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Something's wrong with me translate Portuguese

273 parallel translation
If there's something wrong with you let me help you.
Sou teu irmão. Se se passa algo contigo, deixa-me ajudar-te.
Sometimes when I watch you, I feel that something's wrong with me.
Às vezes quando te observo, acho que existe algo de errado comigo.
Something's wrong with my eyes.
Algo me passa nos olhos.
When Kate won't pick a fight with me something's wrong.
Quando ela näo me provoca, há algo errado.
And there's something very wrong with you for thinking you can talk to me this way.
E há algo muito errado com você para pensar que pode falar deste modo comigo.
Jeremiah, what's the matter something gone wrong with your memory. Don't you, don't you recognize me?
Como assim, bom dia capitão, o que queres dizer?
Chief, I think there's something definitely wrong with 27.
Chefe, parece-me que algo não está bem com o 27.
But you agree with me? Something's wrong at the university. Many things.
Deves concordar comigo, Francis, quando digo que alguma coisa está mal na universidade francesa.
There's something wrong with me.
Há algo de errado comigo.
Something's wrong with me these days...
Há algo de errado comigo nestes dias...
I wonder if there's something wrong with me, I never feel like that.
Haverá algo errado comigo? Eu nunca senti isso.
Think there's something wrong with me or something?
Achas que tenho alguma coisa?
Stop acting as if there's something wrong with me or the way I'm thinking!
Pára de agir como se se passasse algo de errado comigo ou com a minha maneira de pensar!
I was thinking there must be something wrong with me because I've never had a relationship that's lasted longer than the one between Hitler and Eva Braun.
Estava a pensar que não devo ser normal porque nunca consigo ter uma relação que dure mais que a do Hitler com a Eva Braun.
Maybe there's something wrong with me.
Talvez haja algo de errado comigo.
Do you think there's something wrong with me?
Pensa que há algo errado comigo?
I don't know. Sometimes I think maybe there's something wrong with him.
Sei lá... às vezes convenço-me de que há algo de errado com ele.
I'm thinking there's something wrong with me.
Eu penso que há algo errado comigo.
It feels like something inside me gnawing at my guts! - What's wrong with me?
Sinto alguma coisa dentro de mim a penetrar-me as entranhas!
Are you trying to tell me there's something wrong with drinking beer?
Está a tentar dizer-me que há algum mal em beber cerveja?
- There's something wrong with me.
- Eu não estou bem.
There's something wrong with me.
Eu não estou bem.
I mean, if there's something wrong with that, I want you to tell me. You can... No.
Se houver algum mal nisso, podes-me dizer o que é.
I think something's wrong with me.
Jiji, acho que se passa algo de errado comigo.
Something's really wrong with me.
Há qualquer coisa de muito errada comigo.
If there's nothing wrong with me... maybe there's something wrong with the universe.
Se o problema não está em mim pode ser que esteja no universo.
Something's... Something's wrong with me.
Algo está errado comigo.
If they see me with the Sceptre then they'll know something's wrong.
Não nos podem ver com o ceptro, poderíamos ter problemas.
Is something the matter? Because, if something's wrong you can tell me. What's wrong with you?
E o que se passa contigo?
There's something wrong with me.
Algo se passa comigo.
Your mother thinks there's something wrong with me.
A vossa mãe acha que se passa algo comigo.
- Something's wrong with me.
Como se sente? - Há algo de errado comigo.
You're right. Something is wrong with me and it's taking over my mind... and forcing me to say things I would never say... and do things I would never do.
Tens razão, tenho qualquer coisa que está a dominar-me a vontade e a forçar-me a dizer e a fazer o que nunca diria nem faria.
- There's something wrong with me.
- Há algo errado comigo.
Yeah, you're looking at me like there's something wrong with me.
Estás a olhar-me como se tivesse algo de errado. - Não estou.
Something's wrong with me.
- Tenho algum problema?
Why does everybody keep saying there's something wrong with me?
Por que todos teimam em dizer que algo está errado comigo?
Or maybe there's something wrong with me.
Ou talvez haja algo de errado comigo.
Willow, I know there's something wrong with me.
Willow, sei que se passa alguma coisa comigo.
Maybe there's something wrong with me.
Talvez eu tenha algum problema.
Does it sound like something's wrong with me?
Acham que tenho algum problema?
I know there's something wrong with me.
Eu sei que tenho um problema.
And I want to be able to take some chances with my life, without you telling me there's something wrong with me.
E quero poder correr riscos na minha vida, sem me dizerem que tenho um problema.
Something's wrong with me, Aunt Zelda.
Passa-se alguma coisa comigo, tia Zelda.
Doctor, there's something wrong with me.
Doutor, há algo de errado comigo.
I think there's something wrong with me.
Acho que há qualquer problema comigo.
There's something wrong with me, Dad, since I got back.
Há algo errado comigo, desde que regressei.
Something's wrong with my ears. No one is helping me.
Passa-se algo com os meus ouvidos.
Go ahead, unless there's something wrong with it.
Sim, ele devia ter a honra. Este vagabundo? Eu dou-lhe um presente cada dia que não me importo com ele.
Dr Bashir's called me to the infirmary to tell me something was wrong with you, and there you were, lying unconscious on a bio-bed, having visions.
o Dr. Bashir chamou-me à Enfermaria para me dizer que não estavas bem. E lá estavas tu. Inconsciente, deitado numa biocama, a ter essas visões.
I don't report a few scrapes and suddenly Janeway thinks there's something wrong with me.
Eu não conto sobre uns machucados e de repente a Janeway acha que há algo errado comigo.

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