Я помню как однажды двое здоровенных африканцев засунули себя в эту малюсенькую коробочку.
And, and, and, I heard someone say there were two different bullets.
Две разные пули!
Me and Fedka were sawing up wood when they brought them in on a truck. There were another two of our guys with them
Да, мы с Федькой дрова тогда пилили, когда их на грузовике привезли.
We were there together for maybe two months
мы учились вместе где-то может месяца два
We were kids separated from our families and we spent two months there at the hands of women who force-fed us constantly.
Нас, детей, отлучали от наших семей, и мы проводили два месяца во власти женщин, которые нас постоянно откармливали.
There are only two possible explanations. There were five before me.
Здесь может быть лишь два объяснения.
Is that what you two were talking about in there?
Это вы об этом там говорили?
Details are still sketchy, but sources tell us there were fatalities including two Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies.
Детали пока не ясны, но есть сообщения о жертвах в числе которых два помощника шерифа округа Лос-Анджелес.
There we were two happy people losing each other, god damn it!
Вот, значит, как... два любящих человека теряют друг друга. Черт!
There were about 40,000 deaths per year from automobile accidents and about a million, or a million-two injuries.
- Oh, yes, we'll get you some data on that. " Было приблизительно 40,000 смертельных случаев ежегодно от автомобильных аварий... There were about 40,000 deaths per year from automobile accidents и приблизительно миллион, или два миллиона раненых.
Even if those two pages were in there, the book still would've sucked.
Последняя книжка - просто дрянь! Ты видел квартальный отчёт?
There were already two souled vampires in the universe before Spike fried.
Уже было два вампира с душой во вселенной перед тем, как Спайк поджарился.
there were two of them 39
there were 484
there were none 18
there were over 22
there were no survivors 16
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were three 17
there were complications 24
there were witnesses 20
there were 484
there were none 18
there were over 22
there were no survivors 16
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were three 17
there were complications 24
there were witnesses 20
there were no witnesses 29
there were others 52
two hours later 53
two hours 343
two and a half men 29
two hours ago 92
two weeks later 82
two weeks ago 326
two months later 53
two years ago 477
there were others 52
two hours later 53
two hours 343
two and a half men 29
two hours ago 92
two weeks later 82
two weeks ago 326
two months later 53
two years ago 477
two years later 88
two months ago 182
two hearts 28
two more 130
two beers 79
two thousand dollars 17
two o'clock 76
two days ago 368
two seconds 191
two hands 45
two months ago 182
two hearts 28
two more 130
two beers 79
two thousand dollars 17
two o'clock 76
two days ago 368
two seconds 191
two hands 45
two arms 16
two years 509
two and a half 63
two people 83
two brothers 30
two thousand 72
two minutes 637
two things 153
two sugars 100
two words 186
two years 509
two and a half 63
two people 83
two brothers 30
two thousand 72
two minutes 637
two things 153
two sugars 100
two words 186