As a man translate French
10,067 parallel translation
- What happened, it's not me... as a man, as a father.
- Ce qu'il s'est passé, c'est pas moi... en tant qu'homme, que père.
And as a man who can now tell you the difference between mint and seafoam, I can tell you that that's real love.
Et pour un homme qui peut maintenant te dire la différence entre menthe et écume, je peux te dire que c'est un vrai amour.
As a man of science I must conclude that it was the steam and not I, that saved his life.
En homme de science, je dois conclure que ce sont les vapeurs et non moi, qui lui ont sauvé la vie.
A surgeon can be a woman just as easily as a man.
Chirurgien est un métier où la femme est l'égale de l'homme.
A woman's hands may be devious, but they are not as strong as a man's.
Les mains d'une femme peuvent être rusées, mais ils ne sont pas comme fort comme un homme.
Bill can never make you happy, not as a man to love.
Bill ne te rendra jamais heureuse.
"Better that than being black money as a man can be."
"Vaut mieux ça, qu'être de l'argent sale."
"Better that than being black money as a man can be." "Better that than being black money as a man can be."
"Vaut mieux ça, qu'être de l'argent sale."
To drink whiskey with a man who doesna look on me with pity, as if Iâ m some lame cur.
Pour boire du whiskey avec un homme qui ne me regarde pas avec de la pitié comme si je n'étais qu'un boiteux.
You get a wife or a wall... no man gets both.
Tu as une femme ou un mur... Aucun homme n'a les deux.
The Tin Man needs a heart, as it were.
L'homme d'étain a besoin d'un cœur, comme il était.
Aaron lost, but remarkably, killing a man and losing his greatest shot at Wimbledon and the number-one ranking still wasn't as low as he would sink that day.
tuer un homme et perdre sa meilleure chance à Wimbledon ainsi que la place de n ° 1 mondial n'était rien comparé à la suite.
And who better to deliver that message than a strong, handsome man such as yourself?
Et quel meilleur messager qu'un bel homme comme vous?
Man, I know that we're low on resources, and that you have this need to come in and bail us out with your gas chemotherapy and, uh...
Mec, je sais qu'on a peu de moyens, et que tu as ce besoin de venir et de nous renflouer avec ta chimiothérapie gazeuse et...
Well, then, since you asked, I happen to have a date with a man who is very much intriguing to me.
Bien, alors, puisque tu as demandé, j'ai un rencard avec un homme qui m'intrigue beaucoup.
But at the end of the day, the crazy chick with posttraumatic shark disorder, my abnormally genius best friend, and the man with the chainsaw, no one else can get the job done like we can.
Entre la cinglée et son stress post-traumatique dû aux requins, son meilleur ami génial et l'homme à la tronçonneuse, y a personne de plus efficace. Tu as bien changé.
Brody, as another man in a sexual relationship...
Brody, en tant qu'homme ayant une relation sexuelle...
And that man loves me and treats me as I should be treated by a man and you don't talk to him like that, ever!
Et cet homme m'aime et me traite comme un homme devrait le faire et tu ne lui parles jamais comme ça, jamais!
Let me get this straight. You came all the way from the Forest of Troezen to ask your question, but when you saw that I'd run away, you went after me, risked your life, killed a man, and a cyclops,
Si j'ai bien tout compris, tu as fais tout ce chemin depuis la forêt de Troezen pour poser ta question, mais quand tu as vu que je m'étais enfuie, tu es venu à ma rencontre,
I don't know a man alive as strong, as powerful as you, dear heart.
Je ne connais aucun homme vivant aussi fort, aussi puissant que vous, très cher.
Where did I go wrong as a father, if she's fallen for that old man!
Je ne comprends pas où j'ai failli dans mon rôle de père pour qu'elle arrive à s'enticher de ce vieillard!
As a soldier, I'm used to following orders but sometimes a man must follow his conscience instead.
En tant que soldat, j'ai l'habitude de suivre les ordres. mais parfois un homme doit plutôt suivre sa conscience.
The place is perfect for a man such as yourself. A family man of means.
C'est l'endroit parfait pour vous, un père de famille fortuné.
A man's entitled to his opinion, misinformed as it may be.
Un homme est lié à ses opinions, même s'il est mal informé.
You ran an innocent man under a bus and trusted me to keep quiet.
- Tu as eu confiance en mon silence quand un innocent a été tué...
Uh, first birthday as a newly single man.
Uh, premier anniversaire en tant que célibataire.
Hey, you lost a bet, man.
Hey, tu as perdu un pari, mec.
Was shocked to learn that a man such as yourself would not only have a baby out of wedlock, but a gender-bending son.
Il a été choqué d'apprendre qu'un homme comme toi a eu un enfant hors mariage et en plus qu'il est trans.
Nadia : All right, so, the hooded man started As creepy and mysterious fiction online by one guy,
OK, donc l'homme à la capuche a commencé une fiction en ligne mystérieuse et flippante tout seul mais a ensuite été rejoint par une centaine d'autres.
You seem like a man with a whole lot of worries.
Tu as l'air inquiet.
God would never want something as sacred as the union between a man and a woman to be reduced to these experiments.
Dieu ne permettrait jamais que quelque chose d'aussi sacré que l'union d'un homme et d'une femme en soit réduit à ces expériences.
Look, W-Walter, y-you seem like a very nice man, but it's just that, well, when talked on the phone, you never mentioned that you were in your 50s, or that-that you were married with-with kids.
Écoute, Walter, tu-tu sembles être un très homme sympa, mais c'est juste, que, quand nous parlions par téléphone, tu n'as jamais dit que tu avais la cinquantaine, ou que-que tu étais marié et avais des enfants.
As a gay man, you have the ultimate advantage.
En tant qu'homo tu as un avantage unique.
You got a man that loves you.
Tu as un homme qui t'aime.
I went to the Uffizi and stood before the original "Primavera" day after day, and most days I'd see a young Lithuanian man as transfixed by the Botticelli as I was.
Je suis allé à l'Uffizi et je suis resté devant le tableau original, Le Printemps, jour après jour, et la plupart des jours je voyais un jeune homme lituanien aussi captivé par le tableau que je l'étais
What were you like as a young man?
Comment étiez-vous dans votre jeunesse?
You tricked their beloved grandfather into signing away his rights, or you're the kind of son that dumps his demented old man in a nursing home.
Tu as piégé leur Grand pére adoré en le mettant sous tutelle, ou tu es cet espèce de fils qui abandonne son vieux père sénile dans un hospice.
You posted a photo of your man junk on the interweb.
Tu as publié une photo de ton bazar sur internet.
You're thinking if you play your cards right, you just might get a date with a guy who once mistook you for a man.
Tu penses que tu joues les bonnes cartes, tu as juste pu avoir un rendez-vous avec un mec qui t'a pris une fois pour un homme.
And, uh... as for the man who hired you... all you need to know is... his check's gonna clear.
Et... Quant à celui qui vous a recrutés, tout ce que vous avez besoin de savoir est que son chèque passera.
Niklaus, you yourself even mentioned had you been raised by Ansel you might have been a better man.
Niklaus, tu as mentionné toi-même que si tu avais été élevé par Ansel tu aurais pû être un homme meilleur.
He's also a man you can trust, and I say that as someone who doesn't trust easily...
On peut lui faire confiance, et je dis ça en tant que quelqu'un qui ne fait pas confiance facilement...
Son, you got a good man here, But look, if you want to keep an eye on me yourself, I don't mind coming where you are,
Fils, tu as un bon gars là, mais écoute, si tu veux garder un oeil sur moi, ça me dérange pas de venir te rejoindre, ou écoute... on t'enverra des photos toutes les heures.
I'm a black man.
Tu as raison.
Shelby : As most of you know, I got knocked up in a motel room by a man I barely knew after one too many whiskey sours.
Comme vous tous, je dois mise enceinte par un mec que je connaissais à peine dans un motel.
He also said that our destiny is determined by heaven and can be undone by no man When I volunteered as a nurse in the hospital it was so that I could search for him regardless of whether he is dead or alive
Il a dit aussi : et personne ne peut le changer. juste pour le retrouver.
I kept cochlear gardens as a young man to attract fireflies.
J'ai gardé des jardins comme un jeune homme pour attirer les lucioles.
What is it worth to be known as the man who caught Hannibal Lecter?
Qu'y a-t-il de mieux que d'être connu comme l'homme qui a attrapé Hannibal Lecter?
You are a man of many vices.
Tu as beaucoup de vices.
He came to me once as a young man... to tempt me.
Il m'est apparu comme un jeune homme... Pour me tenter.
I am not a strong and robust man, such as yourself.
Je ne suis pas un homme fort et robuste comme vous.
as always 696
as a matter of fact 1864
as a result 233
as a reward 26
as a rule 74
as a friend 236
as a team 51
as a spy 29
as agreed 52
as a mother 43
as a matter of fact 1864
as a result 233
as a reward 26
as a rule 74
as a friend 236
as a team 51
as a spy 29
as agreed 52
as a mother 43
as a couple 32
as a child 135
as an adult 26
as a 74
as am i 139
as a parent 25
as are we 19
as a woman 81
as a family 98
as an actor 22
as a child 135
as an adult 26
as a 74
as am i 139
as a parent 25
as are we 19
as a woman 81
as a family 98
as an actor 22
as a gift 25
as an artist 17
as are you 63
as a boy 50
as a joke 40
as a precaution 31
as a cop 35
as a person 27
as a father 46
as a scientist 41
as an artist 17
as are you 63
as a boy 50
as a joke 40
as a precaution 31
as a cop 35
as a person 27
as a father 46
as a scientist 41