I was wondering translate Portuguese
6,581 parallel translation
- I was wondering
- Bem me parecia.
So, we've had a couple of releases from prison in the area over the last few weeks, and I was wondering if any of these names were familiar to you.
- Pois. Tivemos alguns reclusos a sair da prisão, nesta zona, nas últimas semanas, e gostaria de saber se algum dos nomes lhe é familiar.
I was wondering if you might have a copy of the lecture on video.
Não tem uma cópia da palestra em vídeo?
- What's up? - I was wondering. How do you feel about live music?
Diz-me uma coisa, gostas de ir a concertos?
I was wondering if I could pay you a little money to help me bury her in her favorite spot.
Será que, se puder pagar-lhe um dinheirinho... me ajuda a enterrá-la no lugar preferido dela?
And I was wondering if you could help me carry her out there,
Será que me pode ajudar a levá-la para ali
I just flew into town and I was wondering if...
Acabei de chegar à cidade e estava a pensar se...
I was wondering if you'd be here.
Estava a pensar se estarias aqui.
I was wondering when you were gonna make your move.
Estava aqui a pensar quando é que irias aparecer.
I was wondering if I left a good impression the last time we met.
Eu queria saber se tinha deixado uma boa impressão.
I was wondering all day if you would be here.
- Passei o dia a pensar se estarias aqui.
I was wondering. I...
Estava a pensar, eu...
I was wondering whether you'd show up.
Lamento, mas ainda não terminei de torturar o teu querido Kol. Devias começar a correr enquanto ainda podes.
I wasn't able to send flowers so I was wondering if I could donate to the cost of the service.
Não pude enviar flores, por isso queria saber se posso doar uma parte dos custos do funeral.
So, you know, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to,
Estava a pensar se talvez querias...
I was wondering when you'd show up.
Perguntava-me quando irias aparecer.
I was wondering when that was coming off.
Perguntava-me quando isso, ia acontecer.
Mr. Stagg, I was wondering if I could get a quote from you.
Sr. Stagg, pode dar-me uma citação para o meu trabalho?
I was wondering, maybe- - maybe you want to come with me?
Lembrei-me de te perguntar se querias vir comigo.
All right, I was wondering if- - if maybe I could possibly just- -
Estava a pensar se podia, possivelmente, ter...
I was wondering if I could introduce you as my maid of honor.
Estava a pensar numa maneira de te convidar para seres a minha dama de honor.
- Yeah, I was wondering when you'd come visit me.
Sim, estava a perguntar-me quando é que me visitavas.
I was wondering if she'd bring you.
Perguntei-me, se ela te trazia.
I was wondering how that idiot got sick.
Pergunto-me como é que esse idiota ficou doente.
I was wondering what we're doing here.'
Estava a tentar perceber o que estávamos aqui a fazer.
Dr. Choi, I was wondering if you've selected all your apprentices for terraforming yet.
Dr. Choi, o senhor já seleccionou os aprendizes para a terra-formação?
Uh, I was wondering if you, uh, you still need a hand?
Queria saber se ainda precisa de ajuda.
I was wondering when we'd run into each other again.
Perguntava-me quando nos voltaríamos a encontrar.
But before you leave, I was wondering if you could help me with something.
Mas antes de partir, gostava que me ajudasse numa coisa.
I was wondering if you knew what he might do if he were in my situation.
Gostava de saber o que ele faria se estivesse na minha situação.
I was wondering if you still need a hand. _
Queria saber se ainda precisam de ajuda. PROCURA-SE AJUDANTE FALAR COM O COLE
You know, now that I have you, I was wondering if maybe we might talk a little business?
Já que estamos aqui, podemos falar de negócios?
I was wondering when we might get into this.
- Imaginei que teríamos esta conversa.
I was wondering if I could watch it from backstage.
Estava a pensar se eu podia ver-te dos bastidores.
Listen, my ex-wife's throwing an engagement party this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to go...
- Escuta... A minha ex-mulher vai dar uma festa de noivado no fim de semana e queria perguntar-te se queres ir...
Well, actually I was wondering whether you might want to have a drink before showtime.
Bem, na verdade eu estava a pensar se querias tomar uma bebida antes do grande momento.
I was wondering could you have a word with him about Vincent Bourg?
Queria saber se poderia falar com ele acerca do Vincent Bourg.
I was wondering if you...
Perguntava-me se ainda precisaria de um ajudante.
I was wondering when we'd run into each other again.
Perguntava-me quando voltaríamos a encontrar-nos.
I was wondering perchance if you would like to attend the opera with me this Eve.
Vinha saber se, por acaso, gostaria de vir comigo à ópera esta noite.
I was wondering if I'd run into you.
Estava a pensar em ir visitar-te.
By the time I was edging towards 50, I was looking around and wondering now,
Quando comecei a chegar aos 50 anos, olhei em volta e pensei :
I saw she was wearing glasses in one of her Facebook photos, which got me wondering about her eyesight, so I called every optometrist covered under her insurance, found hers, then pretended to be a claims provider to get the receptionist to admit she has a condition called achromatopsia. It causes color blindness.
Ela usava óculos numa foto no Facebook e eu quis saber qual era o seu problema, liguei para cada oftalmologista do convénio, encontrei o seu médico, disse que era um fornecedor e a secretaria admitiu que ela tem daltonismo.
You know, I was just wondering if there was anything else
Queria saber se terias mais alguma coisa,
I was just wondering if it was that year or the year before.
Só queria saber se foi em 2004 ou em 2003.
I was just wondering if you...
Estava aqui a pensar, se você...
Why? Oh, I was just wondering how you were going to manage when the Princess finally arrives.
Perguntava-me o que iria fazer quando a Princesa chegasse.
But that was an hour ago and I changed my mind, sitting here in the dark, wondering if you were in an alley somewhere or wrapped around a tree.
Mas isso foi à uma hora atrás e eu mudei de ideias, eu sentada aqui no escuro, a pensar se tu estavas num beco qualquer ou amarrado a uma árvore. Sei tomar conta de mim.
I had to go see dad all the time and act like everything was normal, all the time wondering, "is he a sociopath?" Come on.
Ia visitar o pai e fingia que estava tudo normal enquanto pensava : "Ele será um sociopata?"
I was wondering who you were talking to.
Perguntava-me com quem estavas a falar.
I was just wondering if Jax talked to her about Juice yet.
Estava a pensar se o Jax já falou com ela a respeito do Juice.
i was wondering if 85
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was thinking about you 32
i was just wondering 282
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was thinking about you 32
i was just wondering 282
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was kidding 211
i was just passing by 33
i wasn't talking to you 127
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was kidding 211
i was just passing by 33
i wasn't talking to you 127