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Calm him down translate French

389 parallel translation
He's holed up at his place. We had to calm him down!
Il s'est barricadé chez lui, on lui a fait de la camomille!
- It will calm him down.
Que ça calme énormément.
Okay, we gotta calm him down.
Il faut le calmer.
- Let's try to calm him down, we'll get something out of it.
Calmons-le, on obtiendra quelque chose. Venez avec nous.
Go and see if you can calm him down.
Va voir si tu peux le calmer.
Calm him down, talk to him, and see if you can't get him to change his attitude.
Calmez, le. Parlez-lui. Voyez si vous pouvez le raisonner.
We need to calm him down first.
Mais pour l'instant, je dois calmer mon père.
Give him some to calm him down.
Donnez-Lui un tout de suite, ça va le calmer.
I'll calm him down.
Je le calmerai.
- Calm him down somehow.
- Il faut le calmer.
You get angry. I calm him down, and talk him into doing what I want him to.
Tu te fâches, moi je l'embobine... et l'oblige à faire ce que je veux.
Try to calm him down. Talk to him.
Calmez-le, parlez-lui, expliquez-lui...
Just to calm him down, damn it!
- Si ça peut le tranquilliser!
- Some saddlings will calm him down.
J'ai seulement usé quelques selles.
If Dr Evans can calm him down, I intend to find out.
J'espère le découvrir si le docteur le calme.
Now, we'll do everything we can to try and calm him down.
Nous ferons tout notre possible pour tenter de le calmer.
Calm him down.
This here... will calm him down.
Ceci... Ceci le calmera.
Well, that's not exactly what he said, but to calm him down, I sort of...
Enfin, il n'a pas exactement dit ça, mais pour le calmer, j'ai...
- We tried to calm him down.
- On a essayé de le calmer.
I'll give him a shot of something to calm him down.
Je vais lui administrer une piqûre pour le calmer.
Calm him down, help him.
Calme-le, aide-le. D'accord?
Sir, calm him down first.
- What are you giving him to calm him down?
- Vous lui donnez quoi comme calmant?
I'll see if I can't calm him down.
Je vais essayer de le calmer.
I'll calm him down.
- Je le calmerai.
Talk to the subject. Calm him down.
Parler au sujet, le calmer.
Think she managed to calm him down?
Tu crois qu'elle va le calmer?
He screams. It's very difficult to calm him down.
Il se met à hurler, impossible de le calmer.
Let's get him out of here and calm him down.
Emmenons-le et essayons de le calmer.
I'll calm him down.
Va chercher de l'aide.
Si je lui apportais du thé, il se calmerait.
- Calm down. I'm going to speak to him.
- Calme-toi, je vais lui parler.
- Let me at him...! - Calm down!
- Juste un coup, et un vrai.
We'll put him to bed, that'll calm him down.
- On va le coucher.
- You're welcome to him. - Rudolph, you calm down.
Rudolph, calme-toi.
- Hear him? Kicking me out. - Calm down.
Monsieur veut me vider!
Leave him to calm down. tomorrow he may be more reasonable.
Laissez le dans son filet Il finira bien par se calmer.
- Thank you for those small crumbs! You're not to disturb him until you calm down!
Vous ne le dérangerez pas avant d'être calme!
And if he hasn't, give him time to calm down.
Sinon, laisse-lui le temps de se calmer.
Give him time to calm down.
Laisse-lui le temps de se calmer.
I have to knock him around or I won't be able to calm down.
Je vais le réduire en bouillie!
We couldn't calm him down at all
Il chialait comme un gosse, pas moyen de le calmer.
Not him! - Let's all calm down. - Yeah, and...?
Monsieur, nous allons maintenant nous calmer.
If they find him dead, they'll calm down right away.
S'il est retrouvé mort, ils se calmeront aussitôt.
and deliberately left it for him to see. Calm down, boy. And listen.
Puis, iI y a eu un incident et il a voulu tuer le directeur.
- Calm down, I have him.
- Du calme, je le tiens.
- Calm down. Return with him.
- Calme-toi, rentre avec lui.
Try to calm him down.
Calm down. I'll see that with him.
Je rentre après-demain.
Tomorrow I call him on the phone, maybe a couple of days. I wait until things calm down a little.
Je lui téléphonerai demain ou après-demain... dès que les choses se seront tassées.

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