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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / You seen him

You seen him translate Portuguese

2,205 parallel translation
Have you seen him?
Já o viste?
- Have you seen him?
- Viste-o?
Have you seen him?
Já o encontrou? Já o viu?
Have you seen him?
Speaking of which, have you seen him, Doctor?
Por falar nisso, viu-o?
- Have you seen him? - What happened?
O que aconteceu?
- Wang, have you seen him?
Wang, tu já o viste?
Have you seen him?
Listen Lidia, we're looking for a young man, his names Eric Taylor, have you seen him?
Ouve Lidia. Estamos à procura de um jovem. Chama-se Eric Taylor.
Have you seen him?
Você viu-o?
You seen him?
Have you seen him?
Será que o viste?
- Have you seen him? - What his name?
- Como é que ele se chama?
You must have seen him.
Você deve tê-lo visto. Pra onde ele foi?
You haven't seen him, have you?
- Não o viste, não?
I wish you could've seen him in his prime
Havia de o ter visto no seu auge.
You should have seen him, Brother Sergei.
Devíeis ter visto o irmão Sergei.
I don't suppose you've seen him, have you?
Por acaso não o viste, não?
And if you had seen him, if you could have felt him...
Se o tivesses visto, Se o tivesses sentido...
You haven't seen him really blow.
Ainda não o viste quando explode.
I told you I haven't seen him for fifteen years, didn't you take notes?
Já lhe disse que não o via há quinze anos. Não tomou notas?
I wish you'd seen him.
Queria que tu o visses.
! You haven't seen him in two years?
Não o vês há dois anos?
And you keep on after him. He's looking more dapper than I've seen him look in years.
E você, insista, faz anos que não o vejo tão bonito.
- You boys seen him?
- Rapazes, vocês, viram-no?
And I just wanted to tell you that in all the years I've known Francis, I've never seen him like this.
Só queria dizer que desde que conheço o Francis, nunca o tinha visto assim.
You should have seen him, the guy was scared shitless.
Devias ter visto. O tipo estava cagado de medo.
Sure you haven't seen him?
De certeza que não o viram?
no saw him when I went to the jungle to meet my father thought I'd seen a ghost then later, people told me the whole story what did they tell you?
Não. Vi-o na floresta, quando fui ter com o meu pai. Pensei que era um fantasma.
You ain't seen him nowhere since then?
Nunca mais o viste desde então?
I have only seen him look at one other girl the way he looks at you.
Só o vi olhar outra miúda da maneira como te olha.
- Have you seen him?
- You haven't seen him?
- Não o viste?
If you wanted to see him odd turned, you should have stuck around and seen him in high school.
Se queria ver um feitio difícil, devia ter ficado cá e visto como ele era no liceu.
- So, marcellus, you've seen fit to bestow it on him.
Então, Marcellus, parece que está pronto para dar a noticia.
You know I've seen him through his days of glory. You haven't.
Você sabe que eu presenciei os dias de glória, você não.
You must have seen him.
Tu deves ter visto-o.
If you've seen him, please, please, help us.
Se o virem, ajudem-nos, por favor.
I asked him, "Is that not the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?"
Perguntei-lhe, "Não é a coisa mais maravilhosa que já viste"?
Wait, so if Brett doesn't have Skype, have you even seen a picture of him?
Espera, se o Brett não tem o Skype, tu já viste uma foto dele?
Hey, I got to find Proctor. Have you seen him?
Tenho de encontrar o Proctor.
I'm telling you, you should've seen him.
Estou-lhe a dizer. Aquilo só visto.
And you should have seen him when I told him about his wife and kids.
Devias tê-lo visto quando lhe disse sobre a mulher e as filhas.
I hadn't seen him for years, you see. Then, that day, he turned up in Woodleigh Oommon.
Não o via há anos sabe, e naquele dia, ele aparece em Woodleigh Common.
You should've seen the look in his eyes when I told him what I did.
Devias ter visto o olhar dele quando lhe disse o que fazia.
Said she thought Cano was having an affair and wanted to know if I'd seen him - down here at the club with anybody. - What did you tell her?
Ela pensava que o Cano tinha um caso e queria saber se eu o vira aqui com alguém.
Have you ever seen him fight?
Já o viste a lutar?
Haven't seen him, have you?
- Não o viu, viu?
Seen him around much when you dropped off Lisa Pruitt?
Viu-o muito quando deixou a Lisa Pruitt?
You guys haven't seen him?
Não o viram?
Have you ever seen him here before?
Já o viu aqui antes? Espere.

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