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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I was just wondering

I was just wondering translate Portuguese

1,518 parallel translation
I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go to the ball with me.
Lembrei-me de te perguntar se queres ir comigo ao baile.
I was just wondering if this guy was helping you to make choices?
Só estava a pensar se este tipo está a ajudá-los a tomar as decisões.
I was just wondering what...
Eu só queria saber...
I was just wondering.
Só estava pensando.
I was just wondering if you had any more of those amazing cakes?
Será que tem mais dos seus bolos deliciosos?
I don't mean to be a pest... but I was just wondering if you could give me a ride to work tomorrow.
Não quero te incomodar, mas podias-me dar uma boleia até ao trabalho amanhã?
I was just wondering, did it hurt at all?
Estava a magicar, se te doeu de alguma forma?
Hi. Um, uh, our son, Byong Sun, he's very shy and I was just wondering...
O nosso filho, Byong Sun, ele é muito tímido, e eu estive a pensar...
I was just wondering if, when I'm too old to be here like this... if my daughter will be here instead, in my place.
Estou apenas a pensar se... Quando for velha demais para estar aqui se a minha filha vai estar no meu lugar
I was just wondering...
- Estava aqui a pensar...
I was just wondering, did you happen to talk to Raymond when he got back?
Estive a pensar, falou com o Raymond quando ele regressou?
Hey, you know, I don't really know what's going on here, but I was just wondering if maybe you could come with me to my office just for a few minutes, I mean,
Sabe, não sei o que está a acontecer, mas estava a pensar se podia vir comigo ao escritório por uns minutos, quer dizer...
Sorry to wake you but I was just wondering if Maria could grab your sheets.
Desculpa acordar-te mas será que a Maria pode desmanchar a tua cama?
Well, I was just wondering what is the difference between these?
Gostava de saber... qual é a diferença entre estas duas?
Look, I was just wondering when you wanted to get together to write up the lab.
Olha, estava só a pensa, quando é que queres ir para o laboratório.
I was just wondering if you'd want...
Estava a pensar se querias...
- I was just wondering if it was a bit... odd for you guys, you know, after you got married?
- Eu só estava a pensar se foi um bocado... estranho para vocês, tu sabes, depois do casamento?
I was just wondering if she said anything about... me or... me or...
Eu estava a pensar se ela teria dito alguma coisa sobre... mim ou...
No, no. I was just wondering about the previous tenant, that's all.
Gostava de saber alguma coisa sobre o anterior inquilino.
I was just wondering how you were doing, that's all.
Queria apenas saber como estava, é tudo.
I was just wondering...
Estava a pensar...
I was just wondering how your day was going.
Só quero saber como está a correr o dia.
I was just wondering if everything was OK.
Só estava a pensar se estaria tudo bem.
I was just wondering if I could just practice a little bit on you.
Pensei que talvez pudesse praticar um pouco consigo.
I was just wondering if that's what happens.
Só estava a pensar se seria isto que acontece.
I was just wondering if I could get a sample of your lipstick so we can exclude you from our investigation.
Eu estava a pensar se poderia pedir-lhe uma amostra do seu batôn. afim de pudermos exclui-la deste caso de investigação
I just noticed that you like the oatmeal, and I come here for the French toast, so I was just wondering, am I missing something?
Reparei que gosta de farinha de aveia. Eu venho cá pelas rabanadas.
Look, I know we've only gone out a couple of times, but I was just wondering if...
Olha, sei que só saímos uma ou duas vezes, mas estava a perguntar-me se...
Um, i was just wondering, is there, uh, a reward for reporting a murder?
Uma pergunta : há um prémio por participar um homicídio?
Ethics and i was just wondering if there was any...
- Queria saber se...
I was just wondering how you'd feel if I went out with Bill.
Será que te importavas que eu saísse com o Bill? - O quê?
I was just wondering, are you having some remodeling done on your house or something? No.
Eu estava pensando, você está fazendo alguma reforma em sua casa, ou algo assim?
And, well, I was just wondering if maybe she said anything or, you know, if she was scared?
Bem, queria saber se disse alguma coisa ou se estava assustada?
Miss Hobson, Stewie's really been acting out a lot at home. And I was just wondering, how's he been behaving at school?
Sra. Ausente, o Stewie tem feito muitas queixinhas em casa, e gostava de saber como se tem comportado no infantário.
I was just wondering if i could talk to you about your husband.
Estava apenas me perguntando, se eu poderia conversar com você sobre seu marido.
Excuse me? Oh, I was just wondering.
- São apenas vocês dois?
I was just wondering if you could run a check on him.
Eu apenas gostaria que você verificasse sobre ele.
I was just wondering, is Rory "in the system" now?
Uma pergunta : a Rory, agora, fica "no sistema"?
I was just wondering.
O Donny vem aí.
I was just... wondering if Ceci was...
Só queria saber se a Ceci ainda está...
Well, frankly, I was wondering if you might just sit and talk...
Na verdade pensei se poderíamos apenas sentar e falar pelo tempo da dança?
Well, just to tell you that I wasn't going to call so you wouldn't... be aggravated, sitting around and wondering when I was...
Bem, só para dizer que não ia ligar para que tu não piorasses... andasses por aí a pensar quando é que eu...
And I was, you know, just wondering, uh... what was that like?
E gostava de saber... como foi?
I was just calling'cause I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out tonight.
... estou a ligar-te para te perguntar se queres sair esta noite.
Just a little while ago I was trimming my roses and looked up... and I saw you there and I was wondering who it was.
- Há bocadinho, estava a aparar as minhas roseiras... e olhei para cima. Vi-a lá e não sabia quem era.
I was just walking around meeting the neighbors and uh, I was wondering, do you know those people with the satellite dish?
Eu estava andando pelo bairro para conhecer os vizinhos e uh, estava pensando, se você conheceria as pessoas que moram na casa que tem Sky?
I was wondering whether we could perhaps keep him inside just the night-time.
Perguntava-me, que talvez pudesse, guardá-lo aí dentro durante a noite.
- We will talk about it, we really will, but Grace has literally just arrived, and I was wondering...
- Falaremos disso, falaremos mesmo, mas a Grace acabou agora de chegar...
I was wondering if you might know a place that I could stay... just for a little while.
Estou a pensar se poderão conhecer um sítio para eu ficar... só por um pouco.
I was just reading your article and, well, I was wondering, would you mind signing it?
Estava a ler o seu artigo e pensei... Não se importa de me dar um autógrafo?
And I was just... I was wondering, can I come live with you and Janet for a while?
Será que podia ir viver Contigo e com a Janeth por uns tempos?

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