Get off of her translate French
356 parallel translation
That wasn't all you wanted to get off of her.
C'est pas la seule chose que tu voulais lui faire.
- Get off of her!
- Laisse-la.
Get off of her!
Come on, get off of her.
Lâche-la un peu.
Get off of her.
Enlevez-vous de là!
Get off of her, cowboy.
Lâche-la, bouseux!
- Get off of her!
- Lâche-la.
Get off of her!
Get off of her! She was all I had. I loved her.
Je n'avais qu'elle, je l'aimais.
I want you to get off at Cleveland and cash that check... so I can give Lily her pound of flesh.
A Cleveland, tu encaisses le chèque.
I had a chance to get rid of a girl, so I saw her off on the train.
Fallait que je raccompagne une fille à la gare.
It is simpler to get rid a rival than go knocking off her boyfriends all the rest of her life.
Il est plus facile de se débarrasser d'une rivale que de trucider tous ses petits amis un par un.
In a while she recovered herself and brightened up what with the things I told her to get her mind off the scare and to set her thinking as well of the brave fella that had rescued her.
Elle se remit, et retrouva le sourire... grâce à ce que je lui racontai pour lui faire oublier sa peur... et pour qu'elle ait une haute opinion de son sauveur.
She's goin'off! We're gonna settle things and get her out of here!
Règle les choses, qu'elle se tire.
You married Mother off to the first man that came along to get rid of her.
Tu as poussé Maman a épouser le premier venu pour t'en débarrasser.
Get them tea-party duds off of her. Dress her like the rest in my coffle.
Habille-la comme les autres.
We may as well get started. Babs, get that dreadful thing off of her.
Enlevez-lui immédiatement cette horrible tenue.
I'll get Whitey to knock a fin off every case of booze, you give her the job.
Je demanderai à Whitey de te faire un prix si tu l'embauches.
We just want her to know she's got friends, lots of them. Give her our love and we'll get off your private property, Miss Harrington.
Dites-lui que tous ses amis lui souhaitent un bon rétablissement, et nous quitterons votre propriété.
Will you get her off of that bridge?
Fais la descendre de ce pont?
Get the old lady out of the water and dry her off.
Repêchez la vioque et séchez-la.
to get a last drop of milk off her, and this poor animal is not even milk-giving but blood-shedding and with the last drop of its blood feeds us all, the filmmakers, the TV people, researchers, professors and museum deputies and I don't know who else yet.
et cette dernière goutte de sang fait vivre encore nous tous, les cinéastes, la Telé, les chercheurs, les professeurs, les muséens, je ne sais pas qui encore.
I can't keep on going off to the ends of the Earth to get her back, it... it makes me a laughing stock.
Je ne peux pas continuer à partir au bout du monde pour la retrouver. Je suis une source de moqueries. AGAMEMNON :
Get her off of him.
Get her off of me!
Faites-la me lâcher!
Get her off of me! Get her off!
Faites-la me lâcher!
I bet you she's worried right now and lookin'for you, so why don't you just back off of me and go get her?
Je parie qu'elle est inquiète et qu'elle vous cherche, alors si vous me laissiez pour aller la chercher?
Get off of her!
Why don't you get her married off, by the way? Preferably to a 700-pound Japanese wrestler. That should iron out some of her creases a little.
Marie-la donc... à un lutteur japonais de 300 kg... ça l'assouplira!
Like you said, you know, we just get on the train, get her off... tell the police, let them handle the rest of that stuff.
On va monter dans le train, la faire descendre, avertir la police et la laisser faire. Oui.
Last night, the middle of the night, I get a call from this jerk-off Farley, completely shit-faced some broad stuck her finger right in his eye.
Hier, en pleine nuit, j'ai reçu un appel de ce con de Farley, avec la tête dans le cul. Une gonzesse lui a mis un doigt en plein dans l'œil.
Get her off of me!
- Laisse cette petite tranquille, Tom, tu vas la blesser.
Once she gets that taste of blood in her mouth nothing will get her off this rope till she's ready.
Maintenant qu'elle a goûté au sang, elle ne lâchera plus cette corde.
Get him off of her.
Dégagez-le d'elle!
You get me out of here or I'll blow her head off.
Fais-moi sortir d'ici ou je lui fais sauter la tête.
Get your hands off of her.
We got to get these cuffs off of her!
Va falloir découper la tôle.
She doesn't know how she likes her oatmeal with little bits of cheddar cheese in it... or how she- - [Sobbing] how she kicks off her covers when you don't tuck her in... or how she'll crawl across the floor to get to P.U.
Elle ne sait pas comment elle aime son porridge avec 2 morceaux de fromage... ou comment elle repousse ses couvertures quand on la borde... ou comment elle rampe sur le sol pour avoir P.U.
So I move into the centre lane I get ahead of this woman who felt, for some reason, I'd cut her off.
Je change de file, et cette femme va s'imaginer que je lui fais une queue de poisson.
I'll take her with me! - Get off of me!
La fille va tomber avec moi.
- Get your sister off of her!
– Arrête ta sœur!
I'll soon get another kidney once I've sold off a bit of her property.
J'aurais bientôt un autre rein une fois que j'aurais vendu une partie de ma propriété.
- Get the fuck off of her!
I was only a kid when Marilyn was at her peak, but in college I used to love sneaking off to the movies... so I could get lost in the magic of those big, luscious blue eyes.
J'étais encore enfant à l'âge d'or de Marilyn, mais au lycée, je séchais les cours pour aller au cinéma et me perdre dans la magie de ses grands yeux bleus.
- Stay out of this and get your hands off her!
- Restez en dehors de tout ça et lâchez-la.
- Calm down! Get off of her.
I think she'd get a kick out of it. Anything to take her mind off those children of hers.
Du moment que ça lui fait oublier sa progéniture.
Get her off of me.
Is it because Wilgis may end up in a mental institution instead of the electric chair, or are you ticked off because you weren't the one to get her confession?
Est-ce parce que Wilgis va peut-être finir dans un hôpital psychiatrique au lieu d'une chaise électrique, ou êtes-vous agacé parce que ce n'est pas vous qui avez obtenu ses aveux?
She told me your brother told her yesterday's race was fixed. Some kind of a payoff to get people off his back.
Votre frère lui avait dit que la course d'hier était truquée pour payer les types qui le harcelaient.
Get her off! Get her off of me!
Dites-lui de me lâcher!
get off me 2009
get off 1731
get off your ass 19
get off the phone 111
get off your high horse 20
get off my back 102
get off my property 50
get off the line 19
get off my case 19
get off the floor 18
get off 1731
get off your ass 19
get off the phone 111
get off your high horse 20
get off my back 102
get off my property 50
get off the line 19
get off my case 19
get off the floor 18
get off the stage 68
get off the car 28
get off the road 27
get off of me 688
get off of there 17
get off my land 19
get off the street 20
get off there 18
get off of him 103
get off it 32
get off the car 28
get off the road 27
get off of me 688
get off of there 17
get off my land 19
get off the street 20
get off there 18
get off of him 103
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get off her 93
of her 26
get out 8488
get out of my way 689
get out there 161
get out of my face 124
get out of jail free 65
get out of the way 1005
get out of here 4222
get off her 93
of her 26
get out 8488
get out of my way 689
get out there 161
get out of my face 124
get out of jail free 65
get out of the way 1005
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get over here 899
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get out of the car 577
get out of bed 37
get out of my sight 141
get out the way 68
get out of it 99
get out of my house 345
get out of my room 85
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get out of the car 577
get out of bed 37
get out of my sight 141
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get out of it 99