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Pipe down translate French

629 parallel translation
Pipe down!
- Pipe down, you. You make me sick.
- Fermez-la, vous me rendez malade.
Hey, pipe down, you mugs.
Moins fort, bande d'abrutis.
Pipe down. Listen!
Just a minute. Pipe down, will you?
Bouclez-la, vous m'entendez.
- Why don't you guys pipe down?
- Bouclez-la. - Extinction des feux.
[WHISPERING] Pipe down.
Pipe down.
- All right. Now pipe down, will ya?
- La ferme, tu veux?
Pipe down your mug before I...
Baisse la voix avant que je...
- Pipe down.
- Tais-toi.
Aw, pipe down.
Somebody told him to pipe down.
Je sais pas, mais il doit la boucler.
Pipe down, but go ahead. I'm waiting.
Baisse le ton, mais continue.
- What's going on? - Pipe down, pipe down. - What's the charge against these men?
Je savais que M.Doyle serait l'homme de la situation.
Pipe down.
Moins fort.
- You'll hang if you don't pipe down.
Ils te pendront si tu te tais pas.
- Pipe down.
- Ecrase!
- I'm gonna break this thing- - Pipe down.
Je vais te la démolir.
Dr. Flagg's busy right now, but pipe down and I'll take you.
Le Dr Flagg est occupé, mais taisez-vous, je vais vous installer.
Pipe down, please.
Silence. Silence.
Pipe down. Now, one at a time.
Ne parlez pas tous en même temps.
Pipe down, big shot.
All right, then pipe down and come on.
- Alors arrête et viens.
Pipe down, I look silly enough.
Tais-toi, j'ai eu l'air assez bête!
Stacey. Pipe down, I'll talk to you later.
On causera après.
Hey, pipe down.
Parle plus bas.
- Pipe down, Pinky.
- Tais-toi, Pinky.
Pipe down.
Tais-toi donc.
Tell them to pipe down.
Dis-leur de faire moins de bruit.
- You pipe down.
- La ferme.
Pipe down.
Pipe down.
Pipe down and get back there.
Calme-toi et retourne dans le rang.
You pipe down.
- Quiet. Pipe down.
Moins fort.
- Pipe down. What's the matter with you?
Que vous arrive-t-il?
Pipe down, will you, please?
La ferme! Il va t'entendre!
Pipe down, Pop. This is a break for me.
- Chut, papa, c'est ma chance.
For the last time, will you pipe down?
Pour la dernière fois, silence!
- Will you pipe down?
- Boucle-la!
Pipe down.
La ferme.
Hey, pipe down.
Hé, fermez-la!
She can hear every word you say down here, up through this pipe, so keep quiet.
Elle entend tout ce que vous dites ici grâce à ce tuyau, alors baissez le ton.
I got out down a rain-pipe.
J'ai descendu une gouttière.
- Pipe down.
- Calme-toi, tu veux?
- Pipe down, want the flapper to hear?
- Hey, pipe down.
Down 800 feet and run out of pipe.
A 250 mètres, et je suis à court de tuyaux.
He must have slid down the rain pipe.
Il a dû glisser par la gouttière.
Down the pipe.
Par la gouttière.

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