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Get them off translate French

1,080 parallel translation
Get them off your face!
Dégage-les de ton visage!
- Frank, get them off of here.
- Frank, viens les chercher!
My patience. Get them off of here.
Frank, viens les chercher!
Frank, you still haven't said when you're gonna get them off.
Frank, tu ne m'as toujours pas dit quand tu viendras les chercher.
That's right! Now get them off!
Tu roucoulais dur.
If they could get them off the ground... if they could launch a saturation attack against this country... we could lose the war at the very last minute.
S'ils peuvent les faire décoller, S'ils peuvent lancer une attaque massive contre notre pays, nous risquons de perdre la guerre à la dernière minute.
But they could still do tremendous damage if they get them off the ground in numbers.
Mais les dégâts seront énormes si elles décollent en nombre suffisant.
Look, if they're on the ship, then we've got to get them off it.
POLLY : S'ils sont sur un bateau, on doit les tirer de là ou...
Could you possibly get them off?
Tu peux pas les enlever?
Won't you get them off?
Tout de suite.
I remember. The nesters were putting up mud huts and Sam Bass was hired by the bad rancher to get them off.
Les colons fabriquaient des huttes de terre et Sam Bass avait été engagé pour les chasser.
- Yes, captain. We've got pain-giving devices attached to us. Can you tell us how to get them off?
Comment se débarrasser de nos appareils de torture?
- Badmouthing me won't get them off.
- M'insulter ne les libérera pas.
And how will they get them off?
- Comment ils feront pour l'embarquer?
- I can't get them off.
- Je n'y arrive pas.
Well, your wheels are on my rug, and I'll thank you to get them off.
En tout cas, elles touchent mon tapis, et j'aimerais qu'elles n'y restent pas.
Get them off.
And your boots, get them off.
Enlevez vos bottes.
Soon as they get through taking that picture, you go over there and get some money off them
Dès qu'ils nous avaient pris, on leur demandait de l'argent.
Us boys, we'd never even mention them in the same breath but every now and then one of us boys would sneak off with a girl and we'd get a little steam out of our system.
On ne les mélangeait jamais. Mais de temps en temps, l'un de nous embarquait une de ces filles et lâchait un peu de pression.
I took them off so I could get dressed!
Je lavais enlevé pour me rhabiller.
Tell me, Mr. Cade, what's the first thing you do when you take over a firm? Pay off all the directors. Get rid of them.
Celui qui l'a tué devait être un proche.
Tell Osborne to get cabins ready for'em. We'll drop them off there on the way.
Dites à Osborne de préparer deux cabines nous les y déposerons.
The town magistrate told us if we don't present the criminal to them, they won't let the Shinsengumi get off easily!
Le magistrat nous a demandé d'apporter un criminel, sinon le Shinsengumi aura des ennuis.
Get yourselves guns and wipe them off the face of the Earth!
Prenez un fusil et supprimez-les.
I must get them, if he refuses to give them to me now... someone or something has scared off Mr Lucius Clark I think that does'nt matter to me he made an agreement
Il me les faut, même s'il refuse de me les donner. Je crois que quelqu'un ou quelque chose fait peur à Mr Lucius Clark. Je m'en fiche, on avait un accord.
Miriam will tell them where to get off, won't you, darling?
Miriam les remettra à leur place, n'est-ce pas?
I don't care who you are, fat man. You get them reindeers off my roof.
Qui que vous soyez, mon gros... faites descendre ces reines de mon toit.
We're not supposed to take them off before we get out.
On ne doit pas les enlever avant de sortir de l'eau.
It's easier to take your clothes off... than get you into them.
Qu'on ne t'habille!
I need more, lots more, Better stop off and get them,
Il m'en faut plus, beaucoup plus. Je devrais aller en chercher.
Are you asking me to kill the rest of them trying to get a deathtrap off the ground?
Et tu veux que je tue les autres en faisant décoller cet avion-suicide?
Through his genius and his inventiveness, he managed to get his machines off the ground, and sometimes he brought them down again.
Par son génie inventif, il put faire quitter le sol à ses engins. Et il put même les y ramener.
We've got to get them refuelled and off to Paris!
Après le plein, ils repartiront.
Tell her to get them off!
Idiots! KNOPF :
It'd start you off on the wrong foot. You get one of them laughing, you won't get nothing else.
Celles-là, si elles rient, on n'en tire rien d'autre.
Get them off the ship!
For me it's enough if I can't hear chickens... or children. I can get them to pull off the chicken's neck
Pourvu que je n'entende ni coqs, ni poules, ni enfants.
Get them clothes off.
Prenez ses fringues!
Tell him we got a general with them. Tell him any damn thing you want. But just get that West Point bum off of my back!
Dites qu'il y a un général avec nous mais débarrassez-moi de cette ganache empaillée!
What if I just get up, if I just leave and tell them to fuck off once and for all?
Si je me levais, si je me tirais et leur disais merde, une bonne fois?
Now get them guns and that tack off of that mule and get them on Big Blue... and I want Billee's sorrel, too.
Prends les fusils, la selle et le harnais de cette mule, mets-les sur Big Blue et je veux aussi l'alezan de Billee.
When they get off the street, kill them.
Quand ils quitteront la rue, tue-les.
When the fellas get off the beach, it'll be waiting for them.
Quand les gars quitteront la plage, voilà ce qui les attend.
If we get mounted up right now and get after them'maybe we could head'em off.
En partant maintenant, on arrivera peut-être à les rattraper.
Just like in marriage, folks, these kids have got to get off by themselves once in a while, but exhausted as they are, it's tougher to stay on their feet alone, so keep your eyes on them, because it may be all over soon for one of these brave, struggling kids.
Comme dans les mariages, ces enfants doivent se débrouiller seuls parfois, mais épuisés comme ils sont, c'est plus dur de rester debout tout seul, alors surveillez-les, car tout risque de se terminer pour un de ces gosses courageux et combattants.
- Get them off me!
- Enlevez-les-moi!
They always was hard as hell to get on. - That damn river sucked them right off.
J'avais du mal á les mettre, mais la riviére les a aspirées.
Like you just take right now, for example... if you want to get that shirt off lice, them things will be overjoyed to do the job.
Tiens, par exemple... si tu veux épouiller cette chemise, elles seront enchantées de faire le job.
Get the ionosphere the hell off the air and get them on!
Foutez-la en l'air, l'ionosphère! Et captez-les, eux!
We'll have to get them first, get into that house, grab Ketcham, and use him to hold the rest off.
D'abord on s'occupe d'eux, puis on entre dans la maison, on attrape Ketcham et on se sert de lui comme bouclier.

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