I knew her translate French
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I knew her, small.
Je la connaissais, petit.
But I knew her as Janet McKellen.
Née McKallen.
I knew her.
Je la connaissais.
I mean, I knew her.
Je la connaissais.
I knew her mole used them to plant the explosives.
Je savais que sa taupe l'utilisait pour installer les explosifs.
As soon as I told her, she knew Ron had put me up to it, she started screaming at him and I just-
Dès que je lui ai dit, elle a su que Ron m'avait chargé. Elle a commencé à crier après lui, et je suis parti.
Yeah, I knew from her name.
J'ai su par son nom.
She knew her attacker, but she didn't I.D. him until we showed her the six-pack?
Elle connaît son violeur, mais l'identifie pas avant qu'on présente la planche?
I knew we should have sent her to St. Mary's.
On aurait dû l'envoyer à St. Mary.
I knew she'd love Abby once she got to know her.
Je savais qu'elle adorerait Abby en apprenant à la connaître.
I knew I shouldn't have let her go alone.
- J'aurais dû l'accompagner. - Ce n'est pas votre faute.
I, I knew it wouldn't hit her.
Je savais que ça ne l'atteindrait pas.
I, I knew it wouldn't hit her.
Elle ne risquait rien.
All those hours studying the scans, rehearsing the operation, and I never knew that she had a broken heart tattoo because of an old boyfriend, or that she fractured her arm horseback riding when she was a kid,
Toutes ces heures à étudier les radios, à répéter l'opération, et je n'ai jamais su qu'elle avait... un tatouage de coeur brisé à cause d'un ancien petit ami, ou qu'elle s'était fracturé le bras à l'équitation
We both knew she couldn't cut it, so I had to let her go.
Nous savions toutes les deux qu'elle n'y arriverait plus, donc... J'ai du la laisser partir.
I knew you wouldn't hurt her.
Tu ne l'aurais pas tuée.
I think Senator Mitchell associations or one of its killed her, because he knew something very important.
Le sénateur Mitchell ou un associé l'a tuée car elle savait des choses.
I never knew her.
Je ne l'ai pas connue.
I knew Gill couldn't keep her mouth shut.
Je le savais, Gill n'a pas pu se la fermer.
- Oh? - And if she knew where I was, this man, he'd kill her to find out.
Si elle savait où je suis, cet homme la tuerait pour le découvrir.
If she knew, she... I'll have lost her!
Si elle savait, je la perdrais!
I took one look at her, and I knew she was in labor... and too young and naive to know it.
Je l'ai regardée et j'ai vu qu'elle était en travail... et trop jeune et naïve pour le savoir.
As soon as I went in to check on her, i knew that there was something wrong.
Je suis allé la voir, je savais que quelque chose clochait.
And she knew that I found her, so she came back for me.
Et elle a su que je l'avais retrouvé, alors elle est revenue.
I never knew her, though somehow she lives on within me.
Je ne l'ai jamais connue et pourtant, elle vit en moi.
This other victim, it was a one-night stand, I literally knew her for one night.
L'autre victime, c'était une aventure d'un soir, littéralement.
I knew you had slept with her.
Je savais que tu avais couché avec elle.
She wanted to know if I knew about this Girardin guy and whether her mother was so in love with him that she would destroy her family and her business.
Elle a voulu savoir si j'avais déjà entendu parler de ce Girardin, pour comprendre si sa mère aimait ce type au point de tout plaquer, détruire sa famille et son entreprise.
Did you tell her to sleep with Martin Newall? I knew nothing about that.
Je n'étais pas au courant de ça.
Okay. Aaron, I never said anything because I knew you really liked her, but I hated Katie.
Aaron, je n'ai jamais rien dit parce que je savais que tu l'aimais vraiment mais je détestais Katie.
I knew how great her life was : family vacations, a two-year accredited college in Iowa City, a job in the tallest building in Scottsdale and business trips everywhere from Tulsa to glamorous eastern Lake Erie.
Vacances en famille, deux ans de fac à Iowa City, un boulot dans la plus haute tour de Scottsdale et des voyages d'affaires partout, de Tulsa au très chic lac Érié.
She knew I was building a case against her, and this was her way to attack my credibility.
Elle savait que je montais un dossier contre elle, et c'était son moyen d'attaquer ma crédibilité.
Of course, I knew the answer to that... I was dating her.
Bien sûr, je connaissais la répons Je sortais avec elle.
She knew I was going to be upset because I don't think the father's around, so she was frightened that I'd judge her.
Elle savait que j'allais m'énerver car je ne pense pas que le père soit là, elle avait si peur que je la juge.
I never knew if he did it for her or if he did it for me.
Je n'ai jamais su s'il l'a fait pour elle, ou bien pour moi.
I knew this thieving slut would get her hands on it sooner or later.
Je savais que cette traînée l'aurait, tôt ou tard.
I was happy to read them and to understand her better, but the woman I knew was different.
J'ai été heureux de les lire et à mieux la comprendre, mais la femme que je connaissais, c'était différent.
I knew you still loved her.
Je savais que tu l'aimais encore.
I knew by the way you looked at her at dinner last night,
Je l'ai vu à la façon dont tu la regardais.
I knew she'd tell you. Well, you're her best friend.
Je savais qu'elle te le dirait.
All I know is... It was someone who knew her business was struggling.
Tout ce que je sais... c'est que c'était quelqu'un qui savait que son affaire était en difficulté.
- Ma'am, please. If I knew she were pregnant, I wouldn't even have tried to get her out of the house.
Si j'avais su qu'elle était enceinte, je ne l'aurais même pas mise dehors.
If I knew I wouldn't have hired her.
Si j'avais su, je ne l'aurais pas embauchée.
Yeah, well, I'm not the one who went on a six-day juice cleanse and then felt the need to tell everyone she knew how much they disgusted her.
Ce n'est pas moi qui suis allé faire une cure de jus de 6 jours et ai ensuite voulu dire à tout le monde qu'elle savait à quel point ils la dégoûtaient.
I knew that her bite wasn't lethal but I hadn't counted on the massive hallucinations.
Je savais que sa morsure n'était pas mortelle mais j'ignorais qu'elle provoquerait autant d'hallucinations.
I never knew this much about the Evil Queen'cause I don't think this much existed, so it's been a lot of fun playing this iconic character, growing up and seeing her my whole life.
Je n'en ai jamais su autant sur la Méchante Reine Parce que je ne pense pas que ça ait existé ça à été drôle de jouer ce personnage emblématique, avec qui j'ai grandit toute ma vie.
I knew a prison outbreak would cheer her up.
Je voulais lui remonter le moral.
You knew that this day would come. Well, I didn't think it was gonna come this fast, and I don't know what to say to her, okay?
Je m'y attendais pas aussi tôt et je sais pas quoi lui dire.
I sort of knew her mother, Liz.
Un peu à sa mère, Liz.
I knew nobody could ride her like I could.
Je savais que personne ne pourrait la monter comme je le faisais.
I knew about her family before I sent you to plainview.
Je savais pour sa famille, avant de t'envoyer là-bas.
i knew it 3235
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew it was you 83
i knew you could do it 105
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you'd come 123
i knew you had it in you 28
i knew it was coming 17
i knew it all along 22
i knew you'd like it 33
i knew it was too good to be true 27
i knew it was you 83
i knew you could do it 105
i knew something was wrong 68
i knew you'd come 123
i knew you had it in you 28