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They got married translate Portuguese

231 parallel translation
They got married up in San Francisco, right after Ben got back from Korea.
Casaram-se em San Francisco, quando o Ben regressou da Coreia.
- Yes. They've been together so long, our people thought it was time they got married.
Há tanto tempo que estão juntas que o nosso povo decidiu casá-las.
Three months, they got married.
Em três meses casaram-se.
My Mama and Papa were even younger when they got married.
Os meus pais casaram-se ainda mais novos.
Time they got married.
Já era altura de se casarem.
- Flashback to "How they got married."
- Flashback do "Como se casaram".
- How they got married was this.
- Eles casaram-se assim.
These kids think they're the first generation... that ever screwed before they got married.
Estes miúdos pensam que são a primeira geração... que deu uma queca antes de casar.
They got married!
Eles se casaram!
- Yeah, before they got married.
- Sim, antes de eles casarem.
God. They got married on a boat off the island of Catalina.
Eles se casaram em cm barco na costa de Catalina.
They got married last week.
Casaram-se na semana passada.
But then they got married and it all went to hell.
Mas entretanto casaram-se. E tudo se tornou num inferno.
To anybody with any sense, that means the day they got married.
Para alguém com bom senso isso é o dia em que casámos.
Don't forget, the girls changed their names if they got married.
Não te esqueças que, se casaram, as raparigas mudaram o nome.
They got married... and...
- Casaram e...
They got married right away.
Eles se casaram logo em seguida.
He would take me to the church where they got married, and I'd beg him to tell me more about the ceremony and about my crazy Uncle Irwin, who fell asleep in the macaroni and cheese.
Levava-me à igreja onde tinham casado e eu implorava-lhe que me descrevesse a cerimónia e quando o meu tio Irwin adormeceu em cima do macarrão.
And they, um they got married.
E eles casaram-se.
It would be if they got married.
Será se eles se casarem.
- They got married after graduation.
- Casaram após a graduação.
They got married here, they had children here.
Bom, está bem. Está bem.
It fell in a snake-hole. I think they got married.
O mangalsutra caiu mas parece que os dois já são casados.
Charles, remember the time they had the champagne when the oldest Jones girl got married? This is Sparkling Burgundy.
Charles, lembras-te de quando a mais velha dos Jones casou e eles beberam champanhe?
" They liked each other immediately and got married,
. " Imediatamente ele gostava deles e eles se casaram,
They get married, they got children.
Eles casaram-se. Têm filhos.
- You told your mum? - Are you mad? They think that I well, we got married today...
Nem se imagina que eu... que nós...
They just got married.
Acabaram de se casar.
He's got this hang-up about people having to be married before they can crash together.
Ele tem esse preconceito acerca das pessoas terem de se casar antes de baterem juntas.
It's better off these kids don't get married... because they haven't got the guts to stick with it.
O melhor é que estes putos não se casem... porque eles não têm coragem para viver com isso.
They fell in love, soon got married and my mother gave up the piano to devote herself completely to us, her daughters.
Apaixonaram-se, depois casaram-se e a minha mãe deixou de tocar piano para se dedicar de corpo e alma às suas filhas, a nós.
They got engaged and planned to get married after finishing college.
Ficaram noivos e planeavam casar depois de acabarem os estudos.
They were supposed to get married before he got killed.
Iam casar quando ele morreu.
They want to wed you. They say you'd be docile when you get married. But they got no money.
parece que, uma vez casado, tornar-te-á mais razoável, mas não têm dinheiro.
Think they got married?
Eles chegaram a casar?
Sid got married to mayor Testerman's widow and then the Baldwins they caught him unarmed walking up the steps of the McDowell county court house.
Sid casou-se com a viúva do Presidente da Câmara Testerman. Depois, os Baldwin caçaram-no quando ele subia desarmado as escadas do Palácio da Justiça do concelho de McDowall, e meteram-lhe 15 balas no corpo em plena luz do dia.
I can't. They're the socks I got married in.
Bud, tu não tens encontros, como é que comes?
When I was in college, I introduced three couples... and they all got married.
Quando andava na faculdade, apresentei três casais... e todos se casaram.
Both were college friends.. .. they liked each other and got married in the court.
Eles eram amigos na universidade gostaram um do outro e casaram-se no civil.
They only got married'cause I was born.
Eles só se casaram porque eu nasci.
Se casarmos, recebe o meu dote, e deixam-no ir... poderemos fugir e ser felizes juntos!
They got kicked outta school, they married truck drivers.
Eram expulsas da escola e casavam com camionistas.
They got plenty of the fairest maidens you ever seen that ain't married.
Isto aqui é um belo país.
They fell in love, got married and lived happily ever after.
- Lamento muito. - Aposto que lamentas. Não, a sério que lamento.
You know, when your mother and father got married they were very immature.
Sua mãe e seu pai se casaram quando eram muito imaturos.
They almost got married once before. But amber set the church on fire.
- Eles quase se casaram uma vez... mas Amber incendiou a igreja.
After they broke up, he met Angela, and got married.
Depois casou com a Ângela.
They believed that if a vassal got married...
Se um vassalo se casava...
After they broke up, he met Angela, and got married.
Depois casou com a Angela.
Every woman who got married in the synagogue wore this ring as a symbol that..... she was a queen,..... her husband a king,..... and the home they made a castle, not only on their wedding day,...
Todas as mulheres que casaram na sinagoga usaram este anel como um símbolo de que ela era uma rainha, o marido dela era um rei, e a casa seria um castelo, não só no dia do casamento deles,
They said if you and I got married, we'd be family and I could get you in.
Casando, seremos uma família, e te levarei.

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