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Translate.vc / English → French / [ W ] / Where were you yesterday

Where were you yesterday translate French

214 parallel translation
- Where were you yesterday?
- Ou étais-tu hier?
Where were you yesterday?
Où étais-tu hier?
Where were you yesterday?
Ou etais-tu, hier soir?
Where were you yesterday?
Où étais-tu, hier?
Where were you yesterday?
Où étais-tu, hier soir?
"Where were you yesterday at six?"
Où étais-tu hier à 6 h?
Where were you yesterday, Duane?
Où étais-tu hier?
Where were you yesterday morning?
Où étiez-vous passée, hier matin?
Vasiliu, where were you yesterday?
Vasiliu, pour quoi n'est tu venu hier à l'école?
Thank you, Mr. Signal. Where were you yesterday?
Où étais-tu hier?
Vivian, where were you yesterday?
Vivian, tu étais où hier?
Now, where were you yesterday?
Dis-moi où tu étais hier.
What's this, the Eurovision Song Contest? And where were you yesterday?
Alors, le crooner, tu étais où hier?
Where were you yesterday?
Saloperie de chrétien! Trainée.
Where were you yesterday?
Où étais-tu passée hier? Réponds-moi.
- Where were you yesterday anyway?
- Où étais-tu hier?
Where were you yesterday between five and six pm?
Où étiez-vous hier entre 17h et 18h?
Where were you yesterday at the soccer game?
Où étiez-vous hier au match de football?
- Where were you yesterday.
- T'étais où hier?
Where were you yesterday?
T'étais où hier?
Where were you yesterday morning at 830 to 900 a. M? - At home.
Où étais-tu hier matin vers 8h30, 9 h?
Where were you yesterday?
Tu étais où hier?
Where were you yesterday between 3 : 00 and 5 : 00pm?
Où étiez-vous hier entre 15 et 17 heures?
- Where were you yesterday afternoon?
Vous étiez où hier après-midi?
Well, that goal can get you into trouble. Where were you yesterday morning?
C'est dangereux.
- Where were you yesterday at 3 : 00?
- Où étiez-vous hier à 15 h?
- Where were you yesterday at 5 : 00?
- Où étiez-vous hier à 17 h?
- Where were you yesterday?
- Tu étais où hier?
Where the hell were you all yesterday?
T'étais où, hier?
Where were you yesterday evening?
Où étiez vous hier soir?
There were no telephones where you were, Mrs. Kinnian... no post offices until yesterday?
Il n'y avait pas de téléphone où vous étiez, Mme Kinnian, pas de bureau de poste, jusqu'à hier?
Where were you at night the day before yesterday ay?
Où étiez-vous avant-hier soir?
Where were you at 5 a.m., day before yesterday?
Où étais-tu avant-hier à 5 heures du matin?
In any case, ma'am, would you mind telling us where you were yesterday evening?
Cela dit, madame, si cela ne vous embête pas, pouvez-vous nous dire où vous étiez hier après-midi?
Where were you mugged yesterday?
Où t'es-tu fait agresser hier?
Where were you yesterday?
- Où est-ce que tu as eté hier?
That place where you were painting yesterday, where was that, sir?
Où est-ce que vous peignez hier?
Where's the man you were with yesterday?
Où est l'homme avec qui tu étais hier?
- Where were you yesterday?
T'aurais dû sortir hier!
So that's where you were parked yesterday the whole time?
Vous étiez garé ici hier?
I know where you were yesterday.
Je sais où tu étais hier.
- Where were you the day before yesterday?
- Où étiez-vous avant-hier? - lci.
Could you tell us where you were yesterday evening?
Où étiez-vous hier soir?
I wanna know where you were yesterday around 900 in the morning.
Ça va? Dis-moi où tu étais hier matin, vers 9 heures.
Well, you were in such a hurry to drag me off yesterday, you never asked me where I was.
Vous ne m'avez pas demandé mon alibi hier.
The questions that I want to ask you... and we're gonna be asking everybody that saw Miss Chandler yesterday the same questions... and the question is where were you from about eight o'clock last night until seven this morning?
Je vais vous poser les questions qu'on posera à tous ceux qui ont vu Mlle Chandler hier. Les mêmes questions!
And where were we yesterday evening according to you?
Et où étions-nous hier soir, d'après toi?
That's where you were sitting yesterday evening.
C'est là où tu étais assis hier soir.
Judy, where were you yesterday?
Où t'étais hier?
- Where the hell were you yesterday?
Où étais-tu passé hier?
- Where were you at 11 : 00 a.m. yesterday?
- Où étiez-vous à 11 h, hier? - Ici.

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