Whatever it's called translate French
105 parallel translation
Maggie, will you take Forty Years an Ohio Butcher or whatever it's called?
Maggie, veuillez prendre 40 ans de boucherie en Ohio, c'est bien ça, le titre?
Give me the hotel, whatever it's called.
Passez-moi l'hôtel, ou cet endroit, là.
- Well, try and think. Isn't there anyone that you know that you can get in touch with over there... or on the other side or whatever it's called who can advise you?
Ne peux-tu contacter quelqu'un là-bas... dans l'au-delà, qui te conseille?
I know. Well, when you are a duke, you just come and show me your crown, or whatever it's called and then I'll feel awfully silly, won't I?
Quand tu seras duc, tu viendras me montrer ta couronne ducale, et j'aurai l'air d'une idiote!
Charlotte, Mona's having a little get-together later on at our house, and she and Freddy Beale and some others, are having a jam session, or whatever it's called.
Mona reçoit ses amis tout à l'heure. Des jeunes, bien sûr.
You've obviously called us here for something and i would welcome hearing whatever it is.
Vous nous avez fait venir pour une raison. - J'aimerais savoir de quoi il s'agit.
Well, whatever it's called, it's very illegal. We'll both end up in Holloway. You think there's a chance?
J'ai beaucoup travaillé sur ses dents, et je jurerais que ce travail est bien le mien.
Condon says there's never been any money cleared for anything called ECOMCON or whatever it is.
Aucune somme n'a été allouée... pour la création de l'ECOMCON.
Three, the Earth is being drained of it's energy by this so-called planet Mondas whatever it's called.
Trois, l'énergie de la Terre est absorbée par cette prétendue planète Mondas, ou je ne sais quoi.
Including a half a bottle of rosé vin... or wine or whatever it's called.
Avec une bouteille de "rosé vin", du vin, ça se dit comme ça.
Suddenly I had an insight, or whatever it's called.
Soudain, j'ai eu comme une révélation. Appelle ça comme tu voudras.
They can't wait till tomorrow to foreclose on whatever it's called.
Ils n'en peuvent plus d'attendre demain pour la saisie.
Listen... because of a man called Suzujiro or whatever... I don't think it's right for you to talk badly about your parents.
Écoutez, ce n'est pas á cause de ce Suzujiro qu'iI vous faut dire du mal de vos parents.
Were you ever in the Free Cuba movement or whatever it's called?
Avez-vous participé à ce comité pour Cuba...
Whatever it's called, Daddy can't get it.
Quoi qu'il s'appelle, papa ne peut pas l'obtenir.
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"Oui, je suis Daniel", et ça commence, hein? "enchanté", et commence ce qui peut terminer en... enfin, à condition qu'elle s'appelle Esther si elle s'appelle Alicia, elle continue son chemin, et même si on l'appelle Esther parfois elle ne réalise pas....... une fois, il y en avait une qui s'approchait, je l'ai appelée Esther elle s'est retournée et m'a dit : "Je suis José Luis" et rien ne s'est passé parce que c'est pas pour moi ce type de ni ce type ni aucun type, enfin, c'est pas mon genre, mes parents m'ont élevé d'une certaine façon et j'ai su les récompenser en honorant, disons....... ils m'ont élevé dans la liberté de penser ce que j'ai envie mais les choses se passaient d'une certaine façon il fallait aussi respecter son prochain, parce que chacun peut faire ce qu'il veut de sa vie, non?
And you're not in jail, or solitary, or whatever it's called?
Et t'es pas en prison, en isolation, ou je sais pas quoi?
And this... dress, or whatever it's called...
Et cette robe- - Si on peut l'appeler comme ça- -
Whatever it's called when you realize the choices you thought you had in life were already made.
Ce qui arrive quand on comprend que nos choix de vie sont faits d'avance.
Whatever I do, it's always coming from my end... and I feel like, if I never called you... I'd fall off the face of the earth, and we wouldn't be friends anymore.
Mais ça vient toujours de moi, je crois que si je ne t'appelais pas, je n'existerais plus et on ne serait plus amis.
Well, whatever it's called... it's beautiful. Koomer Creek. Yeah.
koomer Creek.
Well, whatever it's called, it's beautiful.
En tout cas, c'est magnifique.
Yeah, well, fortunately for you, not too many people I know read your little Time magazine, or whatever it's called.
Heureusement que très peu de gens lisent ton petit... Time Magazine!
It's sold out, whatever it's called.
Sûrement épuisés, quel qu'en soit le nom.
Well, I mean that she threatened to send her back to rehab or whatever it's called.
Le fait qu'elle l'a menacée de la renvoyer à cette espèce de désintox.
But as I was lookin'at the place, whatever it's called...
Mais alors que je visitais cet endroit, quel que soit son nom,
Yeah, only mine's a fruit, or a half-fruit, whatever it's called.
Sauf que le mien est une tante, ou une demi-tante.
or whatever it's called.
ou comment ça s'appelle.
Look, they know you gave Andy the fry, or whatever the fuck it's called.
Ils savent que tu as donné des joints trempés dans du fluide à Andy.
I don't know how to be in the power position or whatever it's called.
- Merci. Steven, c'est pas grave.
We went to junior high or middle school or whatever it's called together.
On est allé au secondaire ensemble.
Or to confess, or whatever it's called.
Me confesser... ou peu importe comment ça s'appelle.
Tour the house, make a long distance phone call, whatever, it's called relaxing.
Visite la maison, fais un appel téléphonique longue distance, ça s'appelle se relaxer.
There's that dropper thing. Whatever it's called... A cream.
- II y a cette pipette, là, je sais pas comment elle s'appelle...
A board was called and heard his case. At the end it was recommended that he be severed from the Air Force although it was also stated that there was no question whatever as to the Lieutenant's loyalty.
Un conseil a alors entendu l'affaire et a jugé bon de le bannir de l'Air Force tout en précisant que cela ne remettait absolument pas en cause la loyauté du lieutenant.
- That's what he called it. Using that word gives you the freedom to do whatever the fuck you want.
- Oui il le définissait comme ça, bien sûr en utilisant ce mot tu peux te permettre de faire n'importe quoi.
Whatever it's called.
Peu importe.
- Whatever it's called. - We can activate that.
- Peu importe comment ça s'appelle.
She's never taken a class on Roman architecture, on philosophy on the austra whatever it's called.
- Non, pas O.K. Elle ne prend pas de cours d'archi ou de philo, ou d'australo-machin.
Hey, you got that- - whatever it's called tonight?
T'as encore un truc, ce soir?
Troy Bolton? Where is your sports posse, or whatever it's called?
Oû est votre troupe de sport?
Yeah, whatever it's called, hosting Vladimir Balanovsky's daughter's wedding will be very good PR for the hotel.
Bien joué. - Quand arrive-t-il?
Whatever it's called, I need it or you get nothing.
Qu'importe son nom, j'en ai besoin ou vous n'aurez rien.
Dylan and Teddy poured pig's blood in assembly to protest the Rwandan genocide or whatever it was called, okay?
Dylan et Teddy ont déversé du sang de cochon au rassemblement pour protester contre le génocide rwandais ou peu importe comment ça s'appelait, ok?
And I don't have a line, or a game or whatever it's called.
Et je n'ai pas de plan de drague, ou je ne sais quoi.
It's called the court. Whatever.
- Ca s'appelle le terrain!
He said he's gonna offer him a 50 % raise plus some medical benefits to help with his albino disease or whatever it's called.
Il a dit qu'il allait lui offrir 50 % d'augmentation plus quelques avantages médicaux pour l'aider avec son albinisme ou peu importe le nom.
Now, this is not your Chinese rose liquor, or whatever it's called. This is Chartreuse. It has been aged for more than 10 years by monks in the French Alps.
Ce n'est pas votre liqueur de rose chinoise, c'est une Chartreuse, vieillie pendant plus de 10 ans par des moines dans les Alpes françaises.
I don't know, he wants a Palme d'Or or whatever the fuck it's called.
J'en sais rien. Il veut la Palme d'Or ou un truc comme ça.
Reverse-feeding or whatever the hell it's called?
Ils se nourrissent de toi, c'est ça?
And Karen, or Kylie, or whatever it's called, est á nailing his claws into our girl as we speak,
Et Karen, ou Kylie, ou peu importe son nom, est en train de lui planter ses griffes.
it's called 789
it's called the 26
it's called a 51
called 487
called it 35
called friends 21
called me 28
called it in 23
whatever 7954
whatevs 49
it's called the 26
it's called a 51
called 487
called it 35
called friends 21
called me 28
called it in 23
whatever 7954
whatevs 49
whatever you say 750
whatever works for you 17
whatever helps you sleep at night 20
whatever you need 442
whatever you think is best 17
whatever works 54
whatever it takes 474
whatever you want 745
whatever do you mean 52
whatever happens 538
whatever works for you 17
whatever helps you sleep at night 20
whatever you need 442
whatever you think is best 17
whatever works 54
whatever it takes 474
whatever you want 745
whatever do you mean 52
whatever happens 538