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I was born translate Portuguese

4,171 parallel translation
You know, he started drinking right after I was born.
Sabes, ele começou a beber logo depois de eu nascer.
You think I was born yesterday?
Acha que nasci ontem?
Because I was born eight minutes later than you?
Porque nasci oito minutos depois de ti?
You had a few years before I was born.
Uns anos antes de eu nascer.
I'm a hick from Brooklyn, who's terrified of living... more than 10 subway stops from where I was born.
Sou uma pacóvia de Brooklyn que tem pavor de viver a mais de 10 paragens de metro do local onde nasci.
It's how you got back here, same explosion that brought back the others, except you landed in 1992 which is two years before I was born...
É como voltaste para cá. A mesma explosão que trouxe os outros de volta, excepto a ti, que desembarcaste em 1992, dois anos antes de eu nascer...
Since you like games so much, you'll find it in a place I was born, if not made.
Já que gostas tanto de jogos, encontrarás a informação onde nasci, não criada.
Uh, I was born to liaise, sir.
- Nasci para ligar.
I was born that way.
Nasci assim.
I was born on October 26, 2000.
Nasci a 26 de outubro do ano 2000.
I was born to be Danny's manager.
Nasci para ser o representante do Danny.
Many years before I was born was a time of unrest, and suffering.
Muitos anos antes de eu nascer, houve uma época de agitação e sofrimento.
I was born here.
Eu nasci aqui.
She wrote to me right before I was born.
Escreveu-ma pouco antes de eu nascer.
I was abandoned when I was born, and my adoptive parents kicked me out the second that I turned into a wolf.
Eu fui abandonada quando nasci, e os meus pais adoptivos expulsaram-me de casa assim que me transformei num lobo.
Now, I can't say that I was born, I can't say I grew in a womb or had a childhood, but I was made to feel and I do as much as you.
Não posso dizer que nasci, nem que cresci num útero, ou que tive infância... mas fui feito para sentir, e sinto... tanto quanto você.
I was born in the desert.
Eu nasci no deserto.
My mom had already raised two kids by the time I was born.
A minha mãe já tinha criado duas crianças quando nasci.
Only I was born human and he was born like you.
Só que eu nasci humano, e ele nasceu como tu.
What's that? I have two of them, from a surgery I had to correct misshapen cartilage I was born with.
- Eu fiquei com dois destas, de uma cirurgia correctiva à cartilagem disforme com que eu nasci.
- Year I was born, 1502.
O ano em que nasci, 1502.
She died when I was born.
Ela morreu quando nasci.
I was born like this.
Nasci assim.
When I ´ ll grow up, I'll stay here in the land where I was born.
Quando eu crescer, quero continuar a viver na terra onde nasci.
I was born in this house - - same as my brother, same as all my children.
Nasci nesta casa. Assim como o meu irmão e os meus filhos.
Only I was born human, and he was born like you.
Só que eu nasci humano e ele nasceu como tu.
but then I recalled my father, how he held me in contempt from the moment I was born,
Mas, então, lembrei-me do meu pai. O como ele me desprezava desde que nasci.
Heck, if I was born with them, I'd probably decorate my walls with stolen Van Goghs as well.
Se eu tivesse nascido com eles, provavelmente também decoraria as paredes com os Van Gogh roubados.
That I was born in Atlantis?
Que... nasci em Atlantis?
I was told that she died shortly after I was born?
Ouvi dizer que morreu assim que eu nasci.
No police, no law, and I was born anew.
Sem policia, sem lei, eu renasci.
But I was born an American, and I would like, very much, to be one again.
Mas eu nasci americano, e adoraria, muito, ser de novo.
My father was obsessed with his work as a Man of Letters, and then I was born...
Meu pai era obcecado pelo seu trabalho como Homem de letras, e depois eu nasci...
I was born only, like, a few minutes later than you wolves.
Eu só nasci uns minutos depois de vocês.
I was born there.
- Nasci lá.
I was born this way.
Nasci assim.
You just came to tell me that? I was born in Forli, do you forget?
Nasci em Forli, esqueceu-se?
Did I ever tell you about the day Danny was born?
Alguma vez te contei sobre o dia em que o Danny nasceu?
Oh, Emily. I was not born yesterday.
Emily... não nasci ontem.
She says the answers I want lie in the place that she was born if not made.
Ela disse que as respostas que quero estão no lugar onde ela nasceu, não criada.
I wasn't there when my daughter was born. I wasn't there when...
Não estava presente quando a minha filha nasceu.
♪ That I ever did see ♪ that I ever did see ♪ she was born in Jackson, baby ♪
# Ela nasceu em Jackson, querida
Do you think I was born yesterday? I was born in 2006.
Nasci em 2006.
When my girls were born, that's when I finally figured out what it was to be a man.
Quando as minhas meninas nasceram, descobri finalmente o que era ser homem.
[Nina] It was when Lydia was born, that I began to really want a baby of my own.
Quando a Lydia nasceu, foi quando eu comecei a pensar em ter um bebé.
It's been one week since Jasper was born and I'm nearly catatonic.
Passou uma semana desde que o Jasper nasceu e estou quase catatónica.
The day that Scout was born, I found out that I had advanced breast cancer. It was a tough battle, just surviving. And my husband said, "Is there anything that you want to do?"
No dia que Scout nasceu descobri que tinha um avançado câncer de mama foi uma dura batalha...... apenas sobrevivi e meu marido perguntou : "Existe alguma coisa que queira fazer?"...
I did all the routine tests on Alexis when she was born.
Fiz todos os exames de rotina quando a Alexis nasceu.
Since I was little, all my uncles and aunts called me a natural born artist.
Desde que eu era pequena, todos os meus tios e tias me diziam que eu era uma artista nata.
That's the day that I was born.
É o dia em que nasci.
I was there the day you were born.
Eu estava lá no dia que nasceste.

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