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Translate.vc / English → French / [ D ] / Did you see this

Did you see this translate French

1,015 parallel translation
Say, did you see this?
- Tu as vu ça?
Did you see this stuff in the paper?
Avez-vous vu ça dans le journal?
- Did you see this Mrs. Hylton?
- Tu es allé la voir?
Did you see this?
Avez-vous vu ça?
Did you see this man today?
Avez vous vu cet homme aujourd'hui?
Did you see this peddler's face?
As-tu vu Ie visage du revendeur?
- Did you see this spread on Rienzi in the day?
- Vous avez lu l'article de The Day?
Did you see this?
Vous avez vu ceci?
Billy, Did you see this?
Billy! Tu as lu ça? Haut fonctionnaire assassiné à Soho.
Did you see the way those men looked at her this morning?
Tu as vu comme ces hommes la regardaient ce matin?
Did you see all this stuff in the paper?
Avez-vous vu tout ça dans le journal?
Hey, Walrus, did you ever see this one?
Le moustachu, tu Ia connais celle-Ià?
Oh, by the way, did you see the newspapers this morning?
Vous avez vu les journaux ce matin?
Did you ever see this before?
Vous avez déjà vu ceci?
I shouldn't have written you as I did, Mr. Holmes and then burst in, in this melodramatic way but I had to see you.
Je n'aurais pas dû vous écrire, ni faire cette entrée, mais je devais vous voir.
- Now, at this party during the evening did you see Mr. Fabrini and Mrs. Carlsen in private conversation?
Au cours de cette réception avez-vous vu... M. Fabrini et Mme Carlsen en train de converser?
Well, during this time, did the defendant make any effort to see you?
L'accusé a-t-il fait des tentatives pour vous voir?
Doctor, did you ever see anything like this in all your 32 years of medical experience?
Avez-vous déjà été témoin d'un tel acte en 32 ans d'expérience professionnelle?
- Governor, did you happen to see this in the New Bulletin?
Vous avez lu le New Bulletin?
- Oh, Pedro, did you see the baron this morning?
- Avez-vous vu le baron ce matin?
Did you ever see this woman before today?
Avez-vous déjà vu cette femme?
I'm not accusing anyone, but you did ask to see my instruments this afternoon.
- Vous m'avez demandé cet après-midi de vous montrer ma trousse.
Did you ever see anything like this street? It's a cemetery.
C'est pire que dans un cimetière.
For instance. Did you ever see or hear this killer before?
Aviez-vous déjà vu l'assassin?
Golly, I guess you think you own this town. There were people grown people they were who expressed themselves longingly. They did hope to live to see the day, they said when that boy would get his comeuppance.
Certaines gens, des gens d'expérience, exprimaient le souhait de voir enfin le jour où ce garçon serait maté!
You see, this time, it was I who did the telephoning.
Cette fois, c'est moi qui ai téléphoné.
Did you see what this man did?
Vous avez vu? Faites un rapport sur-le-champ.
This thing is a... You see... what did I tell you!
Va jouer, sœurette, j'ai la forme.
This is a devilish gun beyond monkebach i see a courier from the court of brunswick kuchenreutter, why did you invent such a weapon?
C'est un flingue du diable. Là, derrière Moenkenbach, j'aperçois un cavalier... un courrier de la cour de Brunswick. Kuchenreuter, pourquoi diable as-tu inventé ce fusil?
- Did you see anything in this niche?
Avez-vous vu quelque chose?
Did you ever see this man before?
Vous connaissez cet homme?
I told you over the phone this morning Mr. Sherlock Holmes that I did not want to see you. I don't want to see anyone.
Je vous l'ai dit au téléphone, Sherlock Holmes je refuse de vous voir.
You see, honey, you did it, you and this guy.
C'est vous... Vous et ce type.
- I see. Now, how soon after this did you begin to regret your surrender?
Et quand avez-vous regretté d'avoir cédé?
- Yes. - Did you see much of Ruth at this time?
- Avez-vous souvent vu Ruth?
- Did you see a great deal of Ruth during this time?
Avez-vous beaucoup vu Ruth?
So you see what I did in this uniform?
Voilà ce que j'ai fait dans cet uniforme.
... I came to see if you looked as good this morning as you did last night.
Plutôt pour voir si vous êtes aussi belle qu'hier.
Did you see the lady-in-waiting who caught this big fish?
Regardez! Avez-vous remarqué celle qui a pêché le plus gros poisson?
Did you see The Record this morning? Yeah.
T'as lu le Record de ce matin?
How much of this murder did you see?
Qu'avez-vous vu?
Did you ever see this ring?
Vous connaissez cette bague?
Mary did you see this?
Tu as vu Mary :
Did you ever see this before?
Tu as déjà vu ça?
Did you ever see this man before?
On l'a assassinée. Avez - vous déjà vu cet homme?
Why did you come all this way just to see me, Noah?
Pourquoi avez-vous fait tout ce chemin, Noah?
Did you ever see this young composer again?
L'avez-vous jamais revu?
Did you see the one where the guy's riding this motorcycle, so he's fucking her while riding in circles? - Oh, shit!
Tu as vu celui du mec en moto... qui la saute en tournant en rond?
If the nicer people of this town could see you as the children did last night. I know they'd be impressed. They couldn't help but be, and...
Si les gens d'ici vous voyaient comme on vous a vue hier, ils ne pourraient qu'être impressionnés et...
Did you see any different kind of wood? This stuff we got won't burn.
Tu as vu du bois différent?
Did you think it would please me to see you die like this?
As-tu pensé à ma douleur?

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