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Put that gun away translate French

100 parallel translation
Put that gun away. Put that gun away.
Rangez cette arme!
Ed Willis, you put that gun away.
Ed Willis, rangez votre arme.
Put that gun away.
Posez ce revolver.
Put that gun away, Ballister.
Rangez cette arme.
Put that gun away!
Posez cette arme!
Put that gun away! C'mon, let's get out of here.
Rentre ce revolver et file!
- Mrs. Hill... Now put that gun away or you'll be hanging my trophy room.
Rangez cette arme ou vous finirez dans ma salle des trophées.
- l'll try if you put that gun away.
Rangez d'abord votre arme.
Put that gun away, Tom.
Range ton revolver, Tom.
Buffalo Bill, you'd better put that gun away before your Mom sees it, she'll tan you a hide.
Buffalo Bill, range ce pistolet avant que ta mère ne le voie, sinon il va t'en cuire.
Now, you put that gun away.
Pose ce fusil!
- Put that gun away.
- Rangez ce revolver!
- Put that gun away.
- Rangez cette arme.
Put that gun away.
Jette cette arme.
And you can put that gun away.
Rangez votre pistolet.
Will you put that gun away?
Veux-tu bien ranger ce pistolet?
Put that gun away.
Rentre ce fusil.
If you don't put that gun away, the court of enquiry on this will give such a pranging, you'll be lucky to be wearing the uniform of a toilet attendant!
Si vous ne baissez pas ce fusil, - - Ia cour martiale vous passera un tel savon, que vous finirez en train de laver les toilettes.
Put that gun away!
Rangez ça!
Would you put that gun away?
Je vous en prie, rangez cette arme.
Put that gun away. You might get hurt And I hope your mother allows you to stay out late else...
Rengainez cet instrument, vous pourriez vous blesser et j'espère que vous avez l'autorisation de votre mère pour sortir le soir, sinon moi, je descends
Put that gun away.
Range cette arme.
Put that gun away before you get us into real trouble.
Pose cette arme avant de nous causer des ennuis.
Put that gun away. You're being ridiculous.
- Posez votre arme, vous êtes ridicule.
Otherwise put that gun away and get out of here.
Sinon, range ton arme et sors d'ici.
Put that gun away.
Rangez-moi cette arme.
Put that gun away.
Pose ce revolver!
So why don't you put that gun away?
Aussi, pourquoi ne rangez-vous pas cette arme?
Will you put that gun away?
Pose ce pistolet!
- Put that gun away.
- Range ce pistolet.
Would you put that gun away?
- Tu veux bien ranger cette arme?
Put that gun away at once, Winthorpe.
Posez tout de suite ce fusil, Winthorpe.
Put that gun away.
Range ce revolver.
You want to put that gun away, friend.
Tu ferais mieux de ranger ce pistolet, mon ami.
Put that gun away now!
Jake, range ce flingue.
Why don't you just put that gun away.
Si tu rangeais ton flingue?
You put that gun away!
Posez ce pistolet!
Goddamn it, Doug, put that gun away.
Merde, Dou g, range ton arme.
Put that gun away!
Mick, pose ça!
Put away that gun, you dummy.
Pose cette arme, andouille.
Put that gun away, Frankie.
Je ne vais pas te tuer. Pose cette arme, Frankie.
- Put that gun away!
- Lâche ton arme!
Put that gun away! We're in enough of a jam as it is.
Laisse ce revolver.
That's why I say, put the gun away.
Donc je dis, baisse ton arme.
- Put that away. You don't need a gun.
- Vous n'aurez pas besoin de ce fusil.
You can put that gun away.
For heaven's sake, put that silly gun away.
Rangez ce pistolet ridicule.
Put that fuckin'gun away.
Range-moi ce pétoire, putain.
Put that goddamn gun away, Smith.
Range ce putain de flingue, Smith.
Put that gun away.
Pose ce flingue!
- Put that fuckin'gun away!
- Dave, range ce flingue!

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