So much so translate French
66,663 parallel translation
Kennedy's gonna appreciate it so much. Thank you.
Kennedy va être contente, merci.
Listen, Mr. Lyon, thank you so much for letting us use this space.
Écoutez, M. Lyon, je vous remercie de nous avoir laissé utiliser cet espace.
Okay, well, that's by helpful. Thank you so much for your time.
Ce fut très utile.
Why's that so much to ask?
Pourquoi est-ce trop demander?
You are in so much shit when I get back here.
Ça va chier quand je reviendrai.
I took so much shit back then, you have no idea.
J'en ai pris plein la gueule, vous n'avez pas idée.
I know I've not been good at the dad thing, but I love you so much, Daze.
J'ai pas trop assuré comme père, mais je t'aime tant, Daze.
I missed so much of that and I can't make up for missing that time, and I'll never forgive myself for it.
J'ai raté tellement de choses, je ne peux pas me racheter, et je ne me pardonnerai jamais.
If any one of you even so much as belch when you shouldn't, I will be there.
Si l'un de vous rote quand il ne devrait pas, je serai là.
And I am so much sadder than the rest of you. "
Je suis bien plus triste que vous. "
So much. I remember when I used to see you and I..... I felt like my body was bursting.
Je me rappelle quand je te voyais et que... je sentais mon corps exploser.
Not powerful so much as..... proud.
Pas fort, plutôt... fier.
So speaks the gambler who loves to lose as much as he loves to win.
Ainsi parle le joueur qui aime autant perdre que gagner.
- Thank you so much.
- Merci beaucoup.
I love you so much.
Je t'aime tellement.
You loved me so much you gave me the most incredible gift.
Tu m'aimais tant que tu m'as donné le plus incroyable cadeau.
There's so much blood. - I need a clamp.
- J'ai besoin d'un clamp.
And... They had him on so much different stuff there.
Et... on lui a fait prendre tant de trucs.
Why did they hate each other so much?
Pourquoi se haïssaient-elles autant?
So, thank you so much.
Alors, merci beaucoup.
You two have so much in common.
Vous avez tant en commun.
There's so much ham up there I'm gonna have to go to my rabbi this afternoon and atone.
Elles surjouent tellement que je vais devoir aller voir mon rabbin pour expier.
Isn't it because you knew that it was precisely the thing that would worry me so much that I'd say anything to talk you down?
N'est-ce pas parce que tu savais que ça m'inquiéterait tellement que j'aurais tout fait pour te calmer?
Where'd you learn so much about lawyering?
Où avez-vous appris tout ça?
Thank you so much, Jimmy!
Merci beaucoup, Jimmy.
So much for good luck.
Tu parles d'une chance.
This column gives a proximate origin... uh, and as you can see, uh, much of time, I couldn't be sure, so I just wrote "ambient."
Cette colonne donne l'origine approximative. Comme vous le voyez, souvent, je ne suis pas sûr. Je marque "environnement".
I feel like I'm learning so much.
J'apprends tellement.
So, how much faith do you have in billionaire boy's computers?
Donc, quelle foi as-tu dans les ordinateurs d'un milliardaire?
Oh, thank you, thank you all so much.
Oh, merci, merci beaucoup.
Thank you so much for getting up with her last night.
Merci beaucoup d'être resté avec elle la nuit dernière
I shed blood for them, and they decided I knew too much, so they sent Copeland to kill me.
J'ai versé du sang pour eux et ils ont décidé que j'en savais trop, ils ont donc envoyé Copland pour m'éliminer.
Thank you so much for covering for me.
Merci d'avoir menti pour moi.
She would wail all day and night, she was in so much pain.
Elle gémissait toute la journée et la nuit, elle souffrait beaucoup.
You've accomplished so much,
Tu as fait tant de choses.
I love you so much, Elizabeth.
Je t'aime tant, Elizabeth.
Of course, anyone's welcome to try out, but Betty's already got so much on her plate right now and being a Vixen is kind of a full-time thing.
- N'importe qui peut se présenter. Mais Betty a déjà beaucoup de pain sur la planche. Être une Vixen, c'est à plein temps.
I know you don't do birthdays, but Archie and I are having a few of Jughead's friends over at Archie's house. And I bet it would mean so much to Jughead if you came.
Je sais que vous n'aimez pas les anniversaires, mais Archie et moi invitons des amis de Jughead chez Archie, et je parie que Jughead aimerait beaucoup que vous veniez.
Why do you hate your birthday so much, Jug?
Pourquoi tu hais tellement ton anniversaire?
And as much as I like Jughead, I am so glad that you are done with that family.
J'aime bien Jughead, mais je suis ravie que tu ne voies plus cette famille.
He's as much my family as you are, more so right now.
Il est ma famille, autant que toi. Et même plus, ce soir.
- Oh, shit. So much for Mr. I Never Miss.
Ben alors, M. "je rate jamais"?
Why do you care so much about this?
Pourquoi tu veux m'aider?
You just said you have so much clutter, You don't know what you have.
Vous venez de dire qu'il y a plein de désordre, vous ne savez pas ce que vous avez.
The thing is, I just... Don't think you should spend so much time here.
Le fait est que je... ne pense pas que tu devrais passer autant de temps ici.
Hey, I just wanted to thank you so much for the dresses.
Je voulais juste te remercier pour les robes.
I feel like I don't do it very often'cause sam's always gone so much.
J'ai l'impression que je ne le fais pas très souvent parce que Sam est toujours loin.
So I do apologize if I've inconvenienced you, but I'd very much like to go home now.
Donc je m'excuse si je vous ai gêné, mais j'aimerais rentrer à la maison.
And Madeleine... she reminded me so much of her.
Et Madeleine, elle me faisait tellement penser à elle.
If you care so much for me, why are you yelling?
Si tu t'inquiètes pour moi, pourquoi tu hurles?
So, yes, it would be fair to say I pretty much hate Joy Pettybon.
Donc, oui, on peut dire que je déteste Joy Pettybon.
so much fun 46
so much 519
so much the better 74
so much has happened 21
so much for 27
so much money 21
so much pain 26
so much more 31
so much for that 32
so much better 45
so much 519
so much the better 74
so much has happened 21
so much for 27
so much money 21
so much pain 26
so much more 31
so much for that 32
so much better 45
so much blood 34
sorry 58639
solo 156
something went wrong 81
sofia 386
sonia 229
sort 19
so cute 228
solis 98
sola 22
sorry 58639
solo 156
something went wrong 81
sofia 386
sonia 229
sort 19
so cute 228
solis 98
sola 22