The family translate Portuguese
30,863 parallel translation
We won't have the family that we wanted.
Não teremos a familia que queríamos.
But you're gonna be a great addition to the family.
Mas serás como se fosses da família.
You shame the family name.
Envergonhas o nome da família.
Because the family thinks I'm a threat to them.
Porque a família acha que sou uma ameaça.
the family takes care of those.
Não, é a família.
What if everyone in the family's dead?
E se todos na família tiverem morrido?
We've needed a fighter like you back in the family.
Precisávamos de um lutador como tu de volta à família.
Our sympathies go out to the family. The whole thing...
Estamos solidários com a família.
Welcome to the family.
- Bem-vinda à família!
Just meet the family.
Encontre-se com a minha família.
Welcome to the family, Brian.
- Bem-vindo à família, Brian.
Look, I was just calling to see how things were going, see how the family was.
Olá, eu liguei para saber como é que as coisas têm andado, para ver como está a família.
And if by some miracle we do track him down through the buyer there's no guarantee that the fisherman will talk in time to save your family.
E, se por um milagre nós o encontrarmos, não sabemos se ele falará a tempo de salvar a sua família.
But in the meantime I need every available resource out there searching for your family and that includes you.
Mas enquanto isso, preciso de todos os recursos disponíveis para procurar a sua família. Inclusive o senhor.
It looks like you were either involved in a money laundering scheme or you paid the fisherman to get rid of your family and then you got rid of him.
Parece que se envolveu em lavagem de dinheiro ou pagou ao pescador para matar a sua família e depois matou-o!
Pick up the swine's family!
Apanhe a família desses porcos!
"Mother, Helen Manning, declined the recommended " psychiatric care and family therapy. "
"A mãe, Helen Manning, recusou o recomendado tratamento psiquiátrico e a terapia familiar."
You know, the big family.
Eu sei, uma familia grande.
The staff got a family here to take him in, but he was really raised down here, on the boats, by... this wreck of a human.
Arranjaram uma família aqui que... o levou, mas ele cresceu mesmo aqui, nos barcos, comigo. Pobre rapaz.
I would count it as returning a kidnap victim to his family, but I shall make the call.
Vou considerar como devolver uma vítima à sua família, mas vou fazer uma ligação.
- Nice. That's very touching how you can hijack the machinery of the state to look after your own family.
É comovente como controlas maquinetas do Estado para cuidares da tua família.
The only family I ever had.
A única família que eu já tive.
Is there a recent study you'd like to illuminate the family about, Abigail? - All right.
- Pronto.
Roadhouse has been owned by the Renault family for... For 57 years.
O Roadhouse é gerido pela família Renault há 57 anos.
Roadhouse has been owned by the Renault family for...
O Roadhouse está nas mãos da família Renault há...
Were you looking at the old family pictures again?
Estava outra vez a ver as fotos antigas da família?
The old family...
As fotos antigas...
A man has a right to protect his family regardless of the law.
O direito de proteger a família está acima da lei.
The whole family died in a plane crash.
A família morreu num acidente aéreo.
I'm treating the patient your family admitted.
Estou a tratar o paciente internado pela sua família.
The people from where I'm from believe these ghosts... wander because they've been neglected by their family.
As pessoas de onde vim acreditam que esses fantasmas vagueiam porque foram negligenciados pelas famílias deles.
Half the kids out there get beaten on a regular basis by family or bullies.
Metade daqueles miúdos é agredida regularmente pela família ou por rufias.
In 30 minutes... Kevin's family will enter this room with a priest who will say last rites before the doctor takes him off life support and he dies.
Daqui a meia hora, a família do Kevin entrará no quarto com um padre que lhe dará a extrema-unção antes de o médico lhe desligar as máquinas e o deixar morrer.
I mean, you... you're the only family I have left.
És a família que me resta.
Your father would be ashamed if he could see the way his family was falling apart.
O seu pai ficaria envergonhado se visse a forma como a família dele se está a desmembrar.
- This is the first family I've ever had.
- É a primeira família que tive.
If you thought it was possible to kick my children out the door and steal everything we, as a family, built over the years, then you're sadly mistaken.
Se achaste que podias expulsar os meus filhos e roubar tudo o que a nossa família construiu durante anos, estás redondamente enganado.
Becca Yoo's family kicked her out of the house when she was 15.
A família da Becca Yoo expulsou-a de casa, tinha ela 15 anos.
I know a good family therapist that could help, should any of you survive the night.
Sei de um terapeuta familiar para vos ajudar, caso sobrevivam.
I'm not losing my family to the Hand again. - Danny.
Não volto a perder a minha família para a Mão.
Who would benefit most from the death of the Rand family?
Quem beneficiaria mais com a morte da família Rand?
Everything here belongs to the Gitanjali family.
Tudo isto pertence à família Gitanjali.
But her family has been hiding that from us for the past 1,000 years.
Mas a sua família tem escondido isso de nós desde os últimos mil anos.
Mae, you're a valued part of the Circle, and you're family.
Mae, tu e a tua família são uma parte valiosa do Círculo.
So, she is officially part of the Gravity Subzero family.
Portanto, oficialmente, ela faz parte da família da Gravity Subzero.
The ranch, it's been in my family for four generations.
O rancho está na minha família há quatro gerações.
- His family was killed by the Tuaregs.
Os tuaregues mataram a família dele.
And now, six and a half years later... I finally got her to the foster family, and you know what?
E agora, seis anos e meio depois, finalmente levei-a à família de adopção, e sabes que mais?
But they do run cloth and trade beads to Tangiers with the Scarfe family, and then slaves to Trinidad... from Bunce Island... through Spanish privateers.
Mas eles trocam tecidos e contas com os Marroquinos Com a família Scarfe, E depois escravos de Trinidad...
And by dint of'Corruption of Blood', all family members of the guilty party will be deemed corrupted and any claim to land, property, chattels or investment... will be null and void. "
E, por força da'Corrupção de Sangue', todos os membros da família da parte culpada serão considerados corrompidos e, qualquer disputa sobre as terras, propriedades, bens móveis ou investimentos... será considerada nula e sem efeito. "
I know the money that Sergeant Ortega gave you can't bring back your family.
O dinheiro que o sargento Ortega lhe deu não pode trazer a sua família de volta.
the family business 35
family 1231
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
family and friends 25
family emergency 19
family members 20
family 1231
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
family and friends 25
family emergency 19
family members 20
family reunion 17
family only 25
family stuff 23
family law 16
family history 17
family too 21
family man 38
family meeting 38
family business 42
the floor is yours 27
family only 25
family stuff 23
family law 16
family history 17
family too 21
family man 38
family meeting 38
family business 42
the floor is yours 27
the first one 115
the flash 89
the first time i saw you 26
the forest 35
the first of many 20
the final frontier 122
the floor 53
the first time we met 43
the future 293
the first 240
the flash 89
the first time i saw you 26
the forest 35
the first of many 20
the final frontier 122
the floor 53
the first time we met 43
the future 293
the first 240
the french 76
the front 31
the front door was open 16
the food 120
the fool 54
the father 151
the first day 25
the fuck is this 18
the feds 64
the four 34
the front 31
the front door was open 16
the food 120
the fool 54
the father 151
the first day 25
the fuck is this 18
the feds 64
the four 34
the fire 114
the funeral 36
the facts 28
the fight 31
the fuck 145
the fear 48
the fireplace 19
the fish 60
the funeral 36
the facts 28
the fight 31
the fuck 145
the fear 48
the fireplace 19
the fish 60