As a boy translate French
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Just as a boy that goes off to war and then returns is not the same anymore.
Celui qui va à la guerre revient aussi changé.
As a boy, I watched your set from the water wings every night and I never forgot the look of the audience as they soaked it in.
Quand j'étais jeune, je vous regardais des coulisses tous les soirs et je n'ai jamais oublié l'expression du public qui était ébloui.
I was a cross-country runner as a boy.
Enfant, je faisais du cross-country.
You take sides with your friends as a boy, but we weren't just throwing stones over the fence - we were shooting guns.
Vous preniez parti avec vos amis en tant que garçon, mais nous ne lancions pas seulement des pierres sur le mur nous tirions avec des armes à feu.
A couple of weeks ago, you told me this story about a party. And then there was a boy who did something mean to you. Eric.
Il y a 15 jours, tu m'as parlé d'une histoire de fête où ce garçon t'avait fait quelque chose de méchant.
I think as a boy, even though you didn't have all the facts, you knew he was an interesting man.
Quand tu étais jeune, même s'il te manquait des données, tu savais qu'il était intéressant.
As fine-Iooking a boy as there ever was.
Le plus beau garçon jamais vu.
With no cap, the boy might get a sunstroke on a day as hot as this.
Le gamin risque une insolation par cette chaleur.
- Yeah. You have been a very naughty boy.
Tu as été très méchant...
That's a lot of presents you sent there, boy.
T'as envoyé beaucoup de cadeaux, fiston.
As a young boy, he wanted to become a dancer... but at the age of 12, he lost his legs.
Quand il était jeune, il rêvait d'être danseur... mais à l'âge de 12 ans, on l'a amputé des deux jambes.
You always did have a way with flowers. Such an odd quality for a boy.
Tu as toujours su choisir les fleurs, c'est étrange, pour un garçon.
You have been a bad boy!
- Tu as été un vilain garçon!
Keith, you've been a bad boy now you're gonna have to pay the price.
Keith, tu as été un mauvais garçon et maintenant tu devras en payer le prix.
You have been a bad, bad boy!
Tu as été un vilain garçon!
The boy you had a row with at Petrus's party.
Avec qui tu as eu un accrochage à la fête.
He took for himself a wife... and a boy, who became as his own son.
Il prit une femme... et un garçon, qui devint comme son propre fils.
If you a good old boy, I hire you as my security.
Si tu es gentil, je t'embauche comme agent de sécurité.
Krabat, a 14-year-old orphan boy, went with his last two friends as carolers from village to village.
Krabat, un orphelin de 14 ans, prenait la route avec deux amis, pour chanter noël de village en village.
Now it seems a prerequisite to be a fucking bum-boy!
On dirait que tu as ce qu'il faut pour être une tapette!
Lori left me, little boy. It's the only class I can attend as a single.
Y a qu'un cours destiné aux gens seuls.
But I'm already working as a bus boy in New York...
Mais je travaille, je suis serveur à New York.
You just told the papers we couldn't tell one boy from another as a compliment for the months we spent working on your case.
Mais pour nous remercier d'avoir trouvé votre fils, vous dites aux journaux qu'on ne sait pas différencier deux garçons.
The boy, Walter Collins, was reported as missing, March 10, 1928.
Walter Collins a été porté disparu le 10 mars 1928.
So, after much effort, we were able to identify this boy, who's been responsible for so much trouble lately, as Arthur Hutchins of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Après beaucoup de travail, on a pu identifier ce garçon qui nous a causé tant d'ennuis dernièrement. Il s'appelle Arthur Hutchins et il vient de Cedar Rapids, en Iowa.
What is it, boy? Do not have a tongue?
T'as perdu ta langue?
I made mistakes, horrendous ones ones that were not worthy of a president ones that did not meet the standards of excellence that I always dreamed of as a young boy.
J'ai commis des erreurs. Des erreurs épouvantables qui ne sont pas dignes d'un président et qui ne représentent pas les standards d'excellence auxquels j'aspirais quand j'étais petit.
So you turned the job over to a 15-year-old boy.
Alors tu as remis ta décision à un jeune garçon de 15 ans.
If the boy drank altar wine, he can't continue as an altar boy.
Si le garçon a bu du vin à L'autel, il ne peut pas continuer comme enfant de chœur.
- Been a good boy?
- Tu as été sage?
It's not an ideal situation, no, but the boy's reluctance to give his last name clearly stems from his fear of being discovered as a truant.
Ce n'est pas l'idéal, mais le fait qu'il refuse de donner son nom montre bien qu'il a peur qu'on découvre qu'il sèche l'école.
I've been told that you are the mastermind behind a prison escape and that you've kidnapped a boy as collateral.
Ils m'ont dit que vous avez organisé une évasion et que vous avez kidnappé un garçon en guise de garantie.
- You are a sick boy, Reed.
- Tu as un grain, Reed.
I think you are a pussy whipped college boy as useful for the military secret service as a poopy-flavored lollypop.
Pour être franc, Monsieur, je crois que vous êtes une petite mauviette d'étudiant, aussi utile aux services secrets de l'Armée qu'une sucette à la fraise.
Boy I saw as a son throw me in jail!
Celui que j'ai traité comme mon fils m'a mis en prison.
Yeah, clearly you weren't a boy scout.
- Toi, t'as jamais été boyscout.
Have a drink, buddy boy, you need one.
Prends un verre, vieux. Tu en as besoin.
Better get movin'big boy... she doesn't have much time.
T'as intérêt à te bouger, mec... Elle n'a plus beaucoup de temps.
But as great as they were at diagnosing and treating Teddy, they had no idea how to tell a 12-year-old boy that he was going to die.
Mais aussi merveilleux qu'ils furent pour diagnostiquer et traiter Teddy, Ils n'avaient aucune idée de comment s'y prendre pour annoncer à un garçon de 12 ans qu'il allait bientôt mourrir.
- Boy, you've got a sweet ride there.
- Mon gars, t'as une belle voiture.
Well, you do got a big-ass dick for a white boy.
T'as une belle queue pour un Blanc.
Fiamma, you've kissed a boy, haven't you?
Fiamma, tu as déjà embrassé un garçon?
- Why did you come as a cowboy? - What?
Pourquoi tu t'es habillé en cow-boy'?
You've been a good boy.
Tu as été gentil.
Yeah, Piccolo Boy, as you call him, was recently stolen from a private collector in Paris.
Piccolo, comme tu dis, a récemment été volé chez un collectionneur privé à Paris.
You got a lot to learn, boy.
Tu as beaucoup à apprendre, mon garçon.
You got a lot to learn, boy.
Tu as beaucoup à apprendre.
From the early days of Beatlemania, to the overnight sensations of the'70s, to the choreographed boy bands of the'90s. As long as there have been teen idols, there have been teen-idol fanatics.
Depuis les beaux jours de la Beatlemania et des vedettes des années 70, sans oublier les Boy Bands ultra-chorégraphiés des années 90, là où il y a des idoles, il y a aussi des fanatiques.
Are you telling me you never snuck out of your dorm to go see a boy or something like that?
Tu me dis que t'as jamais fait le mur de l'internat pour aller voir un garçon, par exemple?
You're a smart boy. You understand you're dying.
- Parce que tu es un garçon très intelligent, tu as compris que tu allais mourir.
You made me have a little boy and now you made me lose him!
Tu m'as fait avoir un fils et là, tu me le fais perdre.
as always 696
as a matter of fact 1864
as a result 233
as a reward 26
as a rule 74
as a friend 236
as a team 51
as a man 62
as a spy 29
as agreed 52
as a matter of fact 1864
as a result 233
as a reward 26
as a rule 74
as a friend 236
as a team 51
as a man 62
as a spy 29
as agreed 52
as a mother 43
as a couple 32
as a child 135
as an adult 26
as a 74
as am i 139
as a parent 25
as a woman 81
as are we 19
as a family 98
as a couple 32
as a child 135
as an adult 26
as a 74
as am i 139
as a parent 25
as a woman 81
as are we 19
as a family 98
as an actor 22
as a gift 25
as an artist 17
as a joke 40
as are you 63
as a precaution 31
as a cop 35
as a father 46
as a person 27
as a scientist 41
as a gift 25
as an artist 17
as a joke 40
as are you 63
as a precaution 31
as a cop 35
as a father 46
as a person 27
as a scientist 41