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Translate.vc / English → French / [ P ] / Put that gun down

Put that gun down translate French

305 parallel translation
- Put that gun down. - Stay there or I'll plug ya.
Pas un geste ou je tire.
- Put that gun down, Amanda.
- Pose ce fusil.
- Put that gun down.
- Posez ce fusil.
- Put that gun down, Amanda.
- Posez ce fusil.
Put that gun down, Earl.
Lâchez ce pistolet, Earl.
Put that gun down.
Déposez cette arme.
Put that gun down, Amy.
Baisse ce fusil, Amy.
Put that gun down, or they'll kill us.
Lâche ce flingue ou ils vont nous tuer.
- Put that gun down.
Will you put that gun down and get out of here?
Voulez-vous bien poser ce pistolet et sortir d'ici?
Certainly not. And I'll thank you to put that gun down now and leave.
- Non, alors rengainez et partez.
I should put that gun down if I were you.
A votre place, je lâcherais ce pistolet.
You put that gun down, please.
Veuillez poser cette arme au sol.
Put that gun down!
Rafael, pose ce fusil.
Calmez-vous et jetez votre arme.
What are you doing? Put that gun down.
Qu'est-ce qui te prend?
Put that gun down!
Lâchez ce fusil!
- Please put that gun down!
- Pose ce pistolet!
Put that gun down, boy. It ain't no toy. Shit!
Pose ce flingue, c'est pas un jouet, merde!
Put that gun down...
Pose cette arme...
Put down that gun!
- Posez cette arme.
Put down that gun!
Posez ce fusil.
I'll give you three to put down that gun.
Je vous donne jusqu'à 3 pour poser cette arme.
- Put down that gun, Rogers.
- Pose cette arme, Rogers.
Come on, Rogers, put down that gun.
Allez, Rogers, pose cette arme.
Put down that gun, will you, before you get nervous and...
Posez ce fusil, avant de vous énerver et...
Well, put down that gun.
Rangez cette arme.
You'd better put that gun down, lady.
- Posez cette arme.
A sweetheart. Put down that gun and have a chair.
- Vous êtes un chou.
- Put that gun down.
- Baisse ce revolver.
- Gunther, put down that gun.
- Gunther, posez cette arme.
- Put that gun down.
- Pose ce revolver.
Put down that gun.
Posez ce fusil.
Put down that gun, Vienna.
Posez cette arme, Vienna.
Put down that gun, Doctor Martin. I'm warning you, Colonel, come any closer and I'll kill him.
Je vous préviens Colonel, si vous vous approchez, je vous tue.
Pidge, put down that gun and get some water for your grandfather.
Pidge, pose ce revolver et va chercher un verre d'eau.
Put that gun down.
- Arrêtez!
No, now put that gun down!
- Pose ça!
Count Saknussem, in the name of your great ancestor, put down that preposterous gun.
Comte Saknussem, au nom de votre ancêtre, lâchez cette arme ridicule.
You better put down that gun.
Jetez cette arme.
Otto, put down that gun.
Otto, lâchez votre arme.
Put down that gun.
Pose cette arme.
Put that damn gun down and stand these boys the whisky.
Baisse ce foutu flingue et sers le whisky à ces hommes.
Put down that gun, you murderous animal!
Posez ça, espèce d'animal!
If you'll just put down that gun and come along quietly.
Posez cette arme et venez gentiment.
Put down that gun.
ça se voit, non?
Put down that gun!
Pose cette arme!
I'm warning you, lady. Put down that gun, now!
Je vous préviens...
- Put that gun down!
Pose ton fusil!
Put that gun down!
Tu es fichu!
I put $ 50 down on that gun.
J'ai versé 50 dollars sur cette arme.

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