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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / Where'd you learn that

Where'd you learn that translate French

301 parallel translation
Where'd you learn that?
- Où avez-vous appris à faire ça?
Say, where'd you learn how to punch like that?
Où as-tu appris à frapper comme ça?
Where'd you learn that?
Où que t'as appris ça, toi?
Where'd you learn that one?
Où as-tu appris ça?
- You too. Where'd you learn that right?
- Et d'où vous vient ce coup droit?
- Where'd you learn all that?
- Où tu as appris ça?
Where'd you learn that?
Où tu as appris ça?
For Heaven ´ s sake, Barbara, where ´ d you learn all that?
Dieu du ciel, où as-tu appris tout ça?
Say, where'd you learn that?
Où avez-vous appris ça?
Where'd you learn all that?
Bravo. Vous avez joué dans des feuilletons?
Tell me, where'd you learn to ride like that? Not at court.
Vous êtes bonne cavalière.
Where'd you learn how to play like that?
Qui vous a appris à jouer?
Say, that's good.Where'd you learn to fix such a good Martini?
C'est bon, comment avez-vous fait un si bon martini?
- Where'd you learn that sideline?
- Où avez-vous appris ça?
Where'd you learn that song?
Où as-tu appris ce poème?
Where'd you learn that, Pilot?
Où tu as appris ça, Pilote?
Where'd you learn to play that haunting music?
Où as-tu appris à jouer cette musique envoûtante?
Where'd you learn that?
Oû t'as appris ça?
Where'd you learn to talk English like that?
Où as-tu appris l'anglais?
Where'd you learn that?
Qui t'a appris ça?
Where'd you learn that kind of English?
Où avez-vous appris un tel vocabulaire?
- Where did you learn that?
- Et d'où tu sais ça?
Where did you learn that?
D'où sors-tu cela?
Where'd you learn how to do that?
Où avez-vous appris ça?
Where'd you learn that word, the shrink?
Où t'as appris ce mot? Chez ton psy?
- Where'd you learn to shoot like that?
Gordon, où avez-vous appris à tirer comme ça?
- Where'd you learn to dance like that?
- Où tu as appris à danser comme ça?
- Where'd you learn to shoot like that?
Gordon, où as-tu appris à tirer comme ça?
Hey, where'd you learn a stunt like that?
Quand la tempête est finie...
Hey, where'd you learn to do that?
Hey, qu'espérez-vous faire ainsi?
Where'd you learn to do that?
Où tu as appris ça?
- Where'd you learn that?
Où avez-vous appris ça?
- Where did you learn that stuff?
- D'où tiens-tu ton savoir-faire?
Where'd you learn all that stuff?
Où t'as appris ça?
That's great! Where'd you learn to do that?
Où as-tu appris à faire ça?
Where'd you learn to do that?
Où t'as appris à faire ça?
Where'd you learn that?
- Vous avez appris ca où?
Where'd you learn that?
Où t'as appris ça?
Where'd you learn to talk like that?
Où as-tu appris à parler ainsi?
- Where'd you learn that?
- Où avez-vous appris ça?
Where'd you learn to talk like that, high school?
C'est au lycée qu'on vous a appris tout ça?
- Where'd you learn to do that?
- Où t'as appris ça? - Mission :
Where'd you learn that phrase, in college?
Où as-tu pigé ça? Au collège?
Charlie, where'd you learn to speak that gibberish?
Où t'as appris à baragouiner comme ça?
Where'd you learn to move like that?
Où t'as appris à bouger comme ça?
Kevin, honey, where'd you learn that song?
Kevin, trésor, où as-tu appris cette chanson?
Where'd you learn to do that?
Où avez-vous appris ça?
Where'd you learn that, John Jay College?
Tu as appris ça à John Jay?
Where'd you learn to do that?
Où as-tu appris à faire ça?
Where'd you learn to talk dirty like that?
Où t'as appris ces mots-là?
Where'd you learn how to do that?
Où as-tu appris à faire ça?

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