You wouldn't like it translate Portuguese
477 parallel translation
I wish you wouldn't take it like this.
Gostava que não encarasse isto assim.
- Oh, you wouldn't like it.
- Não ias gostar.
It's a battle flag and it's a flag of victory. I'm rather proud to be under it. And I wouldn't want to go out in the morning like you and know that I was going to be a traitor to it.
É bandeira de batalhas e de muitas vitórias, eu tenho orgulho... de servi-la e eu não quero sair de manhã com você... sabendo que iria ser um traidor dessa bandeira.
Wouldn't like to play tennis in it, would you?
Não gostaria de jogar ténis com ele.
Oh, you'd like it, wouldn't you, sir?
O senhor gostaria, não?
I guarantee you wouldn't like it if you saw it on the wall, neither would Louie.
Eu garanto que você não iria gostar se visse na parede, nem o Louie.
You wouldn't believe it, Sam, the way those two like each other.
Nem imaginas, Sam, a forma como gostam um do outro.
I knew you wouldn't leave it like that.
Sabia que não ias deixar as coisas assim.
But if anything should happen to you this time, I wouldn't like it.
- Não. Mas se alguma coisa agora lhe lhe acontecesse, eu não gostaria.
You wouldn't like it. The pay's too small.
Não aconselho.
You wouldn't like it down there, honey.
Não ias gostar daquilo lá, querida.
Well, besides, you probably wouldn't like it anyway.
De qualquer modo, não irias gostar.
But maybe it wouldn't have happened if you'd done your job like you said.
- Sim. Possivelmente não teria ocorrido se tivesse feito seu trabalho como disse.
I warned you to work with me, you wouldn't like it much.
Eu avisei-o, é duro trabalhar comigo.
- But you wouldn't like it.
- Mas não iriam gostar.
You'd like to get it renewed, wouldn't you?
Gostarias que o prazo fosse alargado, certo?
You wouldn't like it... and the doc says it's, uh, bad for you to get riled up.
Você não ia gostar! E o médico disse que é mau para si ficar nervoso.
Wouldn't you like to read it, Mr David?
Gostaria de a ler?
If you shot me in the back, your father wouldn't like it.
Se me disparar nas costas, a seu pai não gostará.
And I said I wouldn't. Because it would be like doing you a favor.
E eu disse que não o faria porque seria como um favor.
Well, if it wasn't you, sir, it was somebody so much like you, you wouldn't believe it.
Mas se não era o senhor, era alguém igualzinho a si.
I wouldn't like it very much if you weren't.
Não gostaria que não tivesse ficado.
If you paid for my getting well, he wouldn't like it, so I wouldn't like it.
Se pagasses o tratamento, ele não gostava, e por isso eu também não.
Then if you did get me well and I went to him, you wouldn't like it.
Depois se ficasse boa e fosse ter com ele, não ias gostar.
Were you afraid that Mr. Kimbrough wouldn't like it if you weren't in time for his wedding?
Tinha medo que o Sr. Kimbrough não gostasse se vocês não chegassem a tempo para o casamento?
You wouldn't understand, but it felt like a thousand silver coins!
Você não entenderia, mas me sentia como mil moedas de prata!
I guess you wouldn't like it, either, if you had to stay shut up in a corn crib!
Você também estaria infeliz se estivesse trancada.
If I could make it up, like he'd never come between us, if I could prove to you I wasn't scheming to steal anything, so everything would be the same between us, if I could do it, you'd love me again, wouldn't you?
Se pudesse mudar as coisas, impedir que ele se metesse entre nós, se pudesse provar-te que não foi um plano para te roubar, de modo a que tudo voltasse a ficar como era, se eu pudesse fazê-lo, voltarias a amar-me?
I wouldn't do it like this and you know it.
Sabe que eu não faria isso.
I can`t tell you where l am, because the censors wouldn`t like it.
Não te posso dizer onde estou, os censores não gostariam.
I suppose it wouldn't do any good to show you ID cards a driver's license, things like that?
Suponho que não adiantaria de nada mostrar-lhe os meus cartões de identificação carta de condução, coisas como esta?
You'd cripple me for life. You would like that wouldn't you? You don't think I can make it on my own.
Pensa que não sou capaz de vencer eu próprio.
Did you make up your mind in advance you wouldn't like it?
Decidiste antecipadamente que näo ias gostar?
Wiley said it sounded like Injuns to him, and you know Wiley wouldn't tell a lie,'less maybe there's a little money involved.
O Willey disse que foram os índios, e sabes que o Willey não iria dizer uma mentira. Talvez se houvesse dinheiro envolvido.
Anybody who'd wear a costume like that wouldn't dress up the act she'd steal it from you.
Quem vestisse um fato destes não adornaria o número. - Roubá-Io-ia de si.
Wouldn't you like to explore it first?
Não a queres explorar primeiro?
Wouldn't you like to know how it feels to fly a toy aeroplane?
Não gostaria de saber como se sente voar... num avião de brinquedo?
- You wouldn't like it.
- Não ias gostar.
From what these preachers tell me, where I'm going, you wouldn't like it.
Pelo que estes pregadores me dizem, não ias gostar do sítio para onde vou.
I knew you wouldn't like it.
Adoro. Não é nada o seu estilo, eu já sabia!
You wouldn't think anything of it if we walked round like that all the time, free, unfettered, unashamed.
Não irias pensar isso se nós andassemos assim, a toda a hora, livres, sem fronteiras, sem vergonha.
And if you didn't like it, Mrs. O'Connor, I wouldn't spend the time.
E, se não tivesse gostado, eu não perderia meu tempo.
- but you wouldn't like it there.
Não gostarías.
- I told you, you wouldn't like it.
- Eu disse que não ia gostar.
It wouldn't be right for me to go off and leave you two to the tender mercies of this young monster who's been like no real son at all.
e não seria decente abandoná-los sem mais nem menos à mercê desse monstro que nunca se portou como um verdadeiro filho.
You could. But it wouldn't be a very lover-like thing to do.
Poder, pode-se... mas não seria uma coisa muito digna de um amante.
And you wouldn't like it.
Não irias gostar de saber.
My eyes saw you, and my heart... My heart understood I like poetry, I understand it, but I wouldn't miss the music so much.
Igual magia me uniu a ti, minha cara... no dia em que o meu olhar te encontrou pela primeira vez.
Think of it, wouldn't you like to be so defiled and repulsive for a moment but completely renewed?
Pense nisso, você não gostaria de ser tão sujo e repulsivo port um momento mas completamente renovado?
You'd like it, wouldn't you, Hard-on?
Tu é que havias de gostar, Durão.
It wouldn't be like you're taking me anywhere.
Não é como se me estivesses a levar a algum lado.
you wouldn't understand 308
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't know 44
you wouldn't have 36
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't know 44
you wouldn't have 36
you wouldn't believe it 76
you wouldn't listen 18
you wouldn't believe 17
you wouldn't do that 83
you wouldn't be interested 16
you wouldn't be 24
you wouldn't do it 22
like it or not 353
like it never happened 30
like it was yesterday 28
you wouldn't listen 18
you wouldn't believe 17
you wouldn't do that 83
you wouldn't be interested 16
you wouldn't be 24
you wouldn't do it 22
like it or not 353
like it never happened 30
like it was yesterday 28
like it was nothing 23
like it 260
like it's 21
you will be 199
you well 16
you want some tea 39
you will be dead 18
you want me to come 17
you won't be alone 42
you will regret it 32
like it 260
like it's 21
you will be 199
you well 16
you want some tea 39
you will be dead 18
you want me to come 17
you won't be alone 42
you will regret it 32
you will see 125
you were right 3267
you want to see me 30
you will die 193
you want to talk to me 36
you want to die 96
you will understand 30
you want something 175
you won't believe it 101
you won't get away with it 31
you were right 3267
you want to see me 30
you will die 193
you want to talk to me 36
you want to die 96
you will understand 30
you want something 175
you won't believe it 101
you won't get away with it 31