Throw them out translate Portuguese
240 parallel translation
Say, look, show him how you throw them out in the aisle.
Bem, olha, mostra-lhe como é que os atiras para a coxia.
I may have to throw them out.
Se vieram, ponho-os na rua!
Throw them out!
Ponham-nos na rua!
- I'll throw them out.
- Expulso-as logo daqui.
If they ask for his resignation, I'll throw them out of the window.
Se não pedirem a demissão, atiro-os pela janela.
If you throw them out of the window I'll throw you off the roof.
Se os atirares pela janela... Enfio-te a cabeça no telhado.
Just walk in there and throw them out.
- Entra na sala e joga-os.
Well, Tony, I can't just throw them out into the snow.
Tony, não posso simplesmente atirar com eles para o frio.
Sergeant, see that they do, and if they don't, throw them out! Yes, sir.
Sargento, veja se o fazem, se não ponha-os fora!
If you won't throw them out I will.
Se não as jogar você, jogarei-as eu.
Guards, throw them out!
Atira com eles, o porco ganancioso.
- throw them out - what?
Deita-as fora.
I can't just throw them out.
Não os posso simplesmente expulsar.
- Yeah, just throw them out.
- Sim, atira-os lá.
Anybody don't like it, throw them out!
Quem não gosta, rua!
Well, you throw them out then.
Certo, então vai deitá-las fora.
That guy over there with the chick in the red, throw them out.
O tipo com a miúda de vermelho, manda-os embora.
- Just throw them out.
- Pois os retire.
- How am I supposed to throw them out?
- Como vou retirá-los?
- Just throw them out.
- Saiam e ponto.
I'll throw them out for you.
Eu deito-os fora por ti.
We don't throw them out.
Não corremos com eles.
So take his books and throw them out the window.
Agarra-lhe nos livros e atira-os pela janela fora.
Throw them out, Eddy!
Põe-nos fora daqui, Eddy!
They tried to throw them out after you left, but I told them "Over my dead body."
Tentaram deitá-las fora depois de vocês partirem mas eu disse-lhes : "Por cima do meu cadáver!"
- Throw them out of the town.
- Corram com eles da cidade.
We`d cut them out electronically, twist them, throw them out of focus and change the brightness.
Nós os cortávamos eletronicamente, torci-los, Jogue-os fora de foco e mude o brilho.
Then throw them out.
Então deite-os fora.
They couldn't escape without them nor throw them out the window.
Não podiam fugir sem elas, nem podiam atirá-las pela janela.
I bet if I throw them out the window, they'll be there tomorrow. No one'll touch them. Even garbage men and burns.
Vou deixá-los lá em baixo no passeio e aposto contigo que amanhã ainda lá estão, ninguém lhes terá tocado, nem os homens das limpezas ou os vagabundos.
And as always throw them out.
E como sempre jogue fora.
Throw them out!
Deita-as fora.
Now understand, it took six of them to throw me out.
Entende, necessitaram-se seis tipos para me tirar.
Throw them out!
Ponham-nos fora!
Throw them all out!
Ponham-nos a todos na rua!
Bring out those fire buckets, throw out the sand, fill them with gas and oil, spread them in the forward deck and light it.
Agarrem nesses baldes, deitem fora a areia, encham-nos de gasolina e petróleo, espalhem pela proa e peguem-lhe fogo. O quê?
Gonna let my eyebrows grow out and throw them back!
Vou deixar minhas sobrancelhas crescerem e jogá.
You've always pricked others and made them suffer! You can't help yourself. We should throw you out, after the mess you've gotten yourself into.
Continuas a atormentar as pessoas... mesmo sabendo que podes ir para a rua!
I've a good mind to push it all in the river and let them throw me out again.
Mais valia atirá-las para o rio e deixar que me expulsem outra vez.
I'll throw them both out together.
Eu já lhes mostro.
Now, take your keys out and throw them over here.
Agora, pegue suas chaves e atire para cá
Why is it some fellas can just throw out a seed and it jumps back at them in bushels, and others, they need a little rain and you can be sure they'll get a flood?
Porque é que alguns tipos conseguem lançar umas sementes e elas saltam de volta em alqueires e outros que precisam de pouca chuva .. e podes ter a certeza que eles vão ter é uma inundação.
Throw them out the window.
Atire-as pela janela.
Throw them out.
Ponha-os lá fora.
We'd throw them over the side. They were washed out and given back to the men.
Atirávamos tudo para o lado, lavávamos e devolvíamos.
Throw them all out now, or she'll die.
Expulse-os daqui ou ela morrerá!
You're not waiting them to throw him out just like that.
- Não lhe dês gorjeta.
One day I will throw them all out.
Hei-de expulsá-los todos de casa.
we had to throw them out.
E tivemos que descartá-los.
We can set up a story where you invite all your friends out and you throw them all in jail!
Podemos inventar a história de que convidas os amigos e mandas prendê-los.
Damn, man, you might as well throw them shits out.
Meu, mais vale deitá-los fora.
throw them away 25
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
outside of work 17
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
outside of work 17
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896