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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I was going to

I was going to translate Portuguese

10,220 parallel translation
And I was scared that I was going to lose you.
E estava com medo de te perder.
I was going to ask her something, but it doesn't matter.
Ia perguntar-lhe uma coisa, mas não interessa.
And when you slept with her, you killed the person that I loved..... and the son that I was going to bring up.
Quando dormiste com ela, mataste a pessoa que eu amei. E o filho que eu ia educar.
The one that I was going to feed on.
Aquela de quem me ia alimentar?
I said I was going to get her, not go look for her.
Eu disse que ia busca-la, não que ia procurá-la.
I was going to take sister!
Eu é que ia tocar na minha irmã!
When my village heard I was going to be a footballer in Europe it was the proudest day in my father's life.
Quando a minha vila soube que eu ia ser futebolista na Europa foi o dia de maior orgulho na vida do meu pai.
I was going to a symposium in Sweden, she said she was headed for... for Bremen.
Eu ia para um simpósio na Suécia, ela disse que estava a ir para Bremen.
I was going to.
Eu estava a ir.
I was going to try and stay in there until you left, but then you started talking about me and I thought you'd want to know I-I was in...
Então ia ficar aqui até saírem... Mas começaram a falar sobre mim... E achei melhor dizer que estava aqui...
I was going to a sleepover, remember?
Eu ia dormir fora lembras-te?
Did he know I was going to hack him?
Será que sabia que o ia hackear?
They cost you your life on Trap Street, Clara, and I was going to make them bring you back.
Eles custaram-te a tua vida na Rua Ilusória, Clara, e eu ia obrigá-los a trazerem-te de volta.
I was going to look for you.
Eu ia à vossa procura.
I don't know where I was going to find bullets for it anyway.
Não sei onde encontraria balas, de qualquer maneira.
When I told you I was going to grad school, I lied.
Quando te disse que ia para a universidade, menti.
I was going to steal your coffee.
Ia-te roubar o café.
By the way, I was going to ask for him on Facebook.
Quase de certeza, que vais colocar no Facebook.
I did not know I was going to produce a monster.
Eu não fazia ideia, mas soltei um monstro.
I was going to give her my venom.
Ia dar-lhe o meu veneno.
- W-W-What do you mean? - I was going to use your ship to destroy the rich assholes that run our society and save my people from the horrors of this yearly festival.
Ia usar a vossa nave para destruir os ricaços que gerem esta sociedade e salvar o meu povo dos horrores deste festival anual.
I told you I was going to set you up.
Eu disse-te que te ia preparar tudo.
Times Square, right in front of the bank I was going to rob.
- Times Square. Mesmo em frente do banco que ia assaltar.
Maybe not as much as I knew I was going to get smelted, but I pretty much kinda sort of really was hoping you were going to save me.
Talvez não tanto como julgava que ia ser derretida, mas de certo modo esperava que me viesses salvar. E tu vieste.
I did it because I knew I was going to survive, and I knew one day I was gonna wake up and say,
Quando ouvi que o Eli Wallach, que é um dos meus amigos mais queridos, um dos melhores atores do mundo, quando ouvi que ele tinha feito o teste disse : " Esqueçam, ele vai ficar com o papel porque é um ator experiente
I bought a gold coin with an Oscar on it, like he was going to win.
E ele disse : "Agora somos os agentes do Sinatra."
Yeah, I was going to get rid of it.
Ia abortar.
I mean, if the girl was going to be beaten up...
Se a rapariga era maltratada...
.. I tried everyone. She didn't say anything to anyone at school about where she was going so I haven't got a clue where...
Ela não disse aonde ia, por isso, não faço ideia onde...
Harvey, if I knew Louis was going to do something like this, and I'm not saying I did, then I would have told him to his face not to.
Harvey, se soubesse que o Louis ia fazer isto, e não estou a dizer que sabia, tinha-lhe pedido para não o fazer.
I always, it was one of my dreams to have a bath like this, going down two steps but this was the only gentle experience I had with my father.
Sempre quis ter uma banheira destas. Dois degraus abaixo. Mas foi a única experiência amável que tive com o meu pai.
I want to know what really was going on...
Quero saber o que aconteceu mesmo e os detalhes.
I'm going to assume that last night was a mistake.
Vou considerar que ontem houve um engano.
- I was just hoping to feel a little bit better before going back to work.
Só queria sentir-me um pouco melhor antes de voltar ao trabalho.
How was I ever going to take my clothes off for a man?
Como é que ia despir-me para um homem?
I thought it was going to change my life.
Pensei que ia mudar a minha vida.
It took me two victims to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing and not going crazy.
Foi preciso duas vítimas para certificar-me que estava ver o que estava a ver e não enlouquecer.
Going to Quantico was the hardest thing I've ever done.
Ir para Quantico foi a coisa mais difícil que já fiz.
I tell you, Hitler was never going to stand for the Jews living here in peace forever.
Hitler nunca aceitará que os judeus vivam em paz.
I thought that was why we were going to the hospital.
Pensei que era por isso que íamos ao hospital.
You seemed normal, Thea, and I swear to God, I thought everything was going to be fine.
Parecias normal, Thea, e, juro por Deus, pensei que ia correr tudo bem.
I was simply going to shatter your home world.
Ia simplesmente destruir o vosso mundo.
I was talking to her when she was going to get a massage. Then she would go to sleep.
Eu falei com ela, quando ia fazer a massagem.
Up! I was going to take the leftovers from yesterday.
When I told you I loved you back in Storybrooke, it was because I thought I was never going to see you again.
Quando te disse que te amava em Storybrooke, foi porque pensei que nunca mais te iria ver.
Listen to me, I don't know what you thought marching in here was going to do other than piss me off, but you're going to march the hell back out because I have better things to do with my time than to explain to you how the world works.
Não sei que efeito esperavas ao disparar por aqui adentro para além de me irritares, mas vais disparar na direção oposta porque tenho mais que fazer do que ficar a explicar-te como o mundo funciona.
[chuckles] I thought your mother was going to feed me to the boars.
Queria que começasses a treinar assim que abrisses os olhos.
I had no idea he was going to do it.
Não fazia ideia que ele o iria fazer.
I was perfectly content living my life all on my own and now I'm going to be eaten by a fish with a lunatic by my side!
Estava todo contente, a viver a minha vida à minha maneira, e agora vou ser comido por um peixe com uma maluca ao lado.
If you're not going to do anything with this bottle of perfume over here, would you mind if I gave it to the girl, seeing as how it was her lifelong dream and all.
Doutor? Se não vai fazer nada com este frasco de perfume, importa-se que eu o dê à rapariga?
I mean, I appreciate your dead witch's hand-me-downs and remembering to feed me, but did you really think I was just going to smile and eat up?
Agradeço as coisas em segunda mão da tua bruxa morta, e que me alimentes, mas achaste mesmo que eu ia sorrir e engolir?

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