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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I was here

I was here translate Portuguese

15,170 parallel translation
I was in Brooklyn. Then I was here.
- Eu estava em Brooklyn e depois apareci aqui.
Hey, did you tell anybody I was here?
Disseste a alguém que eu estava aqui?
Alex would kill me if she knew I was here.
A Alex mata-me se souber que estou aqui.
If the Director knew I was here...
Se o Director souber que estive aqui...
I was here once, and it was nighttime.
Estive aqui uma vez e era de noite.
Uh, no, actually, I think it might be connected to a case that I was working on when I was here.
Não, por acaso, acho que pode haver ligação a um caso no qual trabalhei quando aqui estive.
So, how did you know i was here?
- Como sabias que eu estava aqui?
Did you tell anyone I was here?
Disseste a alguém que eu estava aqui?
Erase any evidence that I was here.
Apagar qualquer evidência em como estive ali.
He was doing this the last time I was here with Sands.
Ele fazia isto da última vez que estive aqui, com o Sands.
They knew I was here.
Sabiam que estava aqui.
I made you come all the way here, and it was a stupid idea.
Fiz-te vir até aqui e foi uma ideia idiota.
Hey. Sorry. I know I was supposed to come here straight here from work, what with our bestie Philip roaming the streets, but I thought you'd all be hungry.
Desculpem, eu sei que não devia vir aqui directo do trabalho, enquanto o nosso amigo Phillip anda nas ruas
I ran away because I was attacked, and now you're coming here telling me I'm about to be arrested.
Eu fugi porque fui atacada, agora vens dizer-me que posso ser presa.
When I... Here, I realized that I Iike you more than I was thinking
Quando eu... cheguei cá, percebi que gostava mais de ti do que pensava e isso surpreendeu-me.
I was there that day to make sure that you got here.
Estava lá naquele dia para garantir que chegava aqui.
I was here first.
Já cá estava.
Yeah, well, I wish I was in Oregon, too, but I'm here in Atlanta where it's muggier than a street hooker's twat.
Também gostava de estar em Oregão, mas estou em Atlanta, e é mais abafado do que as partes íntimas de uma mulher de rua.
The, um, food's great here. No, I was talking about Venice.
Não, estava a falar de Venice.
- Yeah. In fact, I was in here.
- Eu estava aqui.
You know who I wish was here right now?
Sabes quem gostava que estivesse aqui?
It was right here, on this very spot, that I was shot with two bullets from an illegally obtained handgun.
Foi mesmo aqui, neste exato local, que fui alvejado com duas balas de uma arma obtida ilegalmente.
I was, thinking on the way over here that I don't wanna do the same speech at every event.
Estava a pensar, a caminho daqui, que não quero fazer o mesmo discurso em cada evento.
So I came here today to tell you, as a courtesy... That what happened to Nucleus, that was not us.
Então vim aqui hoje para dizer-vos, por cortesia... que o que aconteceu com o Nucleus não fomos nós.
And that is why, Alex, I believe that you are the only trainee here who can do what I was never able to do... shatter the glass ceiling.
E é por isso, Alex, que acredito que serás a única recruta daqui que pode fazer o que eu nunca consegui. Ultrapassar barreiras.
Being accepted here was the proudest moment of my life, and that's why I'm so honored to return here to discuss our National Security System.
Ser aceite aqui foi o momento mais orgulhoso da minha vida, por isso estou muito honrada em voltar para falar do Sistema de Segurança Nacional.
Oh, and here I was thinking it hadn't been long enough.
E eu a pensar que não tinha sido tempo suficiente.
- I was dropped here.
- Deixaram-me aqui.
Obviously, Hill was keeping secrets from me, otherwise Vincent wouldn't be on the run and I wouldn't be here, worrying if he's even still alive.
É óbvio que o Hill me estava a esconder alguma coisa, caso contrário... o Vincent não estaria em fuga e... eu não estaria aqui preocupada se ele ainda estará vivo.
I don't know how to explain it, but I died... and I was buried here and reborn.
Não sei como explicar, mas eu morri... e fui enterrada aqui e renasci.
I looked over some of the footage from the drive over here and it was glitchy too just like that, I don't know.
Dei uma olhada nas gravações que fiz desde que saimos, até aqui, e aparecem umas interferências, não sei.
You know, there were these friends that, uh, guys I knew in college, I was trying to get them involved in some things down here, and they wouldn't or couldn't.
Sabe, havia uns amigos, uns tipos que conheci na escola que tentei envolver em algumas coisas aqui, mas não quiseram ou não puderam.
I'm looking for my-my other friend, the other guy who was here with us.
Estou a procura do meu outro amigo, o outro tipo que estava aqui connosco.
When I was last here, many of my best remembered places were already fading.
Da última vez que aqui estive, muitas lembranças já se estavam a desvanecer.
In fact, that was the same day that I did this thing that's meant I'm having to do this business here... with you.
Aliás, foi nesse dia que fiz uma coisa que fez com que fosse obrigada a estar neste consultório. Consigo.
But eventually I realised that s-she was missing something from up here.
Mas acabei por perceber que lhe faltava qualquer coisa aqui em cima.
No, I know that, but was there anyone on the list from round here?
- Mas há alguém na lista que seja daqui?
Mr. Winters, I have a report here stating that one-point-two ounces of crack cocaine was found stuffed inside your mattress during cell check this morning.
Sr. Winters, tenho aqui um relatório a afirmar que encontraram cocaína escondida dentro do seu colchão durante as inspecções às celas esta manhã.
So, what I was thinking was, well, maybe we can make it back here later in the month to see it ourselves, you know?
Então, o que eu pensei foi, talvez possamos vir cá lá mais para o fim do mês para o vermos, está bem?
My parents took us on vacation here when I was, like, ten.
- França. Os meus pais levaram-nos de férias para aqui quando eu tinha, uns dez anos.
But until you came in here, I had no idea Piper was still alive.
Mas até vires aqui, eu não fazia ideia que a Piper ainda estava viva.
I was never here.
Eu nunca estive aqui.
Forget I was ever here.
Esqueço que estive aqui.
I wish he was here.
Gostava que estivesse.
He was- - He was sweet with me even though I had a horrible face and was sitting down here, and everyone was thinking, "That girl is in a really bad mood, she's not interacting,"
Ele foi simpático para mim, apesar de estar sentada com uma cara horrível e todos pensarem :
We used to come here every couple of years when I was a kid.
Vínhamos cá de dois em dois anos quando era criança.
When I couldn't get Fogel on the radio, I started looking and by the time I got here, Fogel was covered in blood.
Quando não me respondeu pelo rádio, fui à sua procura. Quando cheguei, estava coberto de sangue.
No, he was already gone when I got here.
Já não estava cá quando cheguei.
And then I found out she was here.
Depois, soube que ela estava aqui.
When I told Dmitri I was coming here for a conference, he asked me to come talk to you.
Quando disse ao Dmitri que vinha aqui a uma conferência, ele pediu-me para falar consigo.
I knew it was ye letting your dog shit round here.
Só podias ser tu quem deixava o cão cagar por aqui!

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